Sup Forums gf thread

Sup Forums gf thread


music senses heightened


wtf i want a blind gf now


>did you rearrange the furniture again

>Anyways here's Wonderwall

not music related dumbasses

>he doesn't get the references and thinks they aren't related



This thread though.

you are a fucking genius

just have to find a qt blind girl

i like dudes





>user i'm so glad you don't mind that i'm actually a boy


titans and chargers lose lets make it happen


fuck this meme

Jesus Christ


>my milk comes in bags




>tfw no near blind czechoslovakian immigrant factory worker gf to play tricks on while we fuck

thanks for posting this

best itt


this is all i need to be happy

>did you rearrange the furniture again
Holy shit kek

>now I want to read someone The Hobbit
>no more gf

Oh dang i made this. Glad someone saved it.

congrats on making the perfect girl

Well that's one hell of a needy gf. NO THANKS

come on man this is boring as fuck

>dad rock is good, user
Things like these why I don't mind being single. I need to be spared.

im boring as fuck too


here she is

back to your general please

this is my gf and you will respect her also this is ontopic so be quiet you iiot


is that fucking lily


what is this supposed to be?

What do you mean?

I dunno man, it just seems really all over the place, I assume it's a reference to something, but i don't have the slightest idea what that is.

Abstract hip-hop GF, I guess

well that makes more sense than Midwest conservative-christian that inexplicably likes hip-hop as long as it's made by whitey except apparently kanye is ok gf


The no sex before marriage thing is not for religious reasons. I just have trust issues, haha. I was merely projecting, I guess.


would smash

>tfw Missourifag and this is common

all i could ever want


this fucking stick figure is making me hard

t. oedipus

im in love

A Ligotti gf is all I need

uhhh are you my ex


i-i-i-s t-there a liberal gf one(that hate trump unironically)

why kpopfags are obsessed with camel toes?

i'm pretty sure hating trump is the default opinion among both liberals and conservatives


this. only people who like trump are xenophobic idiots. trump isn't a conservative or a christian

not hating, just dislike him.


>xenophobic idiots
You forgot russian hackers and evil nazis from the deepest darkest reaches of the internet.



I love you too. [spoiler]I mean that as a friend, of course.

>No funk gf
What would they even be like?


This is what I need.

>not being a nationalist in the modern equivalent of the Weimar Republic

Enjoy being behind the curve

Might have to pass on that one, user

>she won't let me anally sodomize her

millie jackson is fucking BASED

they look weird



probably not
gib ex btw

Anyone have the shoegaze gf one?

it feels good man

all soyboy fantasies and the techno one makes no sense



ok chad

not even a chad just not a soy addict


i too am bored. explain how my fantasy is soy

>not even a chad
oh my god i am so surprised because i totally expected someone spouting Sup Forums memes to be anything other than an insufferable faggot.

>witch house
>martial arts