Norwegian Government takes daughter from Norwegian dad & Chinese mom for 'lack of parenting skills'
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Europe is falling apart.
They should deport all chinks and their lovers.
Western Europe is retard tier with "Child protection laws".
There have been several cases in GB/Eire where Baltic parents get fined and warned for letting their 7-10 year olds go to school themselves and/or stay at home alone.
Sounds racist desu senpai
Why do people not pull out their guns when shit like this happens? Why would you let the commies collectivize your kids?
Isn't it kind of fair if the kids live relatively far from the school. I don't know about there but here we have a population of dogs without owners that can attack kids. Not to mention all the muslim rapists.
Everytime I hear news out of Norway-which doesn't happen much- they're taking sombody's kid away.
Any Norwegian that wants to elaborate and explain?
>caring about race traitors and their children
Ideally they all get stuffed down the shredder.
They should hand her over to some poor refugee children so she has some playmates. What a poor, traumatized girl, raised by a white man!
It's only going to get worse.
Keep in mind this only applies to Scotland, not the UK as a whole.
I like ours.
I have cyclical depression so there are months where I just don't have the energy to clean the house.
They give us free cleaning service and babysit for us until I get better.
You are not exactly representative of Western Europe, Puerto-bro.
We have no wild dogs, wolves or rapid donkeys. Realistically muslim rapists have never been a problem outside of the large ghettos. Not sure how that will change now that they are moving them to the country districts instead
This isn't something new
Barnevernet (Norway's child protection service) has been doing this for years to Eastern Europeans like Czechs, Romanians etc.
But when it comes to muslims and shitskins they don't lift a finger
Like a few month ago they took 3 children from a Romanian couple because of violence, when asked to prove their claims they couldn't so they completely changed the narrative, saying they took them due to "RELIGIOUS INDOCTRINATION", You can't make this shit up
Pic related of the "violent" family
Due to pressure from the Romanian state they were forced to give the children back, The sad part about this is that some Romanians though what Barneverent did was justified because "They're Norwegians they know what they are doing!!"
These relationships psychologically fuck up the children. They grow up knowing full well that their dad is a beta who could not get a white woman and so he "settled" for "some chink". They grow up knowing full well their mom is a self-hating slut who loathes Asian men (and probably thinks they have small penises) and wanted blue eyed children or some shit. The child won't be accepted as white or asian (unless in the rare occasion they look white passing). The majority have chinky eyes/features, and their dumb whore mom will barrage them with verbal abuse because of it. The beta white male will probably end up being controlled by this same harpy and hence will not intervene as the child's mind is poisoned with a cocktail of ethnomaschism and inferiority complexes.
This is seriously the absolute WORST interracial pairing of them all. BM/WM comes nowhere close to this shit. This is why they all end up mentally ill (especially if they have a son, lord help them)
Barnevernet has massive support here.
These are foreigners who don't accept our laws and lie through their teeth about what they have done. We do not want a cucked Barnevernet who silently accept shit like Rotherham here.
Fuck off BBC.
It is the simple fact that from Eastern European perspective, we live in a shithole, yet never had problems letting kids go to school on their own, even use public transport. Mind you our country also has a 25% Soviet minority with whom we have tensions, especially kids.
Western Europe was seen as a paradise, a better place.
When people went there they expected clean and safe streets.
What they got was a nanny state full of third world criminals.
We expected that EE would slowly improve but never catch WE.
In reality EE has become somehow a safer place to be while WE has degraded.
It is absolute lunacy what is going on in Europe.
Well more dogs here are bro-tier anyway. But trust me, one day you will fear sending your kids, if you eurocucks have one anyway, alone to school.
There's nothing there about the mom being Chinese.
This doesn't even look Chinese.
Have you ever even seen a Chinese?
you're just jealous that i get a mom form of autism bux
They are notoriously bad in my part of the country. So is pretty much any government service. Also, we do not know more than their side of the story so maybe they sugarcoated it.
Fuck Norway. My sisters boyfriend is the biggest cuck I know and he's Norwegian
>Norwegians stealing children
In other news, sky is blue and water is wet.
Norway is always stealing children from families. There is something deeply wrong with Norwegian view of their family autonomy. It is like the family is just property of the state.
