What should I listen to on acid?

I'm gonna have my first acid trip this week. What songs will blow my mind?

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duUuUude Acid LMAOOOooOO

Don't do it in the swimming baths though eh?


King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard – Polygondwanaland

It really doesn't matter, it will all sound better.

wow what a boring drug

Anything but Grimes

Something that you like


The Doors first album

Hamburger Lady by Throbbing Gristle

these are some personal favorites. really just listening to what you usually like to gain a knew perspective works well. some people, at least within my friends, like to make trip playlists to get an amount of variety within songs and shit. youll also probably find that what you're listening to will effect your emotions considerably more than it usually would, so i personally tend to stray away from more intense stuff. enjoy your time my man




MPP, but especially Bluish



King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard, obviously.

Bona drag by morrissey.

Spiritualized - Lazer Guided Melodies
Osamu Sato - Lucy in the Sky with Dynamites
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - I'm in Your Mind Fuzz
Beach House - Depression Cherry
Duster - Stratosphere

bowie will never do you wrong

this is a required listen


and make sure its not very dark, dont go listening to swans or some shit listen to something fun

Nothing but Grimes


Anything with lots of noises or textures. Noise rock, shoegaze, maybe something with lots of surreal sampling, like F#A# infinity. Anything with a lot of different melodies going on, counterpoint and such, like Trout Mask Replica, or maybe some Math Rock/Midwestern Emo, or Jazz.

Personally, I listened to the Glow Part 2, and it blew my god damned mind. All the noises, and subtleties that your brain can pick out when you're tripping with be completely mesmerizing.

don't listen to this on acid

listen to pic related

Acid Rap by Chance the Rapper

acid isnt for making music sound cool you fucking moron

take a proper dose, go somewhere natural, dont listen to any music and do the experience properly


rosetta stoned nigga

>My way of having a spiritual, emotional experience is the only proper way, and everyone who does it any other way is a fucking moron


acid is fucking trash

kids these days aren't even taking real acid anyway.
let them have their brainfart, hopefully they will grow up one day.

Be careful, acid hyper-potentiates your brain which means whatever you listen to will be "melted" into your brain.

So if you listen to a bunch of dumb nigger bullshit, you will ingrain that in your brain.

I suggest using Acid spiritually, alone, and with no words or music, only your perception and your internal self control.

Acid is not meant to be a dumb plebeian party drug.

acid is a meme drug. good luck facing the severe anxiety and mental breakdown that accompanies its usage

Shit you like to listen to when ur sober like your favorite albums. they will all sound brand new and it will feel like you are swimming in the music if you take enough. also please dont be like a rick and morty faggot who thinks that LSD is enlightment juice and you have to have a HIGH IQ. Acid is just fun / exotic recreational drug, arguably the best. it only opens your mind or whatever if you experience ego death on high doses like 500+ mics

Don't do it at all would be better advice for people like OP, considering he clearly does not really grasp what the LSD trip is like.

People like him are the ones who end up having traumatic experiences and fucking themselves up. They go into it thinking they are going to have a fun trip, just listen to some cool music and see some visuals. Then they enter the depths of their subconscious and the reality of their life hits them like a ton of bricks, any and all of their personal problems are brought to the surface, their real self image becomes apparent and they find themselves in uncontrollable emotional hell hole for 10 hours.

I like to drop acid and listen to slow funky sex music.

What's it going to do to me?

Most music. But you could try those actual acid rock classics. Piper at the Gates especially comes to mind, even ITAOTS is a great musical journey once you get to Untitled. Outkast's Aquemini is great especially SottieOttieDopalicious. I'm told TroutMaskReplica is actually an acid album and comes together a lot better under the influence if you wanted to experiment.

Listen to acid.

It's reddit the drug

>Then they enter the depths of their subconscious and the reality of their life hits them like a ton of bricks, any and all of their personal problems are brought to the surface, their real self image becomes apparent and they find themselves in uncontrollable emotional hell hole for 10 hours.
how much do you take for this to happen? ive taken acid dozens of times never more than three tabs at once. its always just fun and cool, and stuff looks weird sometimes. ive never had some eye opening experience where my perception of reality is completely changed or something

Listen to Current 93 - Dogs Blood Rising right when you're peaking.

t. person who was not done LSD

Acid is a High School level drug, if you really want to visit the inner dimensional multiverse take a ton of DXM, cheap, OTC, legal and you will trip nuts.

I refuse to believe you have taken three tabs of acid before and haven't had any sort of profound experience whatsoever. I would check your source, you're probably getting 25i or some shit.


Counterpoint: absolutely do this

Honestly if you can get on board that sort of trip without freaking out it will be one of the best of your life

Great advice if you want a hospital bill and PTSD.


This shit was fucking wild to listen to on acid.


I've freaked out a few times (first time I took too much, thought I was mad and was going to be trapped inside a thought loop forever), but usually I just see weird shit and have way too much fun. Never had any kind of real "profound" experience.

Hyper reality comes with a prize, it separates the boys from the men. If you are tired fragile soymale with a soft psyche you can't handle it.

I guess seeing spiders everywhere is hyper reality?

the books - the way out
panda bear - person pitch
ariel pink - pom pom
dan deacon - USA

Yessuh and checked.

Anything by Limp Bizkit is great