GOD YOU ARE ALL SO UNEDUCATED. The problem isn't Islam or the holy Qu'ran, it's fat cat Americans invading our HOLY LAND. You guys need to read a text book or something omg I can't even
GOD YOU ARE ALL SO UNEDUCATED. The problem isn't Islam or the holy Qu'ran...
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Fuck off Ibrahim.
Extremism within Islam goes back to the 7th century to the Kharijites. From their essentially political position, they developed extreme doctrines that set them apart from both mainstream Sunni and Shi'a Muslims. The Kharijites were particularly noted for adopting a radical approach of Takfir, whereby they declared other Muslims to be unbelievers and therefore deemed them worthy of death.[9][10]
The trick behind the apparent inconsistency of theQuran and why the radical Muslims are always correct: Like no other holy book among the world religions, theQuran contains an abundance of contradictory expressions. What is forbidden in one place is expressly demanded in another, and vice versa. However, the contradictory quality of theQuran is only an apparent one. It falls apart abruptly when one recognizes the very carefully protected secret hidden within the architecture of theQuran. For theQuranic Suras (chapters) are not arranged chronologically, but rather according to their length – and the newer Suras (from Muhammad’s violent later phase when he was in Medina) override the older ones from his era in Mecca that were comparatively more peaceful. However, this secret is guarded by Islamic scholars very closely as if it were a holy grail – and is aired only on particular occasions.
(An Essay from Michael Mannheimer, Germany, March 23, 2010 /
Islam terrorism started when Muhammad psychotic hallucinated an angel telling he's the prophet.
lmfao islam opened up with the conquest of neighboring territories
>he doesn't know about this
>20 years
Someone doesn't know their modern history.
We have been at war with Islamic Terrorists ever since the birth of our nation.
>terrorize the christin populace of the balkans as kebab
>hurr durr izlamig derrosizm only 20 yearz old :-DDDD
More than 40 years ago
If those people at Pulse weren't mentally ill, they would be alive now.
Ban mental illness.
Pretty sure islamic terrorism has been around since around 1280 years ago
>Calling everyone uneducated
>it's fat cat Americans invading our HOLY LAND
>You guys need to read a text book or something
Everything I learned about Muslims. I learned on 9/11
It's funny because this guy was on Bali in 2005 when that bomb went off.
>Doesn't even know recent history
>Lol I'm an expert on Islamic history
If there's anything good about Twitter is lets the left put their ignorance and stupidity on display for the world to see.
I thought it was a joke but leftists are actually ignorant of history. Scary.
>Quran is 1300 years old
>numbers of war in the middle east, pedophilia, ethnic genocides and aggressive conquering of new theritories exploded (no pun) at the same time
>is atheist
>hates Christianity writes books against Christianity and openly mocks Christ
>defends Islam and Muslims
Christ almighty help us from these degenerate pls destroy them all
Jihad is jihad dumbass nigger
Holy shit has the internet really made people this stupid?
20 years? They think Islam has only been doing this FOR 20 YEARS?
Pretty sure the problem is Islam, m8. Conquest of Christendom North Africa. Battle of tours. Counter attack crusades. Fall of Constantinople. Siege of Vienna.
I'm quite educated Ahmed. You're the enemy of our civilization and ancestral enemy. Get fucked, mudshit.
They've been butchering and terrorizing each other since the inception of the Qur'an. Even the fucking prophet of your faith was a terrorist.
>our holy land
>British flag
Kek a doodle doo, how unexpected.
Either way, violence has been a part of Islam since the beginning, when Muhammad sacked two cities and his colleagues continued the siege of the known word for centuries after.
Deny Christianity, become Atheist, accept Liberal Progressive Marxism as the one truth faith. Lose all capacity to defend spiritually and physically against Islam. Be conquered by Islam. The end.
everything i need to learn about muslims i learned on 1453.
kill them all.
>Quran (7:80-84) - "...For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds.... And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone)"
>Quran (26:165-166) - "Of all the creatures in the world, will ye approach males, "And leave those whom Allah has created for you to be your mates? Nay, ye are a people transgressing"
>al-Tirmidhi, Sunan 1:152 - [Muhammad said] "Whoever is found conducting himself in the manner of the people of Lot, kill the doer and the receiver."
>Abu Dawud (4462) - The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.".
>Abu Dawud (4448) - "If a man who is not married is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death."
>our holy land
>not 732
read his tweets
he wrote a book about the life of muhammed
he made it all up
>british flag
>The problem isn't Islam or the holy Qu'ran
fucking mudslim, get the fuck out of Sup Forums, you are not welcome here
This guy knows.
I also recommend "on the totalitarian nature of islam" by Ibn Warraq.
Wow, really makes you think.
