This guy inadvertently admits to having blocked one of the exits from the Pulse club, from the OUTSIDE, inorder to save himself:
This guy inadvertently admits to having blocked one of the exits from the Pulse club, from the OUTSIDE...
Other urls found in this thread:
a faggot acting selfishly? no way
I guess Fox found the Trump supporter
he did the math and said everyone inside is either a fag or an arab I'll take my chances
If I was related to one of the dead poofs I'd kick this faggot's head in. He should be arrested for that shit
Man this guy is going to get fucking lambasted big time when the social media rumours start taking off. "Probably shut the door and laughed as people were killed inside!"
the guy is a potato and will probably get sued
A face like that let's everyone down in the clutch to save himself? Shocking.
Good thing he's still alive to be able to pass-on all those top tier genetics he's hoarding.
What did he mean by this?
>replying to a bot post
He's a faggot, there will be no passing on of genes
Guy deserves the shit he's going to get. How emotionally driven was he that his only thought was "I need to stop the bullets from walking out this door and hitting me"
report to the fbi .
No, he's brown. This won't be news.
yep, sounds like the same guy,
Download these clips lads. TPTB will try to scrub them from history.
>inorder to save himself:
Fags die because they cant operate doors. Had the been in a closet everyone had made it out
Good thread op
Not letting shooter to go out and pursue him.
>the bullet was sticking out of his jeans
Another sandy hoax?
From this day on this gentleman, I mean faggot, will be forever known as Gay 'Hold the Door' Hodor
>>they did it in GoT so it must be the right thing to do!
Can we jail this guy already?
Isn't that that War Machine guy that Sup Forums trolled?
That wetback looks like he has Zika. Won't be surprised if retardation came out of his mouth.
I said this yesterday but I'll say it again.
>a homosexual blocking a passage
This is gold lmao fuck
First post, best post
>literally cockblocking
the first admission is at about 2:40
flat out admits that he and some tall guy held the door shut from the OUTSIDE though they could see people where trying to get out.
unfucking believable.
>Holding the door so fags can't escape
It's kinda hilarious and awesome, everyone should try it at least once
>implying he wasn't one of the 2 accomplices still at large
It was all a part of the plan.
Faggots gona fag
well played, pepe
Fucking kek
What a hero. He deserves a medal for his courage.
I'm with pepporoni boy. Until those 3 are found he's a primary suspect.
>wake up
>see this thread
>see this picture
Today is going to be a great day.
>i'm no hero
this guy needs to be publicly crucified. fucking asshole
This guy is probably the sole reason Omar's score was so high.
oh shit
>You don't know what to do until it happens
That's why you aren't a fag and learn some basic fucking risk management / survival tactics. The only possible reason for barricading the doors is to keep the shooter from killing him, he probably got everyone on the other side shot.
wonder if there was a stack of bodies piled up against the door there
will have to wait till they finally give more info
lot of shit about this incident doesnt add up.
like why wait 3hrs when there are dozens of wounded and dying people inside.
and how many hostages/victims got shot by the cops when they made the breach.
>I prayed there was nobody inside.
I hope this massive faggot goes to jail.
And he has the nerve to go on National TV?
Fucking waste of oxygen.
Mega kek
ty user
>like why wait 3hrs when there are dozens of wounded and dying people inside.
Because he told the cops that he had explosives. Good luck trying to convince the swat team to rush in when that's the case. The law enforcement values their own lives much higher than those of the people who were stuck inside.
This is the kind of person the shopping mall culture of modernity produces. no loyalty, no brotherhood, no solidarity with anyone. May survivor's guilt haunt him until he dies of AIDS
I don't understand, was he outside? Couldn't he have just run away?
Unfortunately police/government tend to hide inconvenient things about politically high status individuals. For example, war heroes that were really degenerates or not at all up to par with the official story.
I'm 99% sure that if his action directly led to the death of many people, they'll just brush it off as "he was confused and scared." The last thing you can do is charge this le survivor and esteemed member of the LGBTQ nobility with a crime.
It looks like he's reading a script.
jesus, lol
2:40 is a flat out confession, the tall man needs his life to be ruined too
Can anything be done to avoid this going under the radar?
you expect more from these people? most gays are the dumb blonde stereotype to a tee.
Just wanted to highlight this vid:
its a recording of an eye witness that states there was someone outside holding the exit door shut.
ie: the guy in the OP.
im watching CNN and FOX atm.
neither are making any mention of this for atleast the last 2 hrs.
Why did he block the door?
Why didn't he just run once outside?
I doubt prosecutors will charge him for anything despite him very much getting more people killed. The families could sue him though.
How stupid do you have to be to go on fucking Fox and admit that shit?
Goddamnit gays
to stop the bullets from getting out??? god what don't you aussies understand
because most gays are stupid. like blonde stereotype level of stupid. Milo is like the only gay who is flamboyantly faggy yet not a fucking moron. Most who are flamboyantly faggy are dumb as fuck and only function to have sex.
Yeah, save all the vids were in for a good week lol
It's not ilegal to be retarded.
Because he is a batty bway and therefore lacks any sense of honor or loyalty to his fellow man.
bullets go through doors a lot easier than brick walls. what a dumb ass.
mexico we have a defective one we want to return
someone needs to take this fagg out.. he is just as guilty as the mudslime
So basically we have an illegal Mexican effectively helping ISIS terrorists murder people.
tbqh in that sort of situation 99% of you, (including me) would save yourselves too. you probably wouldn't even think about it, it's just survival instincts.
if i block this door will fags die?
He didn't want the killer to "come out"
See what I did there?
Kek I CC so I would finally get my chance to shoot someone "legally" on American soil.
Yes I am saying I'd stand up to a rampage shooter just because it's kinda fun to shoot down a 2 way range
I think it enclosed patio/alley with only a hole in the fence for people to get out I think.
Everyone here talking shit about how he handled it probably have never been in a life and death situation before. I was once and the only reason I risked my own life was because the other guy involved was my best friend. If I were in a situation with a bunch of faggots that I didn't even know, itd be every man for himself and regardless how you feel about that sitting in you air conditioned room behind your computer, most of you would act the same.
He's a good man! I salute! Fags should be deported into africa and the wall with machine guns must be built around africa.
he was outside, which means he could run away. I get that in a life or death situation you don't think straight. But holding a door for a danger that's BEHIND you makes no sense, if the way forward is clean.
He could be even considered an accessory (if that's the correct term)
Just watched the vid again.
They say his name.
His name is Louis Berbano.
She says it at 00:10