Would you, Sup Forums? She's pretty cute.
Would you, Sup Forums? She's pretty cute
I would deport her
>those eyes
I would deport her on top of my dick
>shit eyes
no thanks
what a shit thread, just fuck off you spawn of satan.
Trying to have kids that actually have true semitic genes?
Yes I have a thing for arab women.
yeah what the fuck?? doesn't she know how to unlash her eye lashes on her left eye?!??
No, not even attractive 4/10
You French love arabs so much you gave your country to them.
fucking hiroshi man
You also like to eat snails.
and at the end you say all faggots that a guy ...
-still too mutch makeup
-she light is too high
so, no thanks
Is this a trap, tranny, or illegal? either way, get em out
It's Mateen's ex wife.
That's the shooter's wife?
absolute haram cover that bitch up
Of course I would. I'm not a fucking homo.
what guy would not? lol. you're literally asking what men are gay.
wait this is not /fit/
How was that sociopath Mudslime sperg shagging that while Sup Forums is awash with desperate virgins?
She's absolutely halal bruv
Looks like a trap