We was friends with USA. What went wrong?

Srsly, it seems that we and USA was BFF. What happened? We even kinda "helped" in War for Independence.

>In November 1779, Britain made another plea for Russian assistance. Swallowing their pride, the British ministry acknowledged to Catherine the collective power of Britain’s enemies, as well as the King’s desire for peace. The British ministry's letter to Catherine explained these concerns and offered to “commit her [Britain’s] interests to the hand of the Empress.”[10] The British included a specific request that Russia use force against all British enemies, including other European countries, to stop the American Revolution. After waiting several months, Catherine decided to refuse Britain’s request.[11] In 1781, Britain attempted to bribe Russia to gain its assistance. Distressed and realizing that they were close to losing the war and their American colonies, James Harris asked if a piece of British territory could convince Russia to join the fight on the side of England. Offering the island of Minorca, Harris did not request soldiers in exchange; this time Britain simply asked that Russia convince France to exit the war and force the American rebels to fight alone. Perhaps revealing her secret desire to have the American colonists gain their independence, Catherine used Harris' proposal to embarrass Britain. She declined Harris’ offer and published Britain’s attempts at bribery to the French and Spanish.[12]

Picrelated is painting by Aivazovsky called "Distributing suplies".

What happend to our friendship?

Another beautiful pictrue by Aivazovsky. Russians welcoming American ship.

I don't know if you remember, but just about 100 years ago a bunch of Jews successfully instigated a Bolshevik revolution and overthrew the Russian royal family.

Ever since then the Russians have been the ultimate cucks.

And now they're gone, but you still want wars n stuff.

When Britain decided to let the Puritans have their own colony. It went downhill from there.

That's just because US politics is full of old faggots who think the cold war is still relevant
A few more decades and they'll all be dead

Well, Lenin's writings about how the communists were going to encircle the US certainly didn't help.

we're just boogeymen for our respective countries, used by politicians as a means to an end. pay no mind.

> we wuz

We both still have politicians and their ilk from the cold war era, hostilities will settle down as long as we both keep cool heads and europe doesnt go through anything too bad which would inadvertantly force our two countries to defend their interests on oposing sides.

I think Russia is cool

You still have cold war era faggots running things and so do we. Purge them and things might change.

Based info Russian bro....

And jews and money happened but we are bringing that friendship back we learned our lesson with europe I think.although we will continue a full British alliance if the brexit gets passed and trump gets elected

Because we thrive on the constant high of tension.
We expect you to be there and pleasure us because the chinks just aren't the same.


So do you, as you said. The only thing that will change should Russia purge its government is you making it another irrelevant vassal state like Poland.

these are true.

this summarises it nicely.

you're also our boogeyman, but most canadians know that russians are decent people. we are culturally very different but we (north america aka america + hat) don't have a population fearful or mistrustful of russians, except our old coons and people who can't get over the cold war.

trump gets in, becomes best buds with putin, all is good.

This it was a main issue communism wasn't liked here it was the islam of today

Both became powerful and influential which made our countries rivals via' practical necessity.

Time of the Red Dawn. I grew up after the fall. No worries, once we get Trump in, we can finally throw out the damn red scare shit that's been forced down our throats, even to this day.

Trump and Putin are friends. Maybe we can work together and spitroast the true evil in this world, China.

USA and Russian Empire were close. You don't just sell Alaska to your enemies. Things went sour when the commies took over

Fucking this.

Yep the democratic and capitalist west
The communist east

Better dead than red was a saying here for a reason

Fuck commies.

>what happened

bolsheviks happened.

A lot has changed friend, perhaps it won't always be the way it is now. Perhaps we will be closer as nations and allies, hopefully sooner than later

Jews (bolsheviks/communists) killed the tsar, ending the deep friendship to the usa and the fight against the jews russia had waged for centuries.


>What happend to our friendship?
Spell it with me Sup Forums

I thought France was the US best friend?

Well there is you know those problems with us being with Israel + north and south korea but I love Russians

>implying it was not Woodrow Wilson's plan to fuck up european monarchies
>implying he didn't rubbed his hands with glee when he heard the news

>A full British alliance
What's the need?

