i'm a 24 year old male, and i was wondering if i moved to Russia with $180,000 in my account, could i start a decent life or will i regret it.
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Why the fuck would you want to move to Russia?
Why OP?
Are you retarded?
That's a good amount of money to start a decent life anywhere but I wouldn't advise you immigrant to Russia not because life in Russia is bad or anything but because life in Australia is better and easier since you will have no family or friends in Russia and you'll also have to learn a new language. If you were living in a cucked country like Germany or The Uk or Sweden...etc then sure but Australia is doing pretty well right now.
i think that the future of Russia is good, cant say that for Australia desu
Eternal regret. 180k won't last you till pension even in Russia.
>leaving Australia
Why are people so retarded? Australia is literally the safe-space away from the fuckery of the world. We all live in our own little bubble here while the rest of the world is going to shit.
I don't think the average Australian realises how good we have it here. 99% of the planet is l i t e r a l l y trash.
You could. but you'd have to learn ruski.
Many people choose to move these days.
Why in Russia?
You can go in Thai or any african country.
>moving to a country where they unironically, in a non meme manner, banned anime
hahaha yeah no
Keep safe from slav niggers.
learn russian perfectly before
you need a lot of money in russia to succeed and have the same standard of living
you may get nuked though if Shillary wins
Come home white man..
Thai sound good but Africa country?
Lawlessness, lots of cynicism, alcoholism and HIV. You'll regret it. Russia is a place mostly for mentally ill people. If you need an inspiration for a book, then you could go
Stay. Otherwise move to Spokane, Washington. That kind of money can go a long way.
Russia has a declining population and relies on non-sustainable ressources such as fossil fuel. In 50 years Russia will be totally irrelevant.
Also the Russians are violent alcoholics who won't welcome any foreigner.
Fuck off I have been to Russia its better than Poland.
I mean any country in Africa.
So, $180,000 is a cost of simple flat in Moscow. Not luxurious.
Dude, I used to live in Russia for the vast majority of my life, and still have many relatives there, Literally everybody I knew wished they could leave that shithole. You people genuinely boggle my fucking mind, I'd give everything to have been born in a place like Australia. Stop listening to Sup Forums thinking it's some kind of white-person-paradise. It's not.
could i buy i house there
Thats why Russia is preparing for a War they need a war to survive.
>while the rest of the world is going to shit
desu i dont get along with my family here and want to move out of the country for that soul reason. so it doesnt have to be russia, just a place that i can but i house for $180k
just go in vacation..living in russia sucks..plus you need Putin's approval to get inside.
OP What studies do you have?
If you have a STEM degree than no peoblem find and job and you will be fine.
Russia is kind of a poor shithole. Islam is present there and to a greater extent than in Australia.
The Muslim birthrate is much higher than everyone else's birthrate. Hence, they are becoming more prevalent.
Fix up what you dislike about your own country instead of fleeing like a coward.
interesting vid
didnt realize your cunts down there where getting this misandrist.
good job your men are putting up a fight.
With 180k .. Costa rica , or panama .. Or eastern europe .
So why did you move to Isreal and how is Isreal better than Russia.
Why Russia?
Go to Ukraine,they are much poorer and the people are just russians without mongols.
You can buy a nice home in America literally anywhere except for New England and California. You'll probably have plenty left over for a nice car and other necessities too. Be smart.
go to the midwest small comfy towns,lots of cheap land
In Russia mostly Muslims are native Russians like chechens, etc..
>Fix up what you dislike about your own country instead of fleeing like a coward.
Sometimes you can not fix and need to run away.
i'm a plumber
Move to Eastern Europe, Estonia should meet your standards quite nicely, or Latvia.
I'm with you OP, I'd like to move to Russia also. Putin is the only person I'd actually consider a true leader, his foreign policies I align myself with more so than any western leaders.
What a fucking joke of a leadership we have.
If I could be guaranteed a job in IT in Russia which doesn't require me to learn that much of the language, I'd definitely consider moving there.
>i'm a plumber
Drop the proxy, Putin.
IT lol, get a real job dude
Stop appropriating my culture!
If you don't mind the cold you could start some export/import bizz
If I had that money and wanted to move somewhere, I would choose some heavy tourist visited island, that has 24 C all year round, buy a boat, and drive annoying tourists all day and take their money
hahaha you deserve a (You)
> and i was wondering if i moved to Russia with $180,000 in my account, could i start a decent life or will i regret it.
You need to work in Australia anyway.
A Plumber ok than you have to have alot of contacts and start your own business and learn Russian because its very important. My girlfriend is from Russian so I know a little bit about Russia.
They had a feminist prime minister though. I don't think the aussies are any better than the rest of the west.
