Have you read this Sup Forums

Have you read this Sup Forums

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he looks like a chimp himself

Have you?

No but I plan to at some point. Is it any good?

He explains how all great civilizations fall. Ours which he calls Faustian civilization is nearing its end. All civilizations are split into seasons with spring being the beginning and winter being the end. I highly recommend it.


This video sums it up pretty well, well produced.

Oh yeah, banned in Germany.

Can't have a video red pill the masses in Germanistan now can we.

No. I read *about* it and it seems really interesting. It greatly influenced many intellectuals at the time. Some say it changed the course of history (and that's partly why some of Spengler's prediction came short).

He seemed like an extremely smart guy who managed to synthesize everything he knew (and he was very knowledgeable) to come up with theories on how cultures as a whole behave, as if they were "alive" somewhat. It all made sense to him. Of course he wasn't completely right...

He had a lot to say about the media, money and """democracy""". He had a "blood" (or "race-feeling") concept, which is the only way societies can fight off the other powers taking a hold on society.

When Europe was rebuilt after WW2, the transition to the final phase of the decline might have been postponed somewhat. And some of our leaders are probably still trying to delay it as best as they can. Many people feel an unease about the future of western civilization, have an impression that it is unavoidably doomed... this is often described as a "spenglerian" outlook.

I wonder how he explains a global civilization a hundred years later?

I'm going to now, thanks OP


>Wealth becomes concentrated in a few hands; Faced with stagnation, the people feel helpless and elect increasingly unusual leaders and give them extraordinary powers in the hope that it will reinvigorate society.

No but I have read "The fate of empires and Search for survival" by sir John Glubb. It is a short read, available online as a free pdf and seems to represent the same concept.

Read it. It's a piece of trash. It's low-tier emergent Nazism for faggots who need to have it explained to them who they should hate and why.

He uses prevailing biological metaphors of decay to explain cultural change. The metaphors suck and make no sense. The back is thoroughly disreputable pseudo-intellectual drivel.

Most euphoric post I've seen all week


No sorry currently reading this.

I have that too.

You also have some nice trips buddy. I am currently at chapter 6 but what did you think of the book?

>who need to have it explained to them who they should hate and why.

What the fuck? You clearly haven't read it you retard.

His predictions didn't come short, they have been proven correct with scary accuracy.

Why would I read a jewish piece of shit?

There is literally nothing 'wrong' with Spengler, he even rejected the Nazi party, although he voted for them in 1933 and rejected their biological views on race.

If Germany blocks this, we can be sure that it is leftist paranoia.

It's because of music copyrights. The GEMA, which is the reason, is even a private company. It has nothing to do with the gubament. They do block positive content about Nazi Germany, but this block is because of GEMA. They force Jewtube to block all kinds of shit, from Justin Bieber to Lady Gaga, etc. Anything.

>Why would I read a jewish piece of shit?

He inspired Nazies.

But actually condemned them sorta in the end.

Will read that book though. It's clearly important.

>It's low-tier emergent Nazism for faggots who need to have it explained to them who they should hate and why.
So wrong it's not even funny.

Spengler was notorious for condemning nazies even though they idolized him.

I can understand too.

We jump too much on the hate/reactionary bandwagon.
When we should treat the "children" like well behaved adults.

Stern scolding, harsh discipline, fixing their personality disorders.

That being said, within reason.

Can't go belgian congo, that's a child-like scolding.

So what I got from this video is: accept that you are living in autumn on its way into winter. Do not emotionally invest in a dying civilization in the age of decay. But live as creatively and energetically as you can, be a green blossom of life in a desert of ice.

It's okay as a primer to the subject.

Ours is falling because of secularism, democracy, and multiculturalism.

The nation-state was built upon shared ethnicity, race, religion, culture, ideals, and language. Cut out enough of those and a nation falls apart.
This is the fact the leftist hates but fails to understand why- he is a child of his father, the globalist Jew. Like his father he hates solidarity among a people and unity- unity breeds "xenophobia", "xenophobia" isn't an evil but a healthy reaction of a strong nation-state, much like a strong immune system rejecting and destroying a foreign invader.

What books would you recommend on the subject then?