Why do Australians ALWAYS have to comment on American gun laws?

Why do Australians ALWAYS have to comment on American gun laws?

Honestly, social media comment sections everywhere are riddled by Australians with comments like in that screencap and it's always the same opinion and the individual acting really fucking smug.

I'm so ashamed to be Australian.

Aussies can't into guns. Can't even win a war.

I'm not surprised you're ashamed of the truth

This. Every gun ever made in Australia was so garbage they just stopped making guns period.

Don't we have like 5x more guns in this country than they do citizens?


That was a quality shitpost.

They live on an island and don't have problems with chimps and cartels

Every 2nd Australian has posted "no guns = no shootings" at some point in the last 12 months.

Repeating it over and over again doesn't make you look smart and it doesn't change anything.

I'm ashamed at how much Auscucks pander to Americlaps. Everyone here just wants their attention and it's embarrassing.

I'd rather be an aboriginal than a white Australian.

Because the average Australian millennial simultaneously thinks that they live in a progressive island paradise AND that they are oppressed and subjugated by a racist, sexist, homophobic far-right government.

We're a nation of cucks.

How do I go about feeling better about myself?

I can't go on like this.

we got dat f90 now lad

Not sure how good it is, my brothers infantry and the cuck Army decide to give the new rifles to POGs before the actual riflemen

yes, and it's glorious.

non-gun people don't understand the hobby. you don't just own a gun. you own a collection, and for the most part they all have different uses.

My grandfather who has passed collected guns. Everything from Revolutionary War muskets to WWII to modern day. All displayed behind thick, secure glass. He had like 15-20 guns. And he never shot them. He just liked having them around to look at

>"Why does America do ______"
>"Look at what my country has done"

Everyone acts as if the US isn't the largest, most diverse populous on the planet, and like to pretend that it doesn't have a narco-anarchy to the south with roughly zero control over borders.

If the US had about a tenth of the people, a homogeneous populous, and lived on an isolated island, i'd be all for banning guns

my great uncle had a huge collection. it all got auctioned when I was like 5 though. no H&H double rifles for me :(

they made a museum out of his taxidermy animals though. It's terrifying.

i hate our gun laws so much, a couple mates and I have been trying to get our firearms licences but none of us has managed to do it due to all the hoops we have to jump through

>same thread again

Remember - there are constant shills on Sup Forums now

>itt : we discuss how local medias around the world are treating the Orlando shooting
>important because some serious shilling is going on

>Anti gun shills

>guy inadvertently admits to having blocked one of the exits from the Pulse club, from the OUTSIDE, inorder to save himself:

>Chinese Stocks hammered. Lots of shit financially going on

Add more and link to here

If you're ashamed then fucking leave and go live in the US. What the fuck do you want me to do about it you dumb cunt?

That sucks! My grandfather had it set up that when he and my grandmother died everything would be available. But my dad and uncle are splitting it up evenly between them. Some good guns too, even a KAR98K that was given to some family member by a German after a battle. Glad at least it's staying in the family

If the US keep making themselves out to be so god damned important then people are going to talk about them. Get over it.

I'm sorry for my countrymen.

Keep working at it m8, it's really not that bad.
I've got an A/B and I just got my provisional Cat H the other day.