

Can Sup Forums ever recover from this?

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Everyone in switzerland has a gun and they arent shooting eachother.

>92% white

doesnt matter, because aussies are the most savage people there are.

They have so many serial killers who just kill trampers and get away with it, it just doesnt matter.

Didn't know there was one in 97. last one i knew of was Port Arthur in 96

i love the wild west feel here, what with hardly no enforcement of any rules whatsoever

can't wait for the rest of Obama's term to be spent on BTFO of gunfags and finally liberating this shithole of mass-murdering devices

just wait until you get more niggers.

I own a gun, but it's harder to get a gun here than Murica

>Troye Sivan

Literal teenage homosexual popstar from Dianella, Perth

Yeah but to be an ausfag tho

>Ignoring the terror attacks

Why are these people so disingenuous?

Liberating.... kek

Being a colonial superpower really backfired you.

Yes it is a FACT after guns where banned from Australia murders stoped. It is covered up , but no one was ever murdered in till guns where created by white people. Before that everyone was peaceful. But after guns where made then slavery was invented next then AIDS....guns have caused all the world's problems and that is a fact do your research

It was 1996

>tfw shotgun or small calibre rifle
I have a couple of shotties and a rifle from the Beretta shop here in London but I will never own an assault weapon because of fucking gun laws. Don't do it, America.

There are more guns per person in America than anywhere else in the world, in fact no country even comes close

Tourist hunting is a huge thing in Australia, tge outback doesnt have many petrol stations so cars get stranded and people get killed

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.

people not killing each other are confirmed faggots

ASSAULT rifle???? Why do you need an ASSAULT rifle, are you going to assault someone.


>1 mass shooting since 1996
I wonder how many people shot/killed their definition of a mass shooting rises by when they talk about australia because im pretty sure i have heard of recent shootings with 4 people getting shot here...
No sources just remembering crap from the radio

guns aren't banned in australia, they're restricted.

which means you can still buy them here.

Islamic terrorist attack = mass shooting

Sit down troye you get a F,
Next time please do you homework accordingly to the subject

He's gay and Jewish.

>isis murders a ton of dudes
>everyone who's still alive after that isis attack needs to disarm themselves!
I don't fucking understand

But you couldn't buy an American's guns from him. It would be like buying his children. They're that fucked in the head.

Thank you Australia for giving us this beautiful human

Keep up the good work cunts

You forgot the 2014 hostage situations.

If you want to make a point, check your facts, at least.

Or are we going to nitpick and pretend that a mass shooting mixed with an hostage situation doesn't count? Just like the 9/11 wouldn't be a terrorist attack but an aviation tragedy instead?

>Aussies lost their guns because one faggot went one a mass shooting spree
Wow Aussies are cucks.

Didn't some autiste shoot up a coffee shop or something?

Massacres? 7. ones involving guns? about 3-4

I am embarrassed by my countrymen. The whole nation watched one video by John Oliver and they have to bring it up in every gun debate.


It's fucking nothing

In the uk someone shot up a school and the government made it pretty much impossible to get a Hand gun

Yeah the australians may have tight rules but nowhere near as bad as here

Australia is 21.7 guns per 100 people

The uk is 6.6 guns per 100 people

do you know what replaced homicide by gun in Australia after they passed those laws?

>quickly followed by hammers

I actually agree, guns shouldn't be sold as freely as they are in USA

But see the great thing about guns and hammers is you can only kill one person at a time and then you have to run to catch up with the next person to do it to them, you're only going to get through 5 or 6 before you start getting a bit knackered.

That hostage situation wasn't a mass shooting because of a technical definition.

Mass shootings are shooting and killing multiple people, commonly at least 4 in one go.

The 2014 hostage situation was only 2 deaths, which is a multiple shooting but apparently not a mass shooting.

It's just semantics...

What about that hostage situation not but last year that killed like a dozen people? That doesn't count because they were Muslim too?

I think reasonTV had the best explanation of why gun control wouldn't work in the US.


Setting aside whether or not we should own guns, even just taking the guns is close to impossible,

Only niggers and spics shoot people here. The white murder rate is European tier.

Terrorists and bikies can still get guns, ya dumb coconut.

some isis autist yeah

Really gives you pause for thought...

Try comparing the amount of non-whites, and that includes hispanics.

Really makes you think, huh...

Well, this guy was interviewed twice by the FBI for suspected links to terrorists, yet it didn't raise up anything in the background check when he bought the guns.
Not saying US needs additional gun control laws, but just fix the ones you already have.

no niggers in switzerland
even the poor have culture

Good luck. Have fun walking through the ghettos with a gun bin.

These mass shootings are exactly what the liberals wanted

They WANT an open society, where people can travel anywhere, where businesses are forced to sell to whomever wants to buy, where self-defence is discouraged

So a foreigner attacks other foreigners.. and we call it a tragedy? It's just the way of the world.

Daily reminder that the shooter was a licensed security guard and may have had federal clearance. Gun control wouldn't have stopped him.


Guns per capita:
US: 112
Serbia: 75
Yemen: 54
Switzerland: 46
Keep in mind, these are registered guns. Certain countries are could exceed the US, simply by having tons and tons of unregistered guns. Also, gun ownership in the US is distributed unevenly: certain individuals have alrge collections, skewing the numbers.

I too shall enjoy the coming civil war comrade tovarisch.