What the fuck are you blathering about? Islam was invading, enslaving, and trying to force your butt ugly religion on Europe, Africa, and Persia centuries ago, and oh look, you still are! America didn't exist as a nation when Islamists were being twats to everyone. Doesn't it strike you as funny that America dropped two nukes on Japan and occupy them to this day, fucked up nations like Germany and Serbia, and yet, only Islam blames America, shuns all responsibility and regularly chimps out?
Muhammed himself was a terrorist who told his followers that terrorism is cool.
Where do these idiots get the idea that terrorism is something new?
People this fucking stupid, vote, drive cars, and have kids
They can also buy guns and open carry.
Terrorism only works because of mass media. There was no terrorism in the middle ages because if 15 people got killed most people wouldn't hear about it.
Also until recently there was no weapons like guns or bombs that allowed one person to easily kill a lot of people.
>Islamic terrorism is only 20 years old
>The person who originally wrote that if also 20 years old
I wouldn't be surprised at this level of delusional narcissism anymore
This person isn't wrong. Islamic terrorism is a complex result of the failure of Arab nationalism to overcome their first external threat (Israel and the intrusion of western interests and culture ). Repeatedly getting wrekt by Israel and the West led to seeking another way to exert influence.
The success of the Iranian revolution in expelling the west was the catalyst. Islam becomes a useful rallying cry since the identity of being arab/Iranian or any sandnigger ideology wasn't working. Notice that kurds don't do much terrorism as their state experiment is working.
That said, Islamic terrorism is a huge ass problem and needs to be crushed. But it's not so much because Muslims inherently want to bomb everything. It's because they're pissed off that Israel/the west is too stronk. They have no other weapons by which to fight what they perceive as a mortal enemy.
Source of this gif sir?
I'll take Munich for 300
>GOD YOU ARE ALL SO UNEDUCATED. The problem isn't Islam or the holy Qu'ran, it's fat cat Americans invading our HOLY LAND. You guys need to read a text book or something omg I can't even
This is what people don't understand. The jihad started 1300 years ago and has never stopped. Islamic terrorism isn't 20 years old, its as old as Islam itself.
>This person isn't wrong. Islamic terrorism is a complex result of the failure of Arab nationalism to overcome their first external threat (Israel and the intrusion of western interests and culture ). Repeatedly getting wrekt by Israel and the West led to seeking another way to exert influence.
>The success of the Iranian revolution in expelling the west was the catalyst. Islam becomes a useful rallying cry since the identity of being arab/Iranian or any sandnigger ideology wasn't working. Notice that kurds don't do much terrorism as their state experiment is working.
>That said, Islamic terrorism is a huge ass problem and needs to be crushed. But it's not so much because Muslims inherently want to bomb everything. It's because they're pissed off that Israel/the west is too stronk. They have no other weapons by which to fight what they perceive as a mortal enemy.
You couldn't be more wrong.
There has been one jihad and it started with Mohammad 1300 years ago.
>Americans invading our HOLY LAND
>blimey flag
if it's so holy, why dont you and your shitcolored family go back there?
>first 100 years of Islam filled with nothing but bloodshed
>"Islamic" terrorism is only 20 years old
I want to build a time machine and send this cunt to the 8th century Levant Christian communities as they were being terrorized by musdlimes.
>mfw it was the CIA who funded the mujahideen in the first place
Sweet irony.
film it also if you succed
>Islamic terrorism is only 20 years old
Maybe in the most sheltered and remote parts of the west.
Jazzy Jamison - terrorist takeodwn
The moment the West became an "open society", it opened the gates to islamic terrorism, and with increasing globalism and travel opportunities, the muslims actually got the ability to sneak in. Previously, the only chance they had was to amass large numbers and try to invade, which they did often. But single Arabs or small groups of them would always be suspicious and quickly found out.
It's because we became so tolerant within the last 30-50 years, THAT is why we now have to deal with these jihadists and a new form of invasion.
haha. And he's so confident in that tweet too. haha
Romania 1921, 13 December: 100 soldiers and police officers are killed by a bomb thrown by Bessarabian (religion of peace) separatists at the Bolgrad palace.
>*Islamic* terrorism is only 20 years old
Yeah, they called it genocide and wars before that. Suddenly they rebrand it to terrorism and diversity. Really makes you think...
They don't know fucking any history dude they're literally on par with mental retards.
islamic terrorism is 20 yrs old? lol? has any of you morons ever visited a school?
this shit started after nasser failed to defeat israel and secular arab nationalism declined. you are fucking uneducated. don't dare to pin this on others.
>1300 years
Someone hasn't read Surah 9 the last revelation by Muhammad.
>what is constantinople
>what is the sacking of Alexandria and the burning of the library their (fucking niggers)
300 years of muslim conquest resulted in a swift fucking from the papacy, muzzies are still licking their wounds...glass the middle east and make the world a happy place
>Terror attacks in the 80s?
