USA is pig disgusting country, your left wing liberals is the worst political movement since stalinism.
USA is pig disgusting country, your left wing liberals is the worst political movement since stalinism
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all the easier the invade Sergei
I thought you Russian faggots were banned?
I thought you American faggots were shot?
the faggots were
I agree, Russia. We're a horrible fucking country. And I'm not ashamed to say so. Please kill our liberals so we can revert USA back to it's better days when it used to not be a pig disgusting, degenerate country.
stfu before we ban your entire IP range again fucc boi
But he's right, roflmao.
And this is also a form of censorship.
Ah i don't see it so it's not occur here.
Like my govenment or a littel child.
Try to asrgue against it.
And you point is being also a great nation where more people die from misuse of alcohol as in any other country
get a real bait and not something like this.
That is what liberals would do. Ban every "offensive" opinion.
shots fired
Oh vlad, my fucking sides
>And this is also a form of censorship.
>Ah i don't see it so it's not occur here.
>Like my govenment or a littel child.
>Try to asrgue against it.
There's no freedom of speech guarantee when using a privately owned service.
I'm surprised you don't understand this given the social media blackout on anything "racist" in your country.
Nice tripcode faggot
Russia is irrelevant anyway, unlike USA. The whole world is following USA, even if they march straight to the abyss.
at least stalinism turned russia's economy around and got their calander back up to date. liberals don't even know what economy is
No argument here Russbro. We are trying to MAGA though, wish us luck. Tell Putin I said hi! I love that guy.
>Be American.
>Get shot.
you were banned because you're a brain drain on the entire fucking planet
suck it....... jealous much?
This thread is a fairly typical American response
>americans: fucking leftist faggots, why can't we genocide them
>someone else: haha look at your faggot country with all its leftists
Not that I mind, really. Seriously fuck off Ivan
So uh, drugs are bad, Belarus, mmmkmm.
If you do drugs you're gonna be bad, mmmkay. Mmm. Mmmkay.
>your left wing liberals is the worst political movement since stalinism.
In 20 years that will no longer be the case.
kek usa btfo
glory to mother russia
Here ruskiefag...take all of our teabaggers and right-wing degenerates and nationalize them in your shithole. They'll fit in perfectly there, but only then, will America be the leftwing utopia that you described.
Oh, and have trump while you're at it...he'd make a great toy for putin! I'm sure he's getting bored of Snowden by now.
kek Russia is shit and if we went to war we'd fuck you up
>Giving all the sensible and patriotic people away
Enjoy your gibmedats and gay pride parades
The ruskies need to abuse vodka to stay sane there. No really, that's all you can do in a post-industrial shithole like russia...drink vodka till your liver fails..
Shutup cuck. We'll send you over there so Ivan can slaughter you along with the rest of your faggot friends.
Go kill yourself, you're the cancer of this country.
You mean like "Canada and the EU?"
Its your KGBs fault.
not even funny, shitty meme
>Canada and EU
>Sensible and patriotic
Pick one
Just being honest. American no longer needs your're an embarrassment to us civilized Americans. Welcome to an age of Millennial takeover!
I wish I lived in USA. Can I gay marry into citizenship yet? Or do I have to find a woman?
Cant we pick both?
I agree that we have some things we need to work on but I don't really care about your opinion.
you don't need to rub it in
>civilized Americans
Oh you mean the faggots wanting tolerance and multiculturalism which lead to the inevitable collapse of the Roman Empire? Yeah, that sure is civilized, deconstructing civilization and all.
You're only killing us as a nation. Oh, if only apathetic weaklings like you were hanged, the world would be a much better place.
Honorary Australian.
you do not know what you're missing and you act in ignorance. Listen to your elders, don't shut them out because its hip or because a stranger taught you they were evil racists.
I want you to think about that. who taught you your beliefs? Why do you believe them? At what point did strangers embedd themselves into your life as a voice of reason? How are you not a pawn? Can you answer any of these questions truthfully to yourself without a summary dismissal answer of four or five words?
To be fair, everyone kinda sucks outloud here.
>b-but we are strongest country!USA USA USA
russia could obliterate the US "army" in a few weeks, 1 russian soldier is worth 10 americans
.. said the american doing damage control
USA is shit, but there's nothing wrong with fags.
Also, Russia has a cool anthem
but noone wants to live there
Well, if you were educated in the spectrum of ancient history (like me) you would know that it was debt and financial ruin that spurred the fall of Rome in periodic intervals. Rome had expanded to far for its own good and by the reign of Constantine, funding for the Roman legions had diminished greatly. Over the centuries of its decline, Rome had to depend on barbarian armies to make up the lose of their infantry ranks. The senate bartered with tribal leaders and gave part of their empire in return for their allegiance and safeguard Roman interests. Over time, more land was given away, and with less empire to pay taxes, came less revenue to the state. Rome was sacked many times before their eventually collapse and when it finally did; all that remained was the Byzantines...who would themselves to the Arabs. This period in history was known as the Dark Ages.
This mornings education was brought to you by "American Millennials for Change."
So what makes you think that America is shit?
USSR taught them everything they needed to know during the 60's.
lots of religious/right wing nuts, massive propaganda (literally the only country on this earth where creationism and global warming denial have a serious base), no middle class (theres only the upper class that is way spoiled and the welfare niggers, no middle ground)
oh, and of course, although that doesn't affect most burgers personally: your foreign policy.
US and Russia has 90% of world's atomic warheads. This is fucking retarded, considering that only about 1% of these are needed to exterminate most of contemporary humanity for the next 1000 years or so (not to mention other organisms on the planet)
I like the metaphor of a violent retard who sits on a mountain of guns
Now isn't this a lovely fiction? How do you fathom such an outrageous claim as "10 Americans to every Russian soldier?" Are they going to throw empty bottles of vodka at our B2 bombers? Are they going to topple the entire "European Command' with bearded op's soldiers dressed as fat Ukrainian freedom fighters? With what navy can they take on even one Nimitz class carrier...putins vast collection of boats in a bottle? Or will putin ride shirtless atop a brown bear into battle?
I'm shaking at the really, I am.
>religious/right wing nuts
Those degenerates are fading from a bygone ere...soon pro-progress-millennials will take over the American ranks.
>no middleclass
No middle class? We have the largest middle class of any country on earth. Hell, we even invented the fucking social class.
>US and Russia has 90% of nukes in the world
That may be, but neither side will ever be dumb enough to use them. I'd be more concerned about a rising, nuclear equipped china than I would about any cold war nostalgia. Besides...climate change has us doomed already.
Sounds like you're still angry about the NSA, being an American vassal and losing your culture to ours. For what's its have my sympathy on that, but PLEASE do NOT label every American as a bible belt hick That ain't happening.
you should see how pathetic and disgusting our women are
Idk what landwhales YOU'VE been sticking you dick in lately, but obviously, you need to get out more.
Wrong flag you fag
You're not wrong about our Libtard Left, Vladimir