Why do foreigners insist on "telling" America what I should do?

Ok, before you call me a filthy Pinoy, I'm an American on vacation screwing my brains out for a week.

I've traveled the planet as my career (airline pilot fag checking in) as well as lived full time in several different countries.

Never once did I feel so compelled to scream "GERMANY SHOULD...." Or "AUSTRALIA SHOULD...." Or "IN THE UK YOU SHOULD..."

Yet this board, and even in real life bar conversations I've had with locals on layovers all over the globe, I almost always run into a non American citizen trying to tell me what's best for my country.

I never could fathom this line of thinking.

I don't really care what other conuntries do. Or don't do. That's their business.

If you don't like our firearm ownership laws, you're welcome to simply shut up and and not visit and/or certainly not relocate to The United States.

Are your countries that unimportant you have to focus all your attention on mine ?

Other urls found in this thread:


>I'm an American on vacation screwing my brains out for a week.
Please continue

Because the US is weak.
Everyone is being condescending because you are hated/pitied/disliked by everyone, even by your own.

We're basically the most important country. What we do will ultimately affect other countries in the short and long run.

Also, when can we re-colonize the Philippines? It'd be a step-up from what they've got.

(t. actual flip)

Dear god. Always about the sex.

Here's a little OC....

>Are your countries that unimportant you have to focus all your attention on mine ?
t. I don't care if the planet burns down as long as my house is still standing

If you care about your nation you must care about America since you have all the guns and most of the money. Your politics affects us.

please continue. Your arguments are unquestionably respectable, btw. Only lesser countries can truly criticize.

In this case, I wasn't speaking about our foreign policy.

I remember flying internationally a lot during the 8 years of Bush Jr. and I did encounter quite a bit of anti American sentiment with respect to foreign policy. That was somewhat easier to stomach.

But what I don't understand at all is other country's vehemence of our firearm ownership laws. That's strictly US Domestic policy.

If we want to shoot at each other, why do you other people even care ??

Because the US is strong.
Everyone is being condescending because you are hated/pitied/disliked by members of lesser countries that we shit on regularly, but they still kiss our asses anyway.

You help control our economy, and we don't like that influence you have in deciding whether we succeed or fail

I'll insult you and call you weak, because I feel weak inside.

I see where you're going with this ...

My God, do all women who are remotely Flip have tits that look like that?

The current chick I'm fucking has very similar tits, and she's a MexiFlip.

No. She's an exception in the nice tits deparment. Most are nowhere near they nice looking up top unless they've had surgery.

Libs thinks their feels are unquestionable facts.
This enables them to meddle in other peoples business without regrets.

Criticisng Foreign policy to some extent, I understand.

For example I think Germany's and France's immigration policy spells big trouble for the future of a stable and Christian Europe.

But why a Brit or an Aussie cares that when I get home, I can go out and buy another AR-15 Over the counter and drive home with it.... This I do not get. It has zero effect on Nigel's life back home.

We love watching a once great nation fall into a self loathing pitiful and pathetic mess.
> fall of Rome
> oh how the mighty have fallen
> can't believe nation of mentally ill fags

Very few of us are self loathing. That vast majority of us who are still proud Americans don't feel the need to scream so on social media.

Visit a nice part of America and you won't find any self loathing Americans.

Please fuck my boipucci Ameribro and turn me into an American

Our country went nuts for voting a gommie.

Shh. Not so loud.

Do you WANT the emus to find you?

Australian also here, if this is what your doing you're either some fat ugly Joe or looking in the wrong spots, I mean even if you're paying for it seriously it's like 30 dollars for a decent girl here

it time we sequestered ourselves from the rest

I didn't get past the flag, goddamn flips

The interest in the US stems from your global standing as western nation #1, your big influence in modern life and your key position in recent history. The reason they give advice is because they feel like in some way they belong to the US, too. They are engaged in the US.

I lived here full time 4 years. It's not even 30 dollars. It's still 1000 pesos for an LT which is approx 25 USD.

Not sure what you're suggesting I'm doing Wong? I had two tons of fun with mine this visit.

Again, I mentioned earlier, I can understand your desire to comment on some of or foreign policies. I feel the same thing every time I have a Tel Aviv layover. Dear GOD it's hard to keep my mouth shut about Isreals foreign policy, but I manage to simply for the sake of having a plesant evening at a bar.

But why on earth a foreigner would comment negatively on our firearms ownership laws, I'll never understand.

Americans don't put spaces before question marks. Fuck off pretender.