Because now Ivan the jews are overthrowing our government!

And the Jews have already overthrown your government.

Your government loves Islam

Watch An American Tale.

All your Jew rats moved to the US and we're still suffering the consequences of the rats' Marxist and multicultural plague that is killing our country.


Agreed but it separated us at the time not now I'm all for an alliance with Russia. Your our only competition militarily and the only ones not scared to tell us to fuck off about trade sanctions and vice versa. An equal

The only thing is we are getting tired of floating the bill on European defense we asked them repeatedly to increase defense spending and they won't. Where as Japan and korea were ask the same and did. We are making better alliance ' with eastern countries now and I think Russia is going to be one of them but if we pull military support out of europe I can see russia start to chip away at europe little by little without fear of American fallout and I don't think europe needs to be under Russian control at all.

Da joos managed to overthrow the Tsar because he was a total kuckmaster. The prisons were comfy and sentences for everything were light, the women were gaining more rights, the intelligence agencies were a joke and so was the personal security detail for the royal family.

Weak rulers are doomed in a nation not filled with eunuchs. Admittedly the commies had a horrible ideology but one can not accuse them of being soft.

The democratic party didn't want us to be friends with those that hold nationalist ideas.

Remember how Bush and Putin were besties?

Likely the schism began around the advent of Communism, a (((tribal))) invention, particularly Stalin's tyrannical, murderous brand. Capitalism and communism are simply two ideologies which will always be at odds in their purest forms, which Russia and the US attempted to embody. Personally, I feel like the potential for a great AmeriRusso partnership is one too promising to overlook, and I think that's the direction Trump will lead us in.

You brits are always a valuable asset. Our forefathers were British. Brits might not have the power they once did, but they still have the influence. British colonies turned into some of the most powerful countries in the world, always protect your origins. Even if they are cunts sometimes....

We love the fact it destabilize's the region we get alot of our oil from.

I know a family that immigrated to Texas from Yekaterinburg. They're extremely polite, friendly, and hard-working.

Russo-American Bond when?

I want to be pals with Ivan

Trump/Putin supreme world overlords 2024

The Cold War and globalism. We wanted everything, a single system over all the world. You have a sphere of influence kept purposefully independent of that system and you have the nuclear weapons to back your words. This frustrated us very much.

What if after Germany lost the WW2 the Allies didn't make the Nuremberg Trial? That is Russia today.




Communism happened.



>And now they're gone.
Holy fucking shit I don't think I've ever laughed this hard. Jesus fucking Christ, top fucking lel.

Russia is pretty based. I'd like to see us launch a crusade together. Constantinople when?

Ok, so lets say the friendship happens and in the U.S Trump wins, in Russia the govt. Is overthrown. Would the Baltics still exist or would you continue where the Romanov family left off?

When you can climb a flight of stairs without fainting.

One word, many of which my fellow Americans cannot seem to understand.


The majority of us do not war but that simply does not matter in the grand scheme of things.

This is a not so simple answer, in association with a not so simple world. God help us.

progress happens one coffin at a time
just so happens you finished before we did
gibs it a few more years user

one of which*

Yeah now America has the Jews

Alexander II also threatened the other European powers not to get involved in the American Civil War.

Woodrow Wilson is pretty much entirely at fault for how shitty the world turned out, so sorry about that.

Not only in the Revolution but also you helped our Civil War. Russia sent an emissary on a warship and warned France and England (nominal allies of the Confederacy interested in receiving raw materials for their factories) to stay out.

>A lot of our oil

The majority of our oil comes from the US. The majority of our oil imports come from Canada. We get very little of our oil from the middle East. Our government likes to keep them destabilized because it means they can't interfere with their business dealings.

The October Revolution was what went wrong.

jewish tricks ivan
jewish tricks
>russia gave us one of the largest land grabs of all time and tons of dosh in gold and oil

Did I say majority ass hat? Or did you just feel the need to comment somewhere on something?

>What went wrong?
Communism on your side and the resulting Red Scare on ours.