Why are they so cool?

How do they do it? Most aesthetic flag, best culture, very smart and interesting people.

Even here on Sup Forums they're the cool kids on the block, everyone wants to hang with the Brits.

I agree, i know one brit and he is funny as fuck

brits are subhumans

>tfw you were born *nglish instead of Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish, Cornish or Manx

tremendous pride from the world speaking english?

The fuck happened to one of the diagonal lines? It doesn't match

it comes from romanticism and courtship from like 12-1800. they basically invented courting women, romance, and being good with words. They did make the language after all. And being cool is the same as being a smooth talker. also their genes for hair are really good from thousands of years of ice cold weather, along with pale skin because there is little sun. which is seen to be attractive

Literally because fuck Ireland. The English flag is covering up the Irish flag instead of vice versa.

when I heard we were getting a brit on my class I thought he would be a hard chav but he was some weasaly ginger kid from surrey and he was really lame lol

St. Patrick's Cross is shrunk and counterchanged (i.e. mirrored diagonally) because otherwise it would obscure St. Andrew's cross, as they're both full-size saltires. It also makes the flag have a right way up, which is very useful for ships.

good thread

thank you

That makes sense. Thanks fro the answers britmen

Definitely best flag.

Georgian flag is better
Greek flag is better

Yes it is great design as much as korean one

Is there a meaning to the black bars? Always wondered this, never asked.

Estonia and Albania have the best looking flags. The Union flag and American flags feel very powerful though for some reason.

Of course

Much like the dutch flag reminds me of the aquafresh logo the south korean flag reminds me of the pepsi logo.

Here, I made one too

We just are.

Also you can fly it upside as a subtle distress signal. Some say this is bollocks, but it can be done.

*upside down

>Go to foreign country
>See natives unironically displaying your flag
Does any other country know this feel?

Does publicly burning count as displaying?

yeah but they aren't cooler than france that's for sure

"For there is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about." —Kurt Cobain

>Even here on Sup Forums they're the cool kids on the block
some of the worst posters on the board tbqh

this is after all an english speaking board, and burgers and leafs just aren't respected. though they're cool, the real anglo cool kids are the australians.


Found the ouiaboo.

I like France too but rein it in a little man.

they are way cooler man. you dont have to be a oiaboo to know it. they're infinitely cooler than us. they're like italy. germanics aren't cool.

*spreads cheeks* ahhh yes keep licking boy