Partial, but not all countries think like this: (And really stare at their leftists for this)

Socialism. They want to drag us down to their level and destroy our success.. They want to do it to the Swiss too. After all, Switzerland should be part of the Merkelreich, whether they like it or not. They can't be more successful than Germany, after all they have Swiss Germans who practically speak an mutually intelligible version of German. How dare they not cave into EU pressure.

Fuck your freedom, you should be serf slaves just like our countries and suck refugee cock. How dare you have civil rights protected by your government. How dare you have a successful space program. How dare you be relevant. You're just another tiny irrelevant country just like the rest of us, a bunch of has-beens.

Success breeds jealousy.

I actually like Duterte. Speaks his mind. Kind of like Trump.

But I'm just a sexpat tourist in your country so my views shouldn't be taken into consideration.

not an argument

hey, I understand that it's annoying. guess how life feels surrounded by EU. they tell us all the time how we are supposed to do things

but inherently there is nothing wrong with criticizing a country different than your native one

youre deluded

those leftist idiots genuinely believe that life in murica is terrible

I speak with lots of different people and the general attitude in europe is that murica is a much worse place to live in

Wow dude.

I'm typing on an iPhone and you're concerned with my autocorrect spacing

Jesus Herald you're retarded.

I think there's some truth to this.

I'm reading Adios America (Ann Coulter) and it's infuriating (because most of what she's saying is true).

There really is a push by the 3rd world to lower our standard of living to theirs.

It isn't a criticism that they push, they want to push their political agenda inclusive of "get down at our level." It doesn't apply to Switzerland so much as you guys aren't the "size and scope" of say... China and Russia. Those are two other countries the Merkelreich would love to "bring down to their level" as well. Can't have big non European countries that are so highly relevant.

They feel as thoigh they are americans, too. Globalisation does not only base on political and economical factors, but also socio-cultural.

I honesty have started to notice the "get down to our level, how dare you think you're better than us!" attitude much more for this election cycle. The whole "we wuz empires n sheet" attitude oozes out of some of the Western European countries at times and there's a general condescending attitude.

I mean if you notice how Americans look at Europe for politics, it tends to be along the lines of:
"But the [successful European countries] do this [thing that works for those specific countries and not other countries who implement similar policies]"
"Look at [failed European policy], maybe we should avoid repeating their mistake."

I hear more of the former from a lot of people across the political spectrum. I often remind them that implementing certain policies like that works if you're a small country with a highly homogenous population/high population density ("Have you ever looked at Texas and the Netherlands in comparison?")/etc/etc.

Do you hear Asia and Eastern Europe telling us to ban guns on the account of has-been greatness or "it works for us, you're the retarded country who should stoop down beneath us"?

You're right. No argument.

I've traveled for work and vacationed all over the planet (Africa excluded).

And Asians and certain European countries (Poland, Hungary, Romania, Estonia, ) never try to micro manage USA politics In a bar stool conversation. And in some others places (looking at you Germany...) it seems that's all they want to talk about.

*sigh* another whiny burger that gets bent out of shape finally when something happens to your soil.

EVERYONE does it. No exceptions.

This overblown ego about the US. Do you know why people are fixated on you? Because you're the most powerful, influential nation on earth with a huge landmass.
We're not reading up about the US because we like you.
I read up on world news, it doesn't mean I want to visit or like other countries. I just want some bearing for what's happening around me.

Get your head out of your arse.
When yanks whine about people paying too much attention to them, do you ever flip that and wonder if you're actually not paying enough attention to the rest of the world?

Here's the thing, lad.

You've got me all wrong. Like the full 180 degrees.

As a law abiding multiple gun owning American, I literally don't care at all about the 50 night club deaths. It means about the same to me as a ship full of refugees sinking in the Med. it's a news media sound byte, and then I'm like "what times Seinfeld on?"

What baffles me, is why YOU care??

Let me add, I do understand why you'd might care about our foreign policies. I'm not dumping on you for that.

But why you'd care about about a purely domestic policy like our 2nd amendment, that I sure do don't get.

Leftists want to control and dominate you. It's an overwhelming machinistic urge to them, it's in their DNA for you to be controlled by them. They want to set the rules for your life, they want to be able to reward or punish you. They want to do this globally.

The only reason you haven't noticed much of this is that they have higher priority targets. They would come for your country if they didn't.

>on vacation screwing my brains
Enjoy your AIDS.

I guess so.

They certainly aren't the "live and let live type."

Been doing it for decades. In Thailand too.