Did we all forget the Australian terrorist hostage situation?


Holy shit you're very Irish

Wasn't there like a cafe shooting or something not long ago?

What about all them shootings that have happened in gun free France? Did liberal retards forget all about those already?


Left is trying to turn this into a gun issue when this shit is happening in nations with hard gun (and bomb) control. Its fucking Islam thats the problem. Ban guns all you want but these muslims will just get theirs from the black market to commit these massacres. When people are determined to do something they will find a way of getting their guns.

Don't forget he is jewish


In Denmark we have gun prohibition and last year a crazy muslim went riot in the streets of Copenhagen with a similar riflr to the one used to shoot up the gay bar.

Not to mention all the bikers and muslim gangs here still have those kinds of rifles and they use em like once a week.

>Livin in Poland
>Guns are prohibited
>No mass shootings
>No terrorists
>Even though half of society hate each other and would gladly hang them
>Even though this is one of the most intorrelant and just plainly stupid country without any social ties

>That feel when you was dreaming about killing people because beta
>That feel when you would do this one day, but resigned because it is too hard to get guns here and you are too autistic to get it from black market

Honestly I'm surprised no one ever bring this up in the gun debate.

>Small Population
>All White

>One of the largest populations on Earth
>Most diverse populous
>Borders Mexico

hmmm, I wonder what would be different

>What are school shootings

> He is Jewish; his father was born to a Jewish family and his mother converted to Judaism.


Seriously this intersts no one?

What about the Abos?

>Mass shootings are statistically relevant in the grand scheme of things

The only reason anti gun people make a big deal out of mass shootings is because they are sensational. Notice how they never mention all the niggers killing each other over drug deals gone wrong and ghetto whores but the ebil mass shooting is BAD BAD BAD.

An extreme minority of overall violent crime, committed in a place where no-one has the right to defend themselves.

we already know
actually norway has the highest deaths from school shootings per capita

what people don't realize is we have 300 million people in the US while all of these other places they are comparing us to have a small fraction of that

so yeah norway had 1 school shooting and we had 10 but our population is fucking insane in comparison

They're either athletes or they live in the middle of nowhere. Lots of Asians, Indians and wogs though.

You ever checked you murder rate there
t.Ivan Ivanovich ?

Australia also now has double the violent crime and triple the sexual assaults the US has per capita.

There were no mass shootings in Australia in 1997

btfo faggot

True that

>No mass shootings
And yet we still have Mass Murders.
And they've been happening like clock work, every two or so years we have another mass murder.

The only difference is that they're not as publicized for whatever reason;
>Snowtown Murders (12 Dead)
>Childers Palace Backpackers Killings (15 Dead)
>Churchhill fire (10 Dead)
>Lin Family Murders (5 Dead)
>Quakers Hill Nursing Murders (11 Dead)
>Cairns Child Stabbings (8 Dead)
I could go on. But you get the point, but you get the point. Removing guns has had no effect.

What's worse is that the murder and suicide rate has stayed virtually unchanged.

Even the non colonial countries were forced into importing third worlders, it has nothing to do with that

I hate this meme so much

but we still have shippis breh.

Funny thing is you can't play airsoft though.

Me here;
I said I could go on and I will since you're a fucking idiot.

There have been several mass shootings since the gun ban. Lets ignore the actual criminal underworld and shooting deaths that happen every couple weeks and only focus on the most sensationalized Mass Shootings AFTER 1997
>Hectorville Siege (3 Dead, 3 Wounded)
>Monash University Shooting (2 Dead, 5 Wounded)
>Hunt Family Murders (5 Dead, entire family dead)
>Logan Shooting (3 Dead)
These were all considered mass shootings by the media since they happened in public.

tyrone and jamal shooting at each other a block away from a school is considered a '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''school shooting'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''


it's proxy

Feel free to suck my cock trigger nigger.

This is bait.

Nigger I am jealous, you wouldnt mind temporarily marrying me so I can get citizenship and buy some gunz, would you?

Most guns are just military weapons (where you don't have any ammunition for), guns used to do sports (with which is fairly popular here) or hunting rifles for hunters. Guns that don't fall into those categories are really rare. Also there are people that have died this year due to guns, it was just some dirty albanian but the point still stands. Switzerland being a gun paradise is only a meme because statistics are skewed.

What is due process? Plus they found that he was in the periphery of known terrorists/radicals but could not find evidence he had been radicalized himself. If the FBI would have raised any red flags then he would have been guilty by association. The FBI did what it could without tramping on civil liberties. Was there some negligence in the investigation, could they have spent more resources looking into him, possibly and yes, but the FBI is not a hammer and not every creepy eyed brown person is a nail.

>how many mass shootings since

Pol bro you welcome to crash here anytime.

That's my boy willie nelson up close and personal.

Me too.
>hoping America lives in state where platonic polygamy is allowed.

Why don't all these anti-gun faggots just shut the fuck up, leave the USA and go live in Melbourne?

> It's crazy, only America has guns

Then why the fuck does it matter if it's only America? You have plenty of places to piss off to

Personally, I would give up the kid. Most youngins these days are limp wristed faggots anyhow. Shouldn't you be off beating your wife, Patrick?

Im more of a rock music kind of guy, Jimi Jendrix, The Eagles, as well as a bunch of English bands.

They're all white