Couldnt have said it better myself

couldnt have said it better myself

Other urls found in this thread:

>australians are brainwashed into literally hating the second amendment


If you want em, you can certainly have em. Thought you were full but I guess I heard wrong.

I left my AR-15 on my counter for a week. It didn't kill anybody. Is there some trick to get it to go kill people?

how are people so in denial about the human right violations in muslim countries?

i just read a article of a dutch girl being arrest in some kebab country because she was raped

i feel like obiwan kenobi constantly having to yell in peoples faces "WELL THEN YOU ARE LOST" when they go full retard



why aren't you taking in more Syrian refugees then bitch?


>a fraction of them
I'd wager everything I own that >50% of goat fuckers wouldn't be against killing faggots.

>implying they cant make pressure cookers into bombs

Suck a dick, fag. Aus stands with our American brothers.


>address homophobia
>regulate assault rifles
>stop muslims from entering America

Why can't we do all three?

Try taking the cock out of your mouth

Yeah whatever faggot, I just bought 10 AK drums, bite me.


I think there was some survey in the UK where 66% of them thought gays should be killed. People need to get over this "moderate muslim" meme.

Intelligent, educated, civilised muslims can see past these teachings, the other 90% however... blindly follow. The trouble is the 90% portion is getting larger and the 10% smaller.

> stop politicizing tragedies!
> did I mention gun control?

Fucking liberals I swear to god.

Yeah this is the only Muslim terrorist attack

Isn't it nice for each country to have its own unique set of laws? That way, you can figure out exactly what place on earth conforms best to your values, and then you can simply go live there.

Why don't liberals celebrate the diversity of the laws of nations?

it is homophobia that is rooted in islam

cant believe the amount of dimwits who are ignoring this very important aspect of this event

I'd get a refund user, your model must be defective.

Last 3 major shootings were Muslims.
> Americans are racists

Muslims aren't a race, ya dumb koala fucker.

Don't worry enough of us know this Cunt is full of shit. Hold onto your guns America, give an inch they'll take a mile.

So we just cut and paste facebook posts by faggots now?

>90% portion is getting larger
>the 10% portion is getting smaller

lol maths genius over here

Fuck off ya pooftah faggot, if you want to go sit with the rest of those dirty cunts then fuck off we're full.
America needs their guns.

hell yeah cunt

I'm not fucking cucked like that fucker across the ditch. It's retarded to take away guns now in America it would never work. Only the law abiding citizens would give up their guns

desu sempi,

>and deport all the shitskins

You will never take guns away from americans.


"Australia" when will this meme end?

Don't you fags have internet filters to keep the badthink out too?

I'm willing sacrifice a few gay lives if that means my shitposting rights remain intact.

kek, do these people not realise that hating gays is mainstream in Islam?

I met two Palestinian friends in Lebanon, told them about my friend who drove me to them then went to see her girlfriend, they giggled so I asked them why and they said "we hate gays". That's just normal.

>microscopic fraction

Yeah millions of people literally hate western culture and people and would gladly destroy you and rape your family but lol stop being racist against a political ideology guys wow.

>microscopic fraction
1/5 or whatever the figure was doesn't need much of a microscope

We're never surrendering our guns.
We're never going to accept Islam.
Piss yourselves crying all you want, it's just not happening.

>simply go live there.

Immigrating to most (first world) countries is a nightmare if you aren't a millionaire, a genius, a super professional athlete, or a refugee.

Just one problem here, welfare.


Daily reminder that the radical muslim wants to kill you, and the moderate muslim only wants the radical to kill you

Stupid French and their second amendment.
Could have totally avoided the charlie hebdo attack and the november attacks if only they gave up their guns.
Silly frogs

A normal society would be discussing how fucked up Islam is. But we're not allowed to because only a minority actually turn to violence.

The father of the killer just came out and said
>This is disgraceful, it is God's job to punish gays
Imagine if that had happened with any other group of people. His son just committed one of the biggest massacres of innocent people in US history and his attitude is that the people he killed were going to be tortured later so his son didn't have to do it.

Yet this shit is good enough for liberals. Most Muslims just fucking hate faggots. They don't want to shoot them. That is Muslims in the western world. In the middle east they will kill them as well.

Weird. Sounds defective.


Yes mate, the Shooter himself was American born. His father though?

Fuck off Ausscunt.

>Pretty much.
holy shit what a cunt

>Discuss homopohobia

Okay, let's talk about Muslims & how they treat gays

>That's racist! only White males are Homophobic!