HIV is pretty hard to get. Herpes and the clap, well not so much!

But every sexually active kid over 14 has herpes back home anyway, so it's kind of the norm dude.

Hmm I wonder why it is the norm over there...

Because it's human nature to screw away and eventually you are going to stop using condoms every time you do so.

Until they come up with a vaccination herpes and HPV (the warts one) it's not going away, it's only going to get worse.

Funny coming from the UK... Perhaps you could say that ego is inherited.

Never let the Germans manage your politics. You can let them manage their fine German wares but keep them out of politics. Look at German politics internally, it tends to be a clusterfuck and they are the country that produced Engels and Marx.

>the general attitude in europe is that murica is a much worse place to live in
Got any articles that say this? I want to get mad.

Let me point out that Europe "only" has been democratic for the past 100+-ish years. Otherwise only Switzerland has a robust tradition of democracy (We can argue about Greece inventing everything ever all we want. Talk to them if you want to hear about that).

What you're seeing today in Europe is a robust tradition of feudalism and serfdom. They control their own people and speak down to them. They're mere serfs when they're compared to the academic-politician ruling class and they must be used to achieve "a greater goal." We can define that greater goal as anything we want, like degrowth as an apology to oppressed Muslims to stop global warming or some stupid shit. They don't really give that much of a damn about their people and what they think. What you're seeing is the top down leadership case of that applying internationally wherein they want to force their policies onto others (Like the Swiss, Eastern Europe, Russia where they can get away with it and China when they think they're clever). We just hear it even more because for all our stupid fucked up flaws we're still the predominant country as of now. I'm not hubristic enough to claim we'll retain whatever relevance and strength forever (compared to some martian colony in the future (Or nonfuture if everything goes to the shitter) but we are definitely the current "big power" of the three on Earth. Nice, big easy target, right? Doesn't hit back like China or Russia. Doesn't even respond to your criticism by waving a stick angrily or an economic stick. Hell we even like some of their criticism and think some of their policies are good.


its just a common attitude

there are many people like me who like murica but there are probably more people, especially lefties, who believe that murica is worse than yurop

I am politically active y'know and I often bring up examples from the usa and the lefties usually discard it by pretending that usa are a right wing hellhole, "greedy capitalists" and that you can't compare this to socialist dreamland yurop

Funny about Ze Germans. Spent a lot of time there.

A german gal I still keep in touch with sent me a message today that the license plates off her car were stolen last night. Front and back plages removed, and the 4 threaded screws holding them on were screwed back into the bumpers! Funny Germans are polite even when stealing !

But what got me was when I asked "why would someone steal your plates?" And she explained it's for a gas and go thing (my words, not hers). Germans don't pre pay at the pump with cards like we do. They gas up, then have to walk inside the station to actually pay.

So it's a thing to steal someone else's plates, put them on your car, fill up and split.

And I said "what the fuck, you don't pre pay at the pump with your credit or debit card!?" And she said "unlike you Americans, we actually trust people!"

True story. I kek'd.

This expat is great:

Go through his stuff and see the condescending German attitudes. In honesty I blame the leftists who masquerade as "intellectuals" over in Germany.

To the Germans reading this:
I love your wares and your country but please stop fucking it up with everything else (Eject Merkel and save yourselves) and stop trying to shove your political dick into everyone else. If you don't then that's fine, I don't have any problems with you and I understand you're thoroughly fucked over by your own political system.

That attitude that Europeans have is why they were much better world leaders than the Untied States has been.

That thinking of they know best is rooted in thousands of years of history. They used to as nation states have the will to project themselves on to others, they knew their way of life was superior and they were going to bend the world to their will. That thinking is why America got to the point it was, not any of our founding father's ideals.

Over time, however, we have lost those roots. You can see it in how completely bipolar our values get and how we constantly throw everything away for some view of "progress". We are not projecting our values and culture on the world, we are constantly dismantling our values and everyone elses. We're a cancer. It's that very lack of superiority and identity that has caused us to be 60% white and with it a myriad of other issues that would be avoidable if the revolution in 1776 had taken a different path.

>That cognitive dissonance wherein that trust leads to plates being stolen.

I mean I can talk about how Japan does weird shit like requiring you to actually physically withdraw money from their account and then walk over to the ATM to re-deposit it into another account, physically. Why they don't do an electronic transfer is beyond me but I don't get into Japanese life and tell them "your way is inferior." I mean for all I know they might have some legitimately valid reason that works within the scope of their society/culture/etc. Or they just might be sticking with what may be a genuinely stupid tradition. It works for them and I don't try to bash the Japanese over it when they're around.