OP added the Chinese mom bit himself.
under the nwo all childern will be taken away by the government. the family is a thing of the past
Scroll down.
The only side we get is the foreigners' who run home with their crazy fairytales once they have actually been punished for their shit.
And bizarrely Sup Forums seem to support treating foreigners with a lighter hand. I repeat, I don't want a Rotherham here.
It has nothing to do with Rotherham. Norway just steals children who are not raized by cuckolded liberal parents.
That's really far down.
Why did you focus specifically on that couple when about a dozen more are mentioned?
Oh boy, looks like the Muslims have a new rape victim!
No, they don't. It's hilarious that you actually buy this shit. Let me guess: You think we are inbred too, right? Or that Christians are prosecuted?
Just stay home in your corrupt and poor shitholes if you don't want to follow our laws.
>kid goes to school alone
>gets culturally enriched
it's not retarded, they know their public space is a jungle
holy fuck dude savage bants
>You think we are inbred too, right?
>Or that Christians are prosecuted?
It's quite worrying that they can just take your children away and give some weak excuse for it. What next? Take their kids away for voting frp or something?
>It is absolute lunacy what is going on in Europe.
It's just a shame you guys in EE have equally (or even more) shitty TFRs otherwise the region would definitely be in the ascendant. You might be based enough to avoid our immigrant problem but you've still got a horrific 'hardly any babies, far too many old people' problem going on.
15 years ago someone walks up to you and tells you
>In 15 years Poland will be a safer place than Germany, especially for women at night. Also 9/11
Do you believe this?
>steal kids from a loving christian family for "religious indoctrination"
>let muslims into your country and do nothing about the awful shit they do to their families
pic related
Daughter was probably qter than Mom and Dad raped her
I thought it was because they physically punished their children?
Rotherhams can be prevented by stopping all Muslim immigration and closely monitoring (and deporting if necessary) the Muslims already in the country. You don't need to turn the State into a kidnapping agency.
>But Barnevernet, the child protection service, said lack of eye contact, and other signs, revealed she was suffering serious psychological harm. They said her parents couldn't meet her emotional needs, partly because her mother was depressed, and Erik - to quote one social worker - was "simple".
re-read it, my point still stands
>muslims rape their children, beat them, murder them for adultery etc.
>two white people spanked a child as a punishment
who is the criminal?
(my apologies for the ad hom)
Okey, you retard.
What you are saying is that if we DON'T let the gypsies and Muslims beat the shit out of their kids, we're cucks. The only thing they have to do is show up smiling in bunads and come up with some stereotypes along the lies so that foreign press eat it up, and they should get free reign?
You are gullible fucking idiots.
GJ barnevernet. they trigger the muslims and the slavs
>Child is slightly introverted and does not like eye contact
>Best steal that child and give it to the arms of the state, surely it will be better
Norwegian logic.
They have raised the "standard" for how good a parent you have to be in order for them to not take away your kids the last 30 years. If the kid fights at school, the parent is blamed and the kid is taken away.
It's ridiculous. It's because they don't want anyone able to revolt when they join the global police state. They fear the true viking spirit.
Both are. Not that I necessarily agree. I would not spank my kids, but either way I find Barnevernet very scary.
thats the only thing we hear from Norway here as well. And same in czech republic and in romania I think. Always the same stuff.
>spanks children many times
It's illegal to beat up children in Norway.
Where's the problem?
They actually took the child away because it would not make eye contact.
>hardworking romanian (white) immigrant married to local woman
>hurr durr fukking gyppos
also, since when does the government have the right to tell you how to raise your children?
Read more than five lines of the article and you might find the part where a Chinese mother is mentioned.
>But Barnevernet, the child protection service, said lack of eye contact, and other signs, revealed she was suffering serious psychological harm. They said her parents couldn't meet her emotional needs, partly because her mother was depressed, and Erik - to quote one social worker - was "simple".
Heres the social workers 'proof'
this planet needs to be blown up
or liberals need to be gassed
Maybe they thought it was traumatized and maybe it was. It's really difficult for me to judge this or anybody else here.
Child has inherited a slight degree of asbergers from parents. Take away child and give to someone who don't understand asbergers at all.
