What's up with Australia

and its posters? genuinely curious, I know irl Aussies are bantsmasters, but the types of shitposting on Sup Forums... It's so surreal, how do you cunts do it?

>so flawless
>so majestic
>so effortless
>always on queue

Is it the anglo genes? is it the """Beer"""? is it the sun? the southern hemisphere!?

Other urls found in this thread:


its their superior intellect, they are just playing with us

it's the uranium mining

It can't be the southern hemisphere since I can't bantz for shit.

Mass inhalation of burnt rubber

i convinced about 16 people in another thread that islam is a religion of peace.

(because it is).

Its to do with starting as convicts.

Leftists are starting to take hold, but the silent majority dont see them as a threat so they just go about their lives.

Lifestyle makes one good like that.

Nobody likes a Brown nose, ya Fucking yank.

Its okay New Zealand, you will get there one day
Now go play with Tasmania, adults are talking