Again: Eastern Europe among other parts of the world don't really try to interfere with others insistently. Same old same old.

> Americans pissed off about foreigners telling them what they should do

Thats a whole lot fucking better than being forced.

>implying american government dont love telling other countries what to do
But regarding american citizens, I do see american posts about Brexit or EU troubles too on Sup Forums too you know

>chubby flip poonani

Too many paares on this yhread

That made me kek. That kind of naivety can mostly be found in europeans today. Even our fucked in the head liberals tend to become hypocrites when reality hits them.

>Trump is horrible to mexicans, they're great people! what a racist! I wanna move.
>Well, I don't want to go to Mexico, it has high crime!
>Better move to Canada.

Before we talk about [currentyear] and "6x% white"*, lets talk about how we're the nation that effectively dominates the internet, space and militarily if needed (We can talk about Russia all we want but their economy is in the shitters just like ours but our economy is still larger in the end. We can even talk about China and they've got the same problems except they have mountainloads of internal debt in a way worse than us). Regardless of all our current flaws, we're the country that can take hard introspective looks into ourselves and realize "wow, we're fucked over by political correctness, SJWs, corrupt politics and excessive corporate power." We're doing that right now for this election cycle already. Leftist regressives are this [currentyear]'s thing compared to decades of past.

I hope you also realize we effectively dominate worldwide culture with Hollywood/TV/most media in the sense that they practically all air our stuff internationally while getting German content domestically outside of the internet is a shitshoot. But sure, lets say that the Europeans are better than us in every way forever.

*Nice Western European meme. Lets look at sickle cell disease statistics in France. Or you can argue about who has the "true white aryan haplotype" in Europe as they all burn politically. Lets pretend they aren't flawed just like we are and worship their """"superior"""" """""""""whiteness"""""""""".

I mean you saw me hoping that the Germans take a better turn with their government. I'm not going to really tell them who to vote for aside from ejecting Merkel (And if they told me to eject Obama I'll show them my voting record as well).

I honesty have no real hard investment in *exit from the EU aside from hoping to see strong independent European countries trading with each other and not fighting pointless bloody wars. If it leads to them avoiding death """""refugees""""" then great. I mean I actually enjoy their exports and historical exports like the hard lessons of becoming a democratic republic.

>implying high crime rates are due to the common mexicans, especially the ones wanting to get out

>what are Mexican drug cartels, heavily influenced by USA's failed War on Drugs

Also what is funny is that OP moans about non-Americans telling Americans what to do and now you have Americans talking shit about non-Americans. Sweet irony

>"wow, we're fucked over by political correctness, SJWs, corrupt politics and excessive corporate power."

Only problem being that we needed to realize it 20 years ago. There is no "we" anymore when you are talking about the United States. We are basically an international shopping mall filled completely unaffiliated peoples. You talk about this introspection but really there is none of that. You are experiencing a world far removed from the reality of modern America.

Weird though..... We have a national currency and more guns than ppl while Western Europe does not

This is just about you. Even on Sup Forums, Americans were contributing in
>Canada, UK and France's elections
and many more issues. Maybe you don't partake in any of those threads. That is cool, but don't pretend others don't and then moan about how non-Americans are telling Americans what to vote for

Illegals =! Legal Mexican Immigrants

Also none of this means I agree with various policy choives, but lets talk about how if we stopped importing "x" it'd be real bad to another country. Or if we somehow legalized "x" it'd change it from the cartels even if they're the predominant producer.

Okay bub, so we're not "American" nor are we actually voting Trump in. Why don't you elaborate on this given the silent majority wants to push back at this rate? Hell, what state and region do you live in because I didn't pull that shit out of my ass about introspection.

Great, but I don't hear everyday Americans trying to shove our politics into Europe. I haven't heard of them yelling at Europe to adopt firearm ownership in the way our freer states do.

American is a useless identification. It does not underscore a belief system, or a race, or any sort of commonality. "The silent Majority" is a bloc that cucked itself out of electoral relevance. I'm from CA, which is probably the prime example of this. The country you read about in the history books is no longer what exists today.

>Doesn't understand what the American Civil Religion is
And what part of Commiefornia are you talking about and have you ever left the state?

>Illegals =! Legal Mexican Immigrants
That don't change anything about my greentext. But claiming that the high crime rate are due to Mexico's alone shows your worldviews lacks any kind of nuance

Are you seriously that unaware of Brexit threads on Sup Forums right now?

