Webm Thread

Last thread someone requested the gas station bit from "Hell or High Water"

Here you go user. Also, Webm thread.




goddamnit i'm not the kind of person who threatens animal abusers through the internet but this shit got me teary-eyed

>those desperate meows from the cub

what is this?



Here you go, hope this makes you feel better.

The Lobster




this always makes me hungry

gimme a (you) if you think those punches looked a bit too fake


That movie was really under rated




The worst of it was the initial throw into the car door. You can really tell it was sped up




I don't think you can just fold someone in half like that, even if you do sneak up on them




the fuck is this?



the fuck is this?

kinda does. i'm gonna watch it this weekend though

why has no one posted an blacked yet

the fuck are they talking about?

is this from dredd?

Agreed. I was actually about to go rewatch it after watching The Grand Tour and realizing they've been using tracks from the Dredd soundtrack in there.



what is this
pls respong

Book of Revelation

she says a lot of men would pay for this to happen to them, he says at least it'd be his choice then, then he says "whenever a man cums he's only thinking of himself" as he cums


post the whole thing, faggot.





Why was this movie so good?

felt like it was straight out of the 80-90's and very comfy




fuck you man im on a deit... im so hungry now


>girl checking her phone during sex

happened to me before tbqh

Where my webm bros tonight



There's the classic scene in that famous kino "One Night In Paris" where the heroine is just about to be fucked when suddenly her phone rings and she goes to answer it, much to the vocal disgust of her paramour


can't believe that rape scene turned out to be real


Shame the guy had such a midget dick
Casting chick dropped the ball there


is she ok?



Whoa user, breaking out the classics



ben foster saved this movie



>cuts out before the rest of the scene

Come on..

bump up that bitrate boyeee




needs to be under 2MB for posting on other boards, fucking hiro get your act together

what? no it doesn't
it's 3MB on every board except /wsg/ and /gif/, where it's 4MB


Nigga I ain't watching all that

>low attention span
american detected

let me do a little shitposting reconicance

wtf I remember getting obnoxious red bars at the bottom of the quckreply box saying Webm files can only be 2MB or under.



I've already forgotten what you said

Post the Babs one

ah I've found the board I'm getting this from it was... /r9k/!





Wow, and I thought Sup Forums had it bad.


This art is so fucking weird.

Definitely an acquired taste
I loved this show back in the 90s

You get used to it after awhile, I actually never saw much Aeon Flux but a ton of Phantom 2040.

That was a damn good show until it threw all the character development out the window

good lad