>Child doesn't want to make eye contact with strangers being mean to mom and dad
wew lad
>Most cases now don't involve parental violence, though, or alcohol- or drug-abuse. The commonest reason for a care order now is simply "lack of parenting skills".
That, in short, is the reason Barnevernet gave for taking away the four-month-old baby daughter of a young Norwegian father called Erik and his Chinese wife in the country's second city, Bergen.
Ctrl F that shit if you're too lazy to read the article
>tfw I could have been taken away as a child
I am sure separating kids from their parents will improve their psyche
That's not OP
If you don't raise a cuck you are a bad parent it seems
Sounds a lot like comminism.
Reminder that the SNP are doing this to Scotland.
>after reading two sentences the american understands all nuances of a case that involves many interviews and considerations
are you actively trying to be as dumb as you can?
Fuck off shithead. You probably sold their kids to some gay rich Jews
And kids here go to school alone. We don't have Muslims here.
That's because you live in a shitole, I walke a kilometer every day to school. On my own.
To give it to gay couple, right?
Wtf, can't the kid simply be shy?
Barnevernet is horrible, user.
They do not deal with mothers who essentially turn their children into tendies-loving wrecks, and instead wreck healthy families.
So you don't have laws to protect children in America?
There's a reason these people have to run home when they get busted for this shit. Their stories lack credibility 99% of the time.
This happens here, too. These are for-profit organisations that receive extra state funding the more children they take. As such, they make up the flimsiest excuses to take children from easy targets. Because you bet your ass they live shitskin families alone, no matter how many crimes their underage terrorists in training commit.
The broom needs to be swept through these organisations, same as with the others. Europe must run red with leftist blood.
its mostly arabs and africans that get their children taken away from them, but the slavs of course never know when to back down. they are horrible parents and do not deserve children
Having personality different than the state mandated one is now a sign of abuse.
Protect from what idiot? Being taught not to like dick? Your shitty association never takes muslims kinds but mostly Romanian Christians or Lithuanian
Just stay home. Please. Our prisons are full of your countrymen.
Also, I just realized the relation between the Norwegian "barne" and the English "bairn".
Fucking vikings.
They came up with the perfect way of replacing whitey with sandpeople.
Whites don't breed because their children get taken away anyways, and shitskins can't even keep track of how many children they have.
Leave Norway.
They do take Muslims all the time. Unlike other Western CPS. That's my point. Don't like our laws?
Stay home.
Stop stealing our children disgusting pedophile jews
your prisons are pretty comfy desu
The state kidnapping children is a huge problem in the uk, real some of christopher bookers columns in the telegraph about it:
Haha, i've never seen the gypsies this triggered before. Fuck, i love barnevernet.
I hope they drown those rats and all of you gypsy fucks.
Stop stealing, murdering and raping in our country. Stay in your shithole and you can kick your children to shit without Barnevernet being involved at all.
Speak up again and I won't donate clothes to your country.
>they are horrible parents and do not deserve children
Says Jörgen while his blonde blue-eyed daughter is being passed around the refugee camp like a blunt. You don't deserve to live.
It all depends on where the kids live. I walked to school every day since 2nd grade up to 9th (up hill both ways and in the driving snow, of course)
Then randomly the traffic patterns in the city and the two lane bridge I walked over was no longer safe. You would have to wait for the one random break in traffic and sprint the length of the bridge Eventually the school had to bus everyone east of the bridge...they were literally busing kids 700 feet.
>Hurr le gypsy
Romanians are not gypsies.
>pedos are this angry
Eat shit kike faggots
She couldn't make eye contact with a strange kidnapper??
I guess that means the kidnap is justified!
These people need to die
Links? Any case study in eglish language?
What's that? Can someone translate poor?
Terrifying. Don't hide behind this "protecting the children's privacy" bullshit. If you're out there taking people's kids, you better demonstrate fair and completely transparent due process.
There got to be a small [big?] part of a dad that internally rages "killing spree" when his kids are taken. Sadly, the only option is to get your kids back within the system. Sitting in jail for decades while the grow up with someone else won't help them. Frustrating.
Don't move to norgay. They will steal your kids when you are not home like the cowards they are and will sell them to rich gay jews who can't have kids
>rapid donkeys
jesus christ how horrifying
This. Don't move to Norway.