Yeah, you don't really wanna talk about Homophobia

This. I will pay for an all-expenses paid tour across the Muslim world for one of these liberal women

>Just one though. I don't make /that/ much.

Shapiro smashed this one

>rope: $10
>rental crane: several thousand dollars probably
>schadenfreude: priceless

Wasn't that originally Sam Harris' material? I remember him talking about this on Bill Maher

Shitposting Australian, who would've fucking guessed.

See, isnt the open border policy beneficial to everyone!

Too bad he had to use a gun instead of a bomb.
I'm sure they'd still be bending over backwards making excuses but at least they wouldn't be able to try to make this all about firearms. AGAIN.

No idea, it completely refutes the myth eitherway.

There are some nice Muslims sure, but rather than decry these acts, they defend Islam.

You may be able to play in traffic and not get hit by a car, but its statistically unlikely.

"Moderate muslims" are tall grass, radicals are snakes.

Miniscule :D has this fuckwit ever been to an Islamic country.

Liberals don't even know what salafism is or the fact that Saudi Arabia's population is 99% extremely fundamentalist, nor are they apparently aware of the brutal violent oppression of women, gays, minorities, opposition intellectuals, and non-majority Islamic sects that goes on in all Muslim countries

they handwave the problem as some "miniscule" or "imaginary" subset of the population, without realizing that there are literally millions of extremist muslims

they have no sense of scale

>Muslims just continue to murder people over and over and over
>people continue to make excuses for them and lay the blame everywhere but Islam

This is like someone repeatedly putting their hand on a hot stove eye and blaming the refrigerator for getting burned.

Fuck off Melbourne.

The minute some Muslim shoots up a place it's instantly the gun or homophobia or some other bs. This time both. Religion is not a race. "Oh my god he's criticising Islam he's a racist hur dur"
Do you know how fucking stupid you sound? How mentally fucked that is? Why should Islam not be allowed to be criticised? It's free fucking speech. Then theses idiots come along and say "That's hate speech hur dur" They're 50 people dead because of this pig fucking islamist. 50 people. Liberals need to wake up and realize that Islam is the starting point these idiots have to become radicalised. I'm for freedom of religion but no religion should have exceptions over another. A Christian baker refuses to make a cake for gays it's a national outcry. A Muslim shoots up a nightclub #notallmuslims #Islamisareligionofpeace

well i am glad you cant more bullshit than this retarded apologist.




I come from a Buddhist community in the Asian Steppes. I was raised there till I was 9, then my parents managed to get work over here in Canada I've lived here ever since.

Anyway, from the age of 9 to about 18 I simply saw all of the Canadians around me as barbarians. I saw them as materialistic, selfish and what I found most attrocious was the fact that they ate animals. I couldn't come to terms with the fact that someone that finances the torture of animals could be a good person. In Buddhism, causing suffering without just cause is seen as the downfall of man, and having been raised in this philosophy, I simply couldn't forgive the average Canadian for this, because I was still young.

It wasn't until I was older, 16-18 or so, that I started realising that these people weren't bad, even if they did these terrible things, because that's just how they were raised.

It took me 9 years of being immersed in the Canadian culture and having friends that were Canadian in order for me to figure out that terrible things done in this context aren't knowingly done because they are terrible, but because that's just the Canadian culture. Just the way these folks are.

Us Sweden Germany Canada and the U.S get shit on pol/ a lot and for good reason, why do the Aussy's get let off? they seem just as cucked.

Is it because they are hiding on the other side of the world trying not to be seen?? we see you cucks!!

>Just the way these folks are.

Okay, now imagine that those Canadians are now trying to forcefeed you meat and will kill you if you don't. They will also kill you if you talk shit about meat. Oh, and they'll kill you if you eat phallic-shaped vegetables, too.

Would you still be so accepting of their meat-eating ideology once it becomes violent? "Just how they were raised", right?

it's a stupid double standard. being against a religion isn't racist, no one said anything about the ethnicity of the shooter, just his religion.

> So an American-born citizen legally bought assault weapons

Went through all the regulations you cunts wanted. Licenses and everything.

> Any normal society would be discussing the continued issue of homophobia

Then look at the muslims, not us. We weren't the ones who shot up the club.

> Calling for regulations on Assault weapons.

Yeah, let's regulate knives while we're at it.

