ITT: Post your top ten and guess things about others
ITT: Post your top ten and guess things about others
Prolly gay
you like kanye west
check out the new hammock album
also idk other hammock albums
ure an epic le memer xD
>inb4 faggot
>inb4 soyboy
>inb4 virgin
ur gonna hav 2 try harder than that hahahha
is that 1975 album any good? i've heard very mixed opinions on it. also i would guess that you're a very empathetic person, and hate seeing others in pain
you use humor and irony to mask a lot of your insecurities
you spend a lot of time reading
you're an extrovert that has no problems talking to other people
you don't think very highly of yourself
Holy fucking shit how'd you guess that. Im naturally overly empathetic towards everyone, its a problem i'd say.
And about hat 1975 album. It mixes alot of genres including pop punk, funk, shoegaze, ambient, jazz, acoustic, jangle pop, and R&B. Some people say its a "Master of None" album because while its loaded with different types of music, it doesnt execute any of them perfectly. The lyrics are kinda interesting and Matty has character.
Its worth the listen if you have patience. Im definitely in the minority on this board of people who like the album.
But seriously what led you to guess that about my personality im majoring in Psychology so im genuinely interested
ahaha i'm really not sure. i guess it's because i saw the smiths, the cure, and frank on there and went "oh hey, these are emotional albums, i guess that this guy is an emotional dude as well"
You're white?
You often think that others are more interesting to think about then yourself.
Can you tell I'm new to these types of threads?
You enjoy skiing.
this is all I could think of
not white
smokes a lot of weed
puts more money into his car than anything else
>gangsta in the streets
>cries into his sheets
Went through or is still going through horrible depression. Has an SO.
I really like a lot of your choices.
Happily married. Very reflective person. Travels a lot.
Went through a bad divorce. A really bad one. REALLY bad.
Drinks lean instead of water. Has nearly died twice.
Reclusive person. Cigarette smoker. Loves beer and hates cocktails.
Class clown in high school. Now in a job he's very happy with. Friendly.
Was emo in HS.
Would've loved to have been a flower child in the 70s. Parties a lot. Has been on acid multiple times.
Black person. In his 30s. Smokes flavored cigars. Married to HS sweetheart.
Divorce was worse than the first guys. Family member died. Horrible at handling loss.
Has bipolar disorder.
Holds grudges. Wants to strangle someone. Wants to take revenge on someone.
Loves late night strolls and chocolate cake.
>Loves late night strolls and chocolate cake.
this is surprisingly accurate
Probably a pretty chill dude
Well you seem interesting
Subscriber of meme rap daily
Not gay but perhaps femine or at least well groomed
Idk why but I feel like you're 40
Went through an emo phase, never quite got over it
Probably actually at least 40
A man of many cultures
Likes to sit back and drone off
Torn between buying weed or cocaine with every check
I'm too uncultured to comment on this
I smell anime. And its not this egyptian boogieboarding site for once
Relaxed easy going fellow
Cries a lot. Ambiguous sexuality
Well adjusted
Doesn't sleep. Sometimes can't motivate self to get up and eat because you feel so shitty
Dresses in all black and white and thinks that makes you sophisticated
Not content with where you're living
Just finished high school. Thinks they have the best music taste in their friend group
Weeeeed man
Default face is a frown
Lazy. Bad
Lazy. Bad
Lazy. Ok
Has enough friends. Still lonely
Doesn't speak often
Hasn't changed sheets for months
Fuck I'm not proud of it but damnit you're right its been a minute since I've changed my sheets. I'm generally pretty fucking clean but its never something I think about. Like washing behind the ears
holy fucking shit these are all accurate
Does my taste really reveal this much
this guy btw
I only watch popular surface level stuff I swear
>Has enough friends. Still lonely
>mfw it's true
Not a very happy person
Nice enough
Angry about something
fun loving dude who marinates in nostalgia
has done drugs but now is more reserved and confidence
white teenager
nihilistic neet
no bully pls
Huffs paint
This user is Kanye
AFX too tart for your tastes?
Sup Forumstard
you're just starting to exit that phase of your life where you criticize everything that doesnt a deeper more meaningful purpose.
>Yung Lean
you were fairly on top of hypebeast fashion in 2012-2014 but sold all your shit after taking a good look at yourself
+bss +gy!be
good friend
loves train rides
You're spooky
You're like two brothers who constantly try to one-up each other