My bih luh do cocane

>my bih luh do cocane


i toog a whide bih to starbugs

dat lil hoe get her throte FUGGED


big mac meal
large with root beer

>I'm in luh wi da coco

lil puh

>spen m racks on nu cheyn

ill have two number 9s

tendies and fries with ranch dipping sauce please

lugg ad me :D
fugg on me :DD

>i dont like lil pump its no intellectual enough for me

huna ohma riss aee ohma riss

eye fug a bih eye fougeh huh naem

What's your personality type? I guarantee I'm more intelligent than you.

20 piece tendies wid ranch

>personality type
holy shit

>defending lil pump

not him but I'm INTJ with a physics MSc from a top 10 uni and I like Lil Pump

>personality type
Lmao at least fucking zodiac signs are consistent

>not even INTP
You are slime. Off yourselves.

t. accomplished nothing in their life and uses meaningless identifiers to justify their inflated sense of self worth

for me its the mcchicken

post instantly disgarded