I haven't said anything about Mexico. I merely responded to you.

I spend time actually existing outside of my house wherein I don't hear jack shit from everyday Americans about rest of world policies. Oddly enough, the flipside isn't true with Germans...

>I merely responded to you.
And I merely responded to that user that did use it to claim liberals are hypocrites and calling bullshit on it

>I spend time actually existing outside of my house wherein I don't hear jack shit from everyday Americans about rest of world policies. Oddly enough, the flipside isn't true with Germans...
Then that just you mean your perceptions are limited just like mine. Or you don't talk to them about international politics. Or you are ignoring american posts in Canada's elections and Brexit,

>American Civil Religion
See... this is waht I'm talking about. Your "civil religion" will ultimately kill itself when you follow the ideal of "all men are created equal" to its logical conclusion. Inequality is inherent in the world and if you take that viewpoint to it's extreme then it simply leads to the type of retarded progressiveism that you see today. If all men are equal you are unable to have the language to explain why blacks are naturally more violent. If all men are equal you don't have the language to say why importing millions upon millions of mexicans is a bad thing. You only are able to point to some irrelevant immigration code and not take the actually take the stand that a nation, at its core, excludes. Americans are not equal to foreigners, we are (or were) a distinct group of people that had collective interests. It doesn't matter what part of CA I'm from, the whole state is filled with spics that will vote for psuedo-marxist and anti-american ideals every time.

America was not built by any civil religion. It was built by European( northern european) men with European culture. America happened in spite of our government or "civil religion". Not because of it.

It's a European thing, and unfortunately as our younger generations become more brainwashed by the continent they start to do it too.

Europeans and their bullshit codified civil law, they just love telling people what they can and can't do.

And since some people don't get a hint:
I don't hear anything on American TV about how American policies like gun ownership need to be forced onto Western Europe.
I don't hear us advocating how 120V is the one true domestic appliance voltage.
I don't hear us forcing miles and inches onto everyone else.

Oddly the flipside is true
Rest-of-world media tries to play this into a "gun ownership problem" instead of a terrorism event (Wow, he's ISIS affiliated, totally a gun problem)
120V is inferior yada yada (All while ignoring how the UK uses 110-120V for jobsite power to reduce electrocution risk)
Metric is better in every way. Decimalization of inches doesn't exist, etc. (And American Customary was the system that got us to the Moon. We don't measure the weights of people in "stones.")

>Cannot comprehend how everyday Americans don't interfere with the politics of other countries condescendingly while other (Ex: Germany) cannot stop their political boner no matter what.

>Still doesn't comprehend American Civil Religion and tries to simplify it into personalized butthurt worldview
Back to Europe with you, I brought jack shit up about regressives and yet you're focused on the "whiteness" of Northern Europe while Europe implodes. Realize culture was a major driving factor of European immigrants and they keep American spirit alive. Importing a bunch of far left globalist Europeans doesn't keep us any whiter.

Also see that far northern bit of California where its rural and very fucking white.

OP is right.
Last time you obeyed and elected obongo two times. Get your shit together, don't listen to eurocucks or filthy comielatinos "intellectuals"

>Western Europeans

You're still living in fantasy land. Apparently "Europe imploding" is just doing what we have been doing for the last 40 years. These products are a direct result of your "civil religion" and you are cucking yourself by following it. America is not some magic land that turns Incas people into WASPS. CA is the perfect example of that.

You had me at lad. Great points user. Gun owner here and 2a supporter to the death. I'm with you. Couldn't care less about the 50 dead. In fact its less than nothing, i'm actually glad, the shooter was a registered democrat and muslim killing clinton supports and laughing while doing it. This shit couldn't get written better by a fox news commentator. This shit is entertainment, it sells it self. The left is literally killing each other. I do get sick of the cucked fags around the world telling us what we should do though. But I care more about the cucked fags here telling us what we should do though. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. Don't like that, come and take them.

Obongo is a direct result of immigration policy. The people that voted for Reagan are still alive for the most part and still vote the same way. The USA just cucked itself out of an electorate and you still see people that are deluded enough to think that we still have a country.

110 sites are such a pain in the arse... Having to heft around a transformer everywhere you go because Janek the retarded Romanian bricklayer can't go five minutes with electrocuting himself.