>Terror attacks in the 70s?
>Terror attacks in the 60s?
Are we just going to forget those?
is this guy fucking serious? what about all those wars against christianity and any other people who were against islam?
>. I learned on 9/11
Watch this Because you learned the wrong lesson.
>Islamic terrorism is only 20 years old
Ignorant peice of shit who doesn't know history tries to comment on history.
20 years?
Tell that to the invasions of Iberia and Europe during the Dark Ages
Tell that to the Byzantines
Fast track for laziness.
is it haram if i picture allah as this sexy lady boy who sneaks into my bed after dark and kisses my front tail?
>Abu Dawud (4448) - "If a man who is not married is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death."
Implying it's ok to buttfuck if you are married?
It doesn't count when they're doing it to Israel you dumb cuck.
I dont want to die from these savages just because I am a fag, these people wouldnt not show me an inch of mercy because of their ideology
fuck them
You'll die soon due to your lifestyle anyway. Either AIDS or a jealous boyfriend catches you giving your boipucci to a ripped bear and kills you.
I dont have AIDS, I dont have a boyfriend
just because I like dudes doesnt mean Im sexually active unlike the sunni goatfuckers
The problem with the Quran is that it was written by a warmonger who forced his way through regions with violence and in order to gain followers or justify himself he would write contradictory statements in the Quran. Some of peace, some of hate. Etc. It's all entirely open to interpretation, but that begs the question as to what makes the radicals perceive the violence rather than the peace. It's less to do with the religion directly and more to do with the culture it has created.
SJW atheists are the fucking worst. They should know about a religion like Islam, but instead defend it dishonestly because they cant get past their bias of perceiving every minority as a helpless victim. I bet this faggot has to do with Atheism+
Factually incorrect
good goy
The problem IS islam.
Islam has no place in the modern world and needs to be destroyed.
Gib back Constantinople, you invading first fuckbuckets
Well what you don't experience you only believe to have happened so the skeptical and rational man should disregard history and only accept that which they were alive to witness.
>>Islamic terrorism is only 20 years old
Worth looking up the ancient Christian patriarchates. There were originally 5; Alexandria, Antioch, Constantinople, Jerusalem and Rome.
Only one of them is in what remains a Christian country/region - because from the 7th century onwards peaceful Muslims came and peaced the fuck out of the Christian natives.
The main reason the Pope in Rome stands alone as far and away the most powerful single figure in Christendom is the fact that Muslims fucking took all of his ancient peers out of the picture and made Dhimmis of them and their local congregations.
Except it is as old as the quran itself.
Terrorism is to build terror in the hearts and minds of the non-beliverers thereby demoralizing them or even making them to join you in exchange for peace. It is a vile tactic that has always been used by Islam.
So peaceful and tolerant
So misunderstood
White people did this
I know you're trolling, but thanks to the constant redpilling soon no one will believe the religion of peace smokescreens anymore. No more accomodating the invaders. There must be war, god wills it.
Fight you for it cunt.
Most of those other Patriarchs are still around buddy.
>cruzades did not happened
>Is only 20 years old
I'll give them a huge amount of leeway in regards to the definition of Islam...but seriously...wut?
>Factually incorrect
What is?
Are you disputing that the highlighted region is currently Muslim? It's an indisputable fact.
Are you disputing that the highlighted region, currently Muslim, was previously Christian before being attacked and conquered? That too is indisputable.
The Crusades were a comparatively minor effort - barely acknowledged by Muslims at the time - and they failed.
The never ending Muslim Jihad from Muhammad onwards, however, has been universally successful with no reversals apart from the notable exception of the Iberian peninsula which was gradually liberated in the reconquista.
>"islamic" terrorism is only 20 years old
hahaha what the fuck?
The only change with islamic terrorism against the west is that it's shifted from Shiite led terrorism to Sunni led terrorism
Fucking finally.
All you niggers talking about later Muslim aggression failed to mention that Mohammed himself (the man Muslims are told to emulate) was a conqueror that spread Islam by the sword throughout Arabia. His successors (rightful successors - Rashidun Caliphates) then expanded the empire further.
There is literally no debate within Islam as to whether these conquests were wrong, and whether it today is not an intractable part of Islamic doctrine.
He's objectively, unequivocally wrong.
Yes indeed they are...I haven't said otherwise. Your point is irrelevant either way and is a blatant attempt at evasion.
All those other patriarchates were attacked and conquered by Muslims - as I stated and you don't even bother to dispute.
One could also say that the crusades were an effort to get a relief from constant muslim attacks by taking the war to the enemy. They were caught in a pincer that time from Andalusia, Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. Without that, maybe all of us would be durka durkas today.