Alright, you guys are being way too edgy...

Alright, you guys are being way too edgy. It's one thing to be constantly racist but it's another to act nonchalant about 50 people being murdered in the name of a religion.
So they were gay. Does that mean they deserved to be gunned down in cold blood?
Quite frankly I'm disappointed in this board.
Back in the old days of 4 we would have banded together behind the idea that any form of terrorism is wrong.
Where did all of you heartless fucks come from?

Other urls found in this thread:

Is this some new copypasta?

>So they were gay. Does that mean they deserved to be gunned down in cold blood?
It's just people being edgy and retarded

>Where did all of you heartless fucks come from?

>So they were gay. Does that mean they deserved to be gunned down in cold blood?



I just don't give a fuck about murdered Americans in general. Didn't happen here, doesn't concern me.

Back in the day homos would've hanged from a tree.

Also how do you know they didn't deserve death? Just because they're gay they're exonerated by default? You just don't know.

Maybe it's God's work. Maybe he's tired that he's screaming for a crusade and his children are doing nothing so he had to send a muslim.

>look at meh ejy post u guise XD

Fuck off.

oh it will

>they were gay. Does that mean they deserved to be gunned down in cold blood?


This was Sweden before they got cucked.

If you let an act of terrorism dictate your actions, they start winning. Business as usual for me, with an extra side of justification for removing muslim.

>So they were gay. Does that mean they deserved to be gunned down in cold blood?

Homosexuality is a deathwish
A desire to be barren and non-procreative, to abandon women and children, and live life only for your next orgasm.

Do you feel the same way about straight people who don't choose to have kids?


If no one has seen this yet

NiggH8tr ID


>taking everything from Sup Forums seriously

idk, when sandy hook happened I was really sad.
this time, not just a little bit
maybe I am homophobic, didn't know that about me.

Just because you hate degeneracy doesn't mean you fit a phanton stereotype. Your heart tells you that is okay to kill faggots, because it is okay to clean the filth of our lands.

>50 people

i wonder if this is true...

>faggots are mostly leftists
>leftists support immigration
>immigration leads to more muslims
>muslims kill faggots and worse: normal, innocent (as in not leftist) people as well
>I'm supposed not to laugh at them being killed in one of their temples of degeneracy
>not only that, you expect me to care

Good riddance to those faggots.

Sup Forums is considered a temple of degeneracy.

I don't care, for some reason there's no tragedy in it. I blame all the SJWs for making shit like this a common subject even though it doesn't happen. We've explored the subject of hate crime and homophobia so much that when it does happen there's no discussion.
>tl;dr 9/11 came out of nowhere so it was tragic, this was falsely commonplace

It's satire. We know it's tragedy

We act like that irl just not here


>So they were gay. Does that mean they deserved to be gunned down in cold blood?

More or less.

>12 bullets

Well I am not a weapon expert, but or NATO bullets are shit, or it was a .22 or this is bullshit.

Not from any political stance but my uncle's brother was killed and the pulse and was not gay, in fact the only reason he was there was for a birthday party for a fellow RN. Not everyone killed was a faggot

When a person who spends his days shitposting in a Web forum for Taiwanese cartoons decides that he's got the moral high ground to determine what's degenerate and what isn't, that person will ultimately become too detached from reality and humanity to grasp that people who don't line up with his exact idea of a good person are people too.

Basically Sup Forums is a bottomless pit of degeneracy, and people here are so fucking bigoted and dumb that they will literally flip flop from liking Muslims to hating them just based on who they kill.

But I'm glad this board exists, I would rather they stay here than taint the better boards

In the old days we would of burned every muslim to death for heresy.

We simply don't give a shit. We've been trying to open people's eyes to 'moderate Islam' for nearly a decade now. At this point we are fucking tired of people being so fucking blind to toxic ideologies that the only way not-too-far-gone people are going to learn is by experiencing multi cultural enrichment first hand. All this did was open the eyes of some people. We can expect more attacks but it's only until we have a great leader to address these issues is when things will change for the better.


Pol isn't against gays in general. What makes you think so?

We couldn't give a fuck about people fucking eachother in the butt, but we ARE against the LGBT or socalled gayright movement, since it's just another part of the divide and conquer tactics of the jewish supremacists.

Being straight and choosing not to have children is worse. Unless you know that you could pass along a terrible genetic condition, like MS, making the decision to not have kids is both selfish and idiotic.

Might sound like a great idea when you're twenty, but nobody really wants to die alone in a nursing home. Every person I know over the age of fifty that doesn't have children is miserable as fuck.

Life is about family. We're not psychologically equipped to spend eighty or ninety years on this planet alone.

I didn't care about Sandy Hook either, I did feel pretty upset about the Paris and Brussels happenings though. I think it's really a local thing for me, if it happens too far away I can't bring myself to feel anything.