Woah buddy, have you followed the German immigration waves wherein they had trouble integrating into the culture early on? Oddly I don't hear you chanting anything about building a wall and deportation to the extent of the law so I can only assume you're one of those traitors who wants to import Merkelites and Sven over here for cuck culture.

That or you've already lost your own psychological war, like those who don't fight for gun ownership rights in California. What are you going to do about those illegals eh? Are you just going to let them walk all over you and plant their anchors down? Where the fuck do you get the idea that we have open borders in the ACR?

We can argue 110V vs 220V for power delivery but you guys have 55V* on each line instead of hot/neutral. The biggest thing is starting around 220V, the impedance of human skin goes down drastically. Fried, skilled tradesmen still suck but what the fuck is Janek doing that requires him to use 110V and not fry himself? Is he trying to use a tuckpointer wet without using a GFCI/RCD or what?

*This is actually fairly clever, much like making 208V by using two lines instead of line/neutral. 55V is significantly lower on the electrocution hazard side than 110V.

Obama was the direct result of Bush era policy failures leading to a disillusioned American public choking on the idea of an idiot of Palin in office. That was in addition to "muh hope n change" from the college hipster surge. He rode in yet again when Magical Mormon Undies Mitt choked as a weak ass candidate. Look at Romney now, he's a petty sore loser trying to obstruct Trump now. He would of been no better than Obama except as a pallet swap.

> I'm an American honest

If you say so. And I'm king of the Elves.

>refusing to accept other people's preception when it doesn't fit your own

Now you're drawing divisions between states. I thought you were an American? Are you saying that Californian laws don't represent you? It's our most populous state after all.

I do so love it when someone brings up european groups as if it at all a comparison for what is happening today. Let's do the math, shall we?
According to census data, from 1820-2004, 7,237,476 Germans came to America. That's it. Seven million over the course of two hundred years.

Now how many Mexicans have we taken in in just the past 20? Eleven Million. This of course all the other MILLIONS of non-white third world immigration that the United states gets. There is currently 40 million immigrants in the US right now. Forty fucking million in just a percentage of one life time. That is not immigration. That is an invasion and a complete HiJacking of the country.

Of course we are also ignoring Trump's favorite talking point. Illegals. If you would read Coulter's new book and the citations therein, you would know that based on the most accurate metrics we have there is around 30 million illegals in the USA at this current day. Where do I get the idea that the USA has open borders? How about the president bringing illegal immigrants into the oval office to shill for his new voting bloc? These people have no foundation of white ideals or culture nor do they have a reason to assimilate, they own the country as much as any actual American does. We are not a nation anymore and you really need to swallow that pill.

They want to control your life because they don't control theirs

How can you look at that pic I posted and see anything else. It isnt some lofty ideals, It's literally just fucking brown people let in by fucking idiots like the other guy I'm talking to.

That argument I presented also ignores the very obvious fact that humans are tribal in nature and any successful nation os one that is built on race and the advancement of that race. An white immigrant WILL be an American in one generation. A brown one will not be. To be American means being white no matter how much you cucks want to deny it.

>Fucking literal monkeys.

GTFO off my /pol

prove you're from america

you have 1 minute

We're both Commiefornians if you haven't already noticed. Most free states don't ask "what part" of Commiefornia you're from.

I'll agree with you that American ideals are from our founding fathers but here's my point: They're not anything close to modern European white ideals and nor are those modern European "white" ideals any useful for us. Simply bringing more of those cucks in does jack shit for us and would effectively lead to more votes as much as flooding us with failures from other sources.

American ideals and culture are found in legal immigrants, if you haven't noticed. I brought up the German immigration waves as relative to the era they were representative of a large number of immigrants. Take note of how their offspring are effectively American and not "German." You'll notice that there are (a minority at this point, thanks to some cultural leftists) some highly patriotic Asian immigrants wherein their 2nd and 3rd generation offspring are effectively culturally similar to what you refer to as white culture (And what I refer to as American culture, as it was the DEFACTO CULTURE). What we're being undermined by is a culture war which is less detectable and less noticeable than a racial invasion.

Romney choked, 5 million votes and he would of been in and regardless he was still a dirty cuckservative that would ruin this further country. Arguably you can go on "how much (less/more)."

Your argument would apply even better in Europe where they're sufficiently tribal enough to fuck each other over petty differences and argue about who is racially more "white." We've gone through this and went past it wherein contributing white Americans are effectively lumped under the defacto American identity. So why the fuck aren't we going into Asian levels of tribal affiliation of "I fuck your family over petty differences?"

MIDF major damage control on this board. Happens after every snackbar.