Soy Español
you faggot relies that plumber is a very well paid job here right
Australia is a damn lucky country.
Sick to death of you whiney faggots always complaining about
>Muh Internet
>Muh not 100% white
We are so lucky to live here, and you dishonour the bastards that came before you. They broke their backs so Australia was as amazing as it is.
We're not being bombed, shot and our government is halfway ok (we can vote!)
You are an ungrateful moronic cuntbag.
I bet you're some little faggy manlet who can't handle the bantz and Aussie culture. You disgust me.
Russia is the globalist's next target. Be smart.
>move to estonia
>work in finland
>plumber is a very well paid job
Not in Russia.
If you move there, you'll get a fucking Darwin award, mate.
I'm Russian and I escaped from there, everyone just wants to escape.
Not. Russia.
Go to Thailand
>Not in Russia.
It's decent job if you are not lazy ass fuck and work for youself.
i cant handle the lebs and the shitty media
why russia? it's a wannabe empire shithole, they would rather starve than not have the most nukes and tank, really fucked up brainless white niggers.
We got rid of her pretty fast and now women can't pull the we need to make history vote for the first female prime minister anymore.
>i cant handle the lebs and the shitty media
>well paid
Not the same.
Last time I visited Australia I noticed it was pretty fucking big.
Do you really have to move out of the country to avoid your family? Can't you just move to another city? Seems much easier to me than moving to fucking Russia of all places.
Go in an asian country
hahahaha aussies are so freaking delusional
we are socialist nanny state packed with degenerate marxists and atheists
If you could get a visa... though you would have to have some needed skills to be granted residence.
180k Aussie dollarydoos wouldn't last long in Moscow and St. Petersburg if you live rich, but out in the country it certainly would. Really depends what you do and where you go.
You wont live like a king if that's what you think.
Will you regret it? Almost certainly. Come visit before you commit to living here.
I lived in Ketchenery 2 years pretty good after that came back but Russia was not that bad.
This. South east Asia, is also an option. You can get a nice house there for about 40.000 €
if i work for a few more years and save every cent, could i retire in a good country for $300-400 k
I just read you are a plumber, you will never get a visa. Time for a new dream OP.
Because of LEBS and SHITTY MEDIA
Don't do this OP you will get fucked in these contaries they are corrupt as fuck.
Don't worry, there is a massive tidal wave building against this now. Like the GFC we will not be hit hard by this problem.
Only you anglos can mess it up this hard.
>good country
You need to deside before - what is a "good country"
WTF, you have LEBS there aswell
Seems too unstable to invest anything in there now.
Also this:
It will eventually go Venezuela-mode.
Katy Katy Katyn Poland btfo
Ok Mohammed from Algeria
no muslims no niggers
>It will eventually go Venezuela-mode.
A fukn lot of them btw.
Then kindly Piss off somewhere better.
Wait, there aren't many places you'd be better off!
Not saying for a second we're perfect but be grateful. Yes, like all free nations the Jews are clawing for control, but we've got it pretty good.
Dude if you wanna live a relaxed and chill life come to Spain, don't work, drink beer, siesta every 3 hours chill at beach best countary if you have money.
Lebanon had a civil war in recent history, so they have lots of war diaspora around everywhere, it aint just Australia.
>180k CAD = 125k EUR
come to czechia/slovakia
you can buy house in countryside for 25k, pimp it for another 25k to become bretty lowcost and some land for farming and with costs ~300/month you have like 20 years left :D
You will regret it. Russia's economy is fucked because of the collapsing oil price. Medvedev literally said that the Russian state does not have enough money to pay people's pensions kek.
I will never understand Sup Forums's hard-on for Russia. There are so many other better places in Eastern Europe where you can live, like Poland, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovenia etc.
>Moving to Russia
Just do it!
Best Country is Cyprus
You can buy a flat on the beach for less than 100k AUSD or a big house with farm land near the mountains , put the rest in the bank and live on paradise on earth while enjoying QT tourist bitches, Russian migrants, Orthodox Christian tradition, hate of kebab etc
I was in the Navy for 2 years, and planned to go down the pathway of Communications - ship network admin, but why do it in the navy when I could do it in Civi street?
I don't think you understand how much of a niche role IT is.
I do not know so much about china, maybe there?
And die from Muslims dysentery cholera aids
> Russian state does not have enough money to pay people's pensions kek.
Nope he said, that they wouldn't rise pensions. But still this is fucked, yes.
>$180,000 in my account
You could move, but you'll need a lot more.
>. They broke their backs so Australia was as amazing as it is.
No, they broke their backs because they were dumped there to die for crimes against european society
Filthy disgusting crocodile dundee people