Not even trying to be edgy, it's just how I feel. Many people don't give a shit when some tragedy happens in a shitskin country, either, so it can't be that weird to feel this way.

pol is full of edgy cunts, you should know this by now

I believe it's a false flag. Sorry, but before 2001 Isis, Al Qaeda and extremist Muslims in general weren't a thing. Fox News sat fat useless Americans down and told them that instead of hating black people or Russians anymore they should hate Muslims.

>Pol isn't against gays
speak for yourself, faggot

>muh cultural marxism spook

Are people really this dumb

Were you born after 2001 as well by any chance? Islam has been an issue over here since the 90s at least.

Read the board name, stupid.

You do realize most of Sup Forums is underage edgy neo-nazis right?

>Faggots spread AIDS and Degeneracy.
>Faggots do the unspeakable with little children
>Faggots will never continue the human race
I repeat, I am shedding no tears over their death, or the death of the muzzie. It was a win-win situation.

Wtf is happening!?

>Sup Forums is one person

I'm pretty sure I'm done with pol for a little while. theres to omany nutjobs shitting this place up for any decent debate and conversations to take place.

I'm a Clinton supporter
>lets see how many times "shill" and "cuck" are used as a reply

maybe its all the summer fags

Muslims getting triggered.
Best thing Sweden has done so far.

shill cuck

A lot of Sup Forums is newfags flooding in for the election season


>Homosexuality is a deathwish
>A desire to be barren and non-procreative, to abandon women and children, and live life only for your next orgasm.

Hear, hear.

How do you like taking it in the ass, shill-cuck?

>when newfags pretend to be oldfags

time to go back to reddet

This. I still give a shit, but it's hampered by peoples' cognitive dissonance. It's like telling a child not to touch the stove while it's on because it will burn them. Then they say, "Silly user, that heat won't burn me! It just wants to make me warm and content! xD" Then they touch the stove, burn themselves, and then want to mandate that it's compulsory for everyone to get their hand burned daily, until all their nerves become dead. All so the stove never feels persecuted or threatened. "Safezones for stoves!" It's utter madness and since humor isn't cutting it as a coping mechanism for that, I end up growing apathetic to the self-perpetuated trouble generated by those kinds of people.

You can lead a jackass to water, but you can't make it drink it.

Quite eloquently stated.

I'm nonchalant because I constantly warn against mudslimes but nobody listen and then everybody is surprised when mudslime chimps out, I cannot think of different reactiom than 'See? I told you so.'

>I end up growing apathetic to the self-perpetuated trouble generated by those kinds of people.
I too, am apathetic and cynical but do not lose hope yet.

no butt stuff, butts are for pooping and colonoscopies

We are the old fags. Your 'back in the days' refers to the cucked post -11 pol anons. Go away, you eternal summerfaggot.

Too tired to tell whether you're being serious or not, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, Pajeet. Thank you.
Hope hasn't been lost. I just reserve my energies and will to help, for those who are willing to help themselves and use more then their emotions as a factor in their decisions.

this. I'm open to help anyone, and have many gay friends. but I refuse to support their bigotry and rhetoric. if you feel insecure and unsafe, that's one thing, but to perpetuate the notion that there aren't enough safe spaces, and that safe spaces need to be safer is to promote terrorist cells, and secrecy, which can only lead to more harm than good.

that and bias against cis white males is flat out prejudice, which is hypocratic.

People have to make the distinction between the two main strains of the left-wing.

1) The dogmatic regressive left
2) The pragmatic classical liberal

> Not a weapons expert
Thanks for being honest. You could be shot 100 times and not die with a standard ar15 or as the liberals like to call it "salt weapon". It's not about numbers its about placement. If they took 11 rounds to the arms and legs and 1 round to the torso and lodged in the liver its possible. Typically 556 nato rounds fragment so the damage that's caused is more dependant on where the bullets landed. It can be really bad or not so bad depending on placement. Either way i wouldn't want to be shot once with one, much less 12.

That's the thing, though. I don't know how it is in Straya, but the pragmatic classical liberal is very rare, here. Due to the batshit insane politics of the dogmatic regressive left, they are mostly centrists, now. They tend to either become centrists or they give up and join the batshit insane leftists out of some confused form of solidarity and familiarity.

Islam in your society may have been a problem, especially considering intergration of foreign migrants and families. But radical Islam hasn't been.

There are plenty of classical liberals in the US and I think people are becoming fed up with the regressive left more than ever given the rise of Trump and alt-right people. The problem is that mainstream media sides with this regressive narrative but many independent sources and even people on youtube are speaking up. Only time will tell.

We have crazy feminists, sjws and regressives here in australia too but definitely not as much as I've seen in the US.

>muh classical liberals
>muh regressive left
>muh alt right


I'd appreciate a more cogent point so I could understand you but sure I'll give you a gold star.

Indeed. The fire rises. Too tired to participate further and be a worth a shit on topic. Nice trips. One could argue that it is dubs, and double trips.