Why does pol love/hate them?
With Omar killing them in the singles club I've seen mixed reactions to the gay lifestyle.
Why does pol love/hate them?
With Omar killing them in the singles club I've seen mixed reactions to the gay lifestyle.
They were fags, but they were American fags. You don't kill Americans on American soil, you should know that.
Sup Forums isn't a hivemind, anyone with any opinion can come here, granted they'll most likely be riddled with insults but anyone can post.
Fags are worthless to the society. They do not reproduce and spread degeneracy. The less of them the better.
Homos are cool, as long as they aren't liberals or degenerates
Pol is not one person
This pic is what happens when you skip leg day
Skipping leg day
Not even once
Scooby would never skip leg-day that bad.
i neither love nor do i hate homosexuals. where does that place me? not thrilled about yesterdays events though; maybe except for the political reforms it might bring
My stance is that homosexuality is a natural. When a population strikes a balance between high population density and low mortality rate, something within our biology starts turning people into faggots and effectively revoking their reproductive rights. Somehow nature knows that overpopulation is the fastest way to ruin a good thing.
But he does skip leg day to some degree because he runs marathons.
>We should care about degenerate faggots because they were white
>When a population strikes a balance between high population density and low mortality rate, something within our biology starts turning people into faggots and effectively revoking their reproductive rights
that's stupid. homosexuality rates observed in mammals are constant and independent of overall population size
>b-but im not a mammal, im an american
Lots of us here are gay anyway
i dont give a fuck about them t b h. I don't care about anyone who doesn't affect me
>that's stupid. homosexuality rates observed in mammals are constant and independent of overall population size
How cucked can a country's education system be? No, humans are not uniform and identical in every way across region, race, culture and religion. I know that's probably been pounded into your head since you were a child, but a cursory Google search might open your eyes to the fact that no, homosexuality is not uniform. At all.
ASSault rifle
>homosexuality is not uniform.
The Saudis are gay as fuck, it's just underground not in the open
What is up with you braindead posters? The enemy of my enemy is not my friend, just a useful enemy. Just because the terrorist attack targeted a group I don't particularly like, doesn't mean I support that terrorist attack. A muslim attacked a private American establishment. Of course we'll make jokes about it like we do all topics but that doesn't mean we hate muslims any less. If you are too dense to understand this then go browse a more shallow forum you mohammed lover.
Sup Forums wants them to not get married and not spread diseases. It's a hell of a jump from that to shooting a room full of them.