/end discussion

/end discussion

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We need fag reform. If faggots weren't parading around like faggots all the time. Then people wouldn't care. Fags are supposed to be hidden in closets. It is natural that way.

Fags caused this...

Any evidence besides his ex wives claim that he was mentally ill or an abuser? She never called the police.

>USA gun control

Who cares? Your nation is 20% black anyway.

>Why does any civilian need an assault rifle? What possible use could it have?

A semi-automatic rifle, like the AR-15, is an ideal firearm in a fight against violent, organized groups, especially government tyranny. There's a reason it's called the 21st century musket.

>That's ridiculous. We live in a liberal democracy of laws. We ARE the government, and your fear of tyranny is completely unfounded

Ignoring the genocides and crimes of other governments, deranged spree killers like those in the news recently have nothing on Uncle Sam.

Ludlow Massacre: 19 killed

Columbine Mine: 6 machine gunned down

Haymarket Affair: 11

Hanapepe: 20

Lattimer: 19

Bay View: 7

Ponce: 19

Brazos River: 26

Bloody Island: 60 - 100

Harney: 86

Mountain Meadows: 100 - 140

Bad Axe: 150

Colorado River: 140

Sacramento River: 120 - 200

Bridge Gulch: 150

Bear River: 280

Sand Creek: 160

Marias: 173

Wounded Knee: 250

That's just a sample of massacres committed against often unarmed non-soldiers, men, women, and children, by the government, not including any of the many killings from the Civil War. Then on top of that you have countless massacres by civilians for things like labor disputes, lynchings, or race or religious riots. The United States is a bloody country, it always has been and it probably always will be. Shit hits the fan more often than many of us would like to admit, and when that happens you'll want an AR-15 and probably some buddies with them too.

He also worked for a global private security agency and literally no gun control law that has ever been proposed short of banning guns outright, which still wouldn't work because it is not possible, would have prevented him from getting weapons.

>france - tight as fuck gun control
>130 dead anyway

just stop posting.

She's covering her own ass for not reporting his ties to Islamic extremism. The families always know.


More like

Leftist propaganda operates under the assumption that everyone else is as ignorant as they are.

Besides, this is just another squirt and scoot thread where the OP posts only once but the thread gets to 200 replies.


You're right, just helping to pool arguments for the idiots who can't figure out an answer for themselves.

whats the problem?
All he did was tying up genetic dead ends anyway.
Probably killed a few pedos and other deranged individuals.

He was also a muslim and got shot, wheres the problem?

>You see, when guns are banned, terrorists are unable to kill.
Look at Paris, where guns are banned and three terrorist attacks happened within a year. Or Brussels. Or Ankara.

Yeah this man was investigated twice by the FBI and still wasn't considered a threat. Our intelligence agencies need reform.


>It must be all guns fault for these situations
>not the people using them.
>not Islam's
>It's an object's fault

Was it ever brought to light he was mentally unstable and beat his wife until afterwards?
>elect gov't mind readers

Both his parents were refugees from Afghanistan. If anything we need to not let in refugees

>Mentally unstable
>Beats wife

Yup sounds like Islam

>1 post by this ID



>A semi-automatic rifle, like the AR-15, is an ideal firearm in a fight against violent, organized groups, especially government tyranny

says the pasty 98 pound effeminate white kid from the computer his mommy bought him.

thanks for the laugh bud.

its not military grade it's civilian grade, sold to civilians, and its semi automatic. not military grade OR an assault rifle.
Any evidence he was mentally unstable, also where did he ILLEGALLY but that AR-15 because it's required by law to do a background check.
Jesus these people are stupid im not even from the US all it takes are a couple of googles and some common knowledge about guns

I think you guys need nigger and muslim reform, the 2nd is bretty cool

he was investigated twice for connections to radical islam. it doesnt matter where you work. you shouldnt have access to firearms in those conditions.

but go ahead, show me your underage mental gymnastics.

God you people sure are funny you go right for insults when you have no arguments to turn to.

The day a Pollack tries to be racist. Man, if only Adolf was here.

He was a democrat and worked for an international security company.

still don't think we need to deport mudslimes? oh and blacks too

Oh man you sure cut me deep there

They forgot to mention he was a Muslim and a registered Democrat.

What does that have to do with his statement?

>my ad hominem insults will disprove this guy's facts
Not an argument, bud.

Liberals should not be allowed to criticize islam. Even when it is completely against women's rights and homosexual rights. So they revert to the only thing left to criticize which is guns.

You do realize that criminals tend to break laws right? Stricter gun laws are only hurting law abiding citizens.

was he really condemned for domestic abuse and still maintained his weapons?


Sounds like the FBI failed in their investigations to me.


This was a false flag event.

Funny how many of these shootings have an unidentified second shooter who always manages to get away.

Youll get your gun reform when we get our nigger and mudslime reform

Democrats always scream gun control when it is a registered democrat that commits the crime. They also want to take away constitutional protected rights against citizens that have committed no crime when it suits them.

Fuck off Hillary.

>would rather let this shit keep going than attempt gun control

the NRA must love to pound your asshole every night.

"Muslim" and "mentally unstable" are synonymous tbqh

Get out of my country commie bastard.

>Funny how many of these shootings have an unidentified second shooter who always manages to get away.
Witnesses are often pretty damn shit at accurately describing damn near anything that has happened.


So you're telling me that if you got shot by a guy that wasn't a citizen of the usa and had a unmarked gun we'd still need gun laws cause of it.
Cause that is a real scenario we will face if we do have strict gun laws like that.

I dont want this shit to continue, but gun control isn't the way forward. Dealing with Islamic terrorism is.

