pages of comments of people arguing whether it was homophobia or religion that drove the killer to do what he did, completely ignoring the fact that, if he hadn't have had such easy access to such powerful weaponry, chances are this horrible event wouldn't have happened.
Pages of comments of people arguing whether it was homophobia or religion that drove the killer to do what he did...
If he didnt have access to powerful weaponry he's just have done what muslim terrorists do in London, blown the place up with a home-made bomb.
See July 7th 2005 London bombings.
56 dead 700+ non-fatal injuries (loss of limbs etc)
and you ignored the fact that even with your gun control rules, he still got guns legally despite being on govt watchlists
>what are isis smugglers
>what is the deep web
>implying if the fags had guns this would have happend
same shit happend in europe and gun laws are extreme here
seriously,by denying guns to the masses you strip them of any way of deffending themselves,becuase fanatics will always find a way to get their weapons
He would just make a bomb.
lmao that guy just gave money to trump's campaign
Right it is the fact that he owned a gun that made him want to shoot up a bunch of fags in the glorious name of Allah
He also had a bomb, which was illegal last time I checked
Paris banned guns, they still got them in
Besides how do you propose to ban guns when the border is wide open
Just like the twin towers?
I wonder why you're pushing so hard for gun control?
Fcuk you fat fucks are stupid.
that is not his argument.
He had teh desire to begin with, but easy access to powerful weapons made it well...easy?
Do you get that burgerman?
Do you want me to put some sweet sauce on it and supersize a fucking mountain dew it to really get it to sink in. Fuck you stinck you fat cunt.
This is why the world loves it when you fat cunts kill each other.
Hurry up and be next
It's pretty easy when you have an entire community network of like minded people supporting you
I'll ask again, how do we ban guns when the border is wide open. Supply and demand means the criminals will always get the guns they need
>Talks more about the US than his own country.
You know, I find it fucking hilarious no one actually talks about their own country on Sup Forums.
I wonder why that is--
>They're irrelevant.
--Oh. That's right. Almost forgot.
My gun just sits on my wall never goes on sprees.
no, it's the fact that he was able to kill so many.
Ban gun manufacturers?
Let's turn the logic around on them
100 million armed Americans and yet you're still alive.
Why are you condemning ALL gun owners for the actions of one?
Ahhh well fuck it then if the criminals always get what they want, then lets do away with laws then.
This is why Britain was so glad you guys decided to get on a boat and set out for the new world.
Thank fuck.
OK senpai
You should use the exact number of blacks in this argument, next time, and try to slip it by them.
They get what they want when the border is wide fucking open
If you're arguing to ban guns you must be arguing to implement border controls
brilliant idea lad here we'll even ship you over here so you can go door to door in ghettos and collect them. They'll still enter the country with them because mexico and all of south america is overrun with drug cartels.
AHHH well shit another genius! America is full of them!
Lets just issue everyone a fucking firearm in the hopes they will just "sit on a wall"
I can actually smell your fat encrusted prostrate from here you disgusting mouth breathing cunt
I should get a MAGA hat and fireproof it.
Just so I can laugh at leftie protestors trying vainly to burn it.
Completely ignoring the fact that if he hadn't had such an easy access to twisted and evil Islamic ideas, none of this would have happened.
The moral is a gun is 5 lbs of metal they don't kill people minorities do.
Muh gun problem
Minus niggers, crime rates in America would be similar to Belgium.
Minus hispanics and niggers, it would probably be far lower than that
Look , I actually like that you fuckers have lots of guns. I dont care about your fantasy open borders or whatever the fuck it is you have been told to fear today.
truth be told I wish 50 more had died yesterday.
You people are disgusting and just as backwards as those you fear.
Enjoy the guns and and enjoy the prostate cancer and diabetes and dilluted pretend democracy. Get shot
There we go we just ship all the niggers and hispanics away and 90% of gun deaths are solved.
America does not have a gun problem.
Rural areas where gun ownership is highest are some of the most peaceful places in the country
America has a black problem.
Crime rates among American blacks are basically even with those in Africa. It's like a little piece of Africa here in the US
This guy was approved for weapons beyond the normal citizen he cleared scrutiny proving that scrutiny doesn't stop determination.
American's can't even stop Mexicans from crossing their borders let alone stop a black market of weapons that will appear if guns are banned.
Fuck off, you faggot. The only people affected by increased restrictions on gun ownership are law-abiding citizens- if leftists were serious about stopping thus sort if thing, they'd focus on stopping criminals/terrorists, not taking away the rights of ordinary people to defend themselves.
Also, using "homophobia" like it's a real word. They lit up the Sky Tower in your colours: you should jump off it.
Just look at this shit
Even 100 years ago before we had all this technology, crime rates never came anywhere near what they are with niggers on the loose
The percentage of an area that is black is a greater predictor of it's crime rate than the percentage of an area that is in poverty
>tfw another aussie silenced
gun opposition always gets silent when these pop up
Poverty-stricken Asian cities have 1/50th the crime rate of poverty-stricken African cities
I know this is bait, but I'll bite. You realize you can get a firearm that was previously used for murder for dirt cheap on the black market right? You'd have to be a total retard to think a mass shooter won't get his hands on a firearm.
he could get restricted weapons in your country, faggot. no amount of gun laws wouldve prevented this
I live in Palm Beach and there are apparently a high number of names from my county on ISIS kill list. I will happily carry my weapon and shoot any paki looking mother fucker who even looks like he's about to allahu akbar.
If these numbers were reversed, SJW's would be screaming bloody murder
Isn't that the one with the slightly off statistics Trump shared? The long blue colored one is much better and shows the ratio visually well. This might raise some eyebrows for someone too ADD to read more than a page but this is a poor infograph imo, or at least there are much better ones.
Every country has homophobia and mental illness; not every country has guns. Nowhere else in the western world could Mateen have obtained these weapons this easily
Maybe you should stick to sniffing prostates on that shitty little island of yours instead of getting all butthurt about American internal issues because you seem to be better at it.
Nope, Trump shared a different statistic relating to police killings
All of these infographs are sourced, check them if you wish
You can literally go on the deep web right now and get an assault rifle in Australia. Fuck off.
the dude was a member of a britcuck security firm you shitposter
>Background checked by FBI twice
>Background checked by private security copany twice
>Came out clean
>Security guard
He could've gotten a gun regardless of any nonsense you spout.
can you explain what you mean by "obtained these weapons this easily" because i dont see any evidence for that
>what is the black market
Meaning you cant go to a shop and purchase an assault rifle for a big night out anywhere else in the western world.
consequently the amount of mass killings are limited by availability
You can't, though. The US already has pretty high gun restrictions on sales.
He was a federal security contractor for the DHS you massive idiot. Only gun control laws that would have prevented this would require the government itself to disarm.
Shill thread No. 223423313
Anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of chemistry can buy chemicals at Walmart, that have zero restrictions on them, and make a bomb capable of killing everyone in a building with central air in under an hour.
Why don't the bombs get blamed instead of the radical Muslims?
"Hey look, I found a firearm!
I'm think I'm going to kill people with it!"
>it's a middle earth wants desperately to be Australia thread
>chances are this horrible event wouldn't have happened.
You're right. He wouldn't have killed over 50 people with a gun.
He would have used a bomb
Every country also doesn't have to deal with niggers in mass. Glad to see Europe crime levels are on the rise though.
but thats wrong and even if it was true it wouldn't change anything, he had a legal gun permit and worked for a security firm, the only thing stricter gun laws would have done here is lower the chance of someone stopping him.