Check. mate.
Check. mate
More Australian shitposting, fuck off neet.
He was actually a jew, but never mind that. Christian it is.
You can almost taste their desperation.
Literally clawing back through DECADES to put one last gasping breath into a narrative that was crippled from birth.
No, he was actually a Christian American. McVeigh you dumb fuck, sound Jewish to yoU?
And he did it without a gun.
He wasn't a christian but you won't let that ruin your narrative, would you?
You take your fathers name and your Mother makes you jewish
Mcveigh was agnostic
A white guy killed a bunch of people, so don't identify the race or religion of any mass murderer ever.
Damage control.
lets not point out that he never meant to kill any children and the whole thing was in response to the government agency he bombed burning alive and bulldozing a building full of women and children.
but the ATF good boys who dindu nuffin
To be fair, his target was a Federal government building, and it was in response to Federal government transgressions.
The dude yesterday just killed a heap of fags because they triggered his upbringing.
This was literally a work of government provocateurs
Lon Horiuchi is the real killer
Did he do it in the name of christianity?
If there were tens of thousands of attacks like it as there are with Islam then you'd have a point.
Who is this ?
How many people did 9/11 kill again?
Ben "see a nigger, pull the trigger" Garrison
What is this, b8 for ants?
>some mudslime terrorist asked him to convert to islam in prison because he was impressed by his actions
you can't make this shit up
That is just dometicterrorismophobe!
(said no one, ever)
He didn't do it in the name of an evil religion that even now calls for more murders.
Good ol' Timmy Mcveigh.
Blew up shit after Waco because the Feds overreached.
Bretty cool guy, actually had a point, actually made the feds change their ways.
9/11 was not domestic terrorism ;^)
Blow nigger up, the true hero you guys need
Linus tech tips gets hardcore
In the name of lolbertarianism