God these cunts are so stupid, the majority of Assault rifle owners are white and don't do shit. They're not the ones going out there and shooting people. It's these low IQ morons, who are far more violent then we are, but they'll always fail to recognize that.

Are they really that stupid that they think if they ban guns, that somehow they'll just go away? No, you dumb cunt. The guns are going in the hands of someone else and it's the government, you know? The ones you keep calling systematically racist every few days or so. Do you really think that somehow allocating weaponry from the civilians to the government will fix the problem? As though the government can do no wrong? Are they some kind of alien that can commit no error whilst the rest of humanity is made of some clay in which they are too stupid to defend themselves? Did Holodomor never happen?

> The shooter was born in America

Yeah, and he was pakistani by lineage and muslim by religion, kind of hard to assimilate someone like that into a majority Anglo-Germanic nation. People don't tend to like being surrounded by people different than they are, that's why people banded together with similar individuals and formed NATIONS. Life works in a "they-us" mentality, because THEY are not the same as US. And when you THEM around US, things get hostile, cultures collide and shit like this happens.

Guns don't have shit to do with this, these people should stop jumping around the bush like a bunch of self-righteous retards and actually look at the fucking problem.

Fuck this fucking earth.

>he was american-born !
>nevermind that he's the child of immigrants
>or that statistically 2nd generation muslims are more radical than the 1st
>nevermind that this massacre was still 100% caused by muslim immigration
>he's american so it's americas fault

If even American born Muslims refuse to be integrated and still retain their parent culture, then hoping to ship in new Muslims is going to be even more of a lost cause.

You're right that I'd hate this supposed forced feeding that you speak of and death if I refuse, but then I suspect my father, a man of a medical profession, would have moved to this country, which I count my blessings for. I was simple-minded when I looked down at these folks for what they do due to their culture and upbringing.

With regards to your specific point, I will simply say that suffering will only lay the groundwork for more suffering. This troubled man was of Afghani background and his twisted perception of you noble country probably led him to cause suffering, which will in turn be reflected back into his own community and faith and in turn create more twisted minds like his. The cycle will continue and more blood has to be spilled.

I will not defend these folks for their twisted interpretation of Islam, a religion I do not identify with nor condone for I have many disagreements with it. I will say that the suffering of the Afghanis and the broader war on Muslim countries (not Islam) by the West may have something to do with this attack.

The cycle will continue because it has to. This exactly what humanity deserves.

> Don't worry enough of us know this Cunt is full of shit

No, we don't, this is a shit house anti-fa country that deserves death, suffering, and genocide.

or we glass every muslim and end the cycle. potentially saving billions of lives over the next few centuries. few must die now to save the future

You sure man? I caught mine sneaking off once when it thought I was asleep, gotta watch it closely senpai

>0.8% pop
>Left wants more

Yea no. Nip the bud.


>1.6 Billion

>only a fraction of the muslims have radical views

It's estimated 10-13%. Doesn't seem like much, does it? Wait, no, it's over 100M fucking radicals since there is 1.6B practicing Muslims in the world.

Fuck off, hate foreign cucks who jump on any situation to say "Well let me tell you how your country should work".

God damn I hope Europe gets nuked somehow, but even then, i'm sure they would find a way to blame themselves or "assault nukes".

Fuck these faggots.

Also, if they pull the American thing, be sure to remind them

>Not only that, but a Democrat!

We are such a cucked nation.

I showed my pl once and said that if ordinary Americans hadn't risen up, the 1st world and civilisation wouldn't have occurred as we know it.

>hue dur, yanks are dumb

They literally invented mass capitalism and modern democracy

>hur dur American wars

Saving us from facism, communism and poverty.

From an Aussie, thank you burgers!!!!

>It's estimated 10-13%
Almost 70% of Muslims worldwide support Shariah as the supreme rule of law.
Do you think execution is a suitable punishment for renouncing your faith?
Do you think people should be stoned to death for being unfaithful to their spouse?
Do you think it is just to amputate the limbs of shoplifters?

Do you think those are radical views?

Trump will make everyone pay their fair share for defending themselves. When that happens say goodbye to all those "free" programs, handouts, entitlements


Its because USA takes the burden that keeps the world un-redpilled.

US defending the world and anti-poverty "programs" are like welfare for countries. Everyone wants gibs that's why they're anti Trump.


Fuck off you ass kissing shit.
The world hates this place and sucks up and it's fucking pathetic.

Replace the bullet clips

You have to go back.