You can't deny anyone their rights on probably unsubstantial claims he said some shit about islam. Imagine if this sand nigger was denied purchasing a fire arm the antigun faggots would have a field day.

/end discussion

Survivor held the door "accidentally" helping the ISIS-shooter


We need minority reform. See Switzerland.

Americans being so cuck about giving up your best civil right to please leftists without thinking is just infuriating. Do you know why my country has turns in such a shithole of war between criminals and the police? Why it has over 60,000 homicides each year since 2005? Because fucking leftists banned the guns that year. Now we have this glorious faggot eurocuck social democracy laws applied to a infernal country with more violence than civil wars in Middle East. Really effective. I don't have a clue if I am going to live to see the evening everyday. Stop being a idiot and take your balls and gun.

I'm still waiting on air plane control. It's unacceptable that a handful of men used planes to kill 3,000+ people on 9/11. Anyone can buy a plane, take it into the air, and crash it into a public place and end many lives.

Do we really need planes? What's wrong with walking or driving? Traveling on a boat to get to another country?

>gun control

What did he mean by this?

>1 post by this ID

Why do you faggots keep feeding these shills their shekels, Sup Forums? Are you incapable of recognizing and ignore them still after all this time? Are you literally more fucking autistic than Reddit?


12%. Margaret Sanger knew what she was doing. And the beauty of it is, they celebrate her for it.

I read that in Sips' voice.

Remember when England's gun control stopped those diamond thieves from using guns and robbing a jewelry store?

Or when France's gun control stopped those 4 terrorist attacks in the same year that all involved firearms?


It obviously prevented all of those, guys!

>not a single post by this id

>military grade assault rifles
Does it mean it was a full auto rifle?
I thought that they were banned in the US.

44 million blacks, 55 million spics, 60% Jew, nigger president, niggers on money and a majority of under-21s are non-white.

How progressive.

military grade = big black gun

I don't care about some terrorist shooting a shit-ton of people. That's not going to stop me from buying a gun and enjoying them for what they are to me. Faggots need to stop shitting on my financial investments towards my hobby. And just realize capitalism will trump all.

Gun reform won't do shit when guns are already being obtained illegally. This will only leave those who want to get guns for legitimate defensive purposes unarmed.

Mateen's gun was bought ONLY after he passed tests that would be in Obama's new reform.

Mateen was already working in a security firm with a license for a firearm in a security operator's capacity.

Mateen's ex says he was abusive.

Mateen's ex-coworkers gave statements that the security firm they worked alongside in would not terminate Mateen when they knew Mateen was creating a toxic work environment with his ideals he ranted about.

Mateen began stalking coworkers and their families when said coworkers gave him any argument for his ideals.

Mateen's father has been close with several high-ranking politicians in the past.
Stop being so fucking fearful of political correctedness, you shitstains.

If anything, stop bitching about your shitty idealistic dreams about gun reform and just start profiling. You shitfuckers are making things far more complicated than they need to be just because you don't like calling a Muslim Extremist just that. Because that'll hurt their feelings and make them feel unwanted or some shit.

Where he worked required him to own a gun, dipshit. Should private security be outlawed? Your beloved celebrities would have to give up their body guards, as well as any other private citizens that requires protection. Underage mental gymnastics my ass.

I agree, we need gun reform. No guns for non-whites.

You cannot own an automatic firearm manufactured after 1986, (when the regulation went into effect). To own one manufactured before 1986, you must live in a state that allows possession of one, have a completely clean record, obtain a license for one, buy from a licensed seller, go through the months of approval and wait, purchase a tax stamp for it, and from there, ask the federal government permission to do anything like transport it. There is much more, but that is a very basic run down.

You cannot just walk into a store and buy one. People who are saying this are ignorant. Automatic weapons are regulated out the ass, you become a bitch of the federal government if you want to own one as a private citizen.


>private security contractor with several background checks and licenses gets a semi auto rifle
>we need more gun control

What possible law could they pass that would prevent this from happening besides an outright ban on firearms?

Thats precisely why he needs a gun, and not a battleaxe.

hooooleeeyyyyy shit that's savage


Fuck off, Poland.

How many people have legally obtained an AR-15 and resisted the urge to waste a bunch of fags in a night club? Access to the gun isn't the issue, and it certainly isn't the cause of this incident.

That's exactly the reasoning they will use to push for a complete ban.

>We cannot regulate them even with heavy regulations!
>We just need to ban them to be as sure as possible, and be done with it!

These are the type of people who easily obtain and do shit loads of illegal, heavily regulated drugs because "fuck the government, man, I can still get around their laws! LOL!", but somehow think people will not be able to get illegal, heavily regulated firearms.

Stop replying to b8 threads. Sage and move on

>it's a ''uk pretends to not be one of the most cucked places on history'' episode

No Ruby Ridge?

When our secret service investegate a suspect they usually catch him before he kills anyone.

>Domestic Abuser
>Mentally unstable
>Investigated by the FBI twice for his links to terrorist suspects
Then he's already barred from legally owned a gun so he could have only acquired a firearm VIA the black market

But the liberals in the past have never waited for the investigative report before they start spewing their bullshit so why should this time around be any different

>military-grade assault rifle with a high-capacity magazine
These fucking buzzwords are the worst

He went to a location that was labeled a "Gun Free Zone"

Florida has a back ground check system and he still acquire a gun (Meaning more back ground checks will do nothing)

All of those fabulous faggots have/ were able to do the same

>assault rifle

What we need are government employees that aren't incompetent and that will enforce the laws we already have. This incident, as it played out, was entirely preventable.

Enjoy your new Caliphate, Britbong.

Kys. Or move to mexico, they have a lot stricter gun laws than we do.
