>I'm not a rapist
What did he mean by this?
>I'm not a rapist
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
He's not a rapist
shoving a jizz filled turkey baster up a cooz isnt rape
>when he cuts those jeans right at the bagina
hnnng my peepee
>those pubes in the jazz jar
According to the laws of the state the movie is set in, it is.
>(r) "Sexual penetration" means sexual intercourse, cunnilingus, fellatio, anal intercourse, or any other intrusion, however slight, of any part of a person's body or of any object into the genital or anal openings of
another person's body, but emission of semen is not required.
Stephen Lang deserves more, better work than this.
He didn't rape the first chick. The second time is definite rape. Of course, women now-a-days think it's rape if you imply sexual things, or look at them in what they deem an indecent way. In another 100 years, you'll have to get a signed document for sex (from a woman).
Jane Levy was literally built to be bred. Nothing wrong with what he wanted to do.
>No matter what horrible things a woman does to you nothing will ever compare to rape
This is how delusional libtard hollywood is.
>having sex with a girl that had one drip of alcohol is rape
>not wanting to sex a ugly fat girl is sexist
>not wanting to date a tranny is transphobic
Why do we even go on living?
lmao at this pathetic virgem
her face is kinda cute
but her bod is to short
unless you want to breed manlets
>I'm not a rapist
Only a fag would not take the chance to rape that fine pussy.
forced blowjob is not rape
>but her bod is to short unless you want to breed manlets
I'd breed a thousand manlets if it was with jane levy.
>p-please user! I'm sorry for breaking into your house! you got your anime boxsets back, just please dont rape me!
what do?
is it rape if a girl puts her finger in my mouth without my consent?
That's what's so insane about this.
>I'd breed a thousand manlets
I'd do it and not give it a second thought. Stay butt blasted faggot.
yes actually.
well it certainty makes you gay
>Murricans can't show sex on film
>Have to literally make rape food related to make American audiences comfortable with the concept of sexual intercourse aka 'the d*vil's pastime'
What did America mean by this?
>Have to literally make rape food related
that was an italian movie you dumbass
>Having seconds thoughts after killing yourself.
Inseminate with muh dick personally.
*ron howard voice*
"but he really was"
go on..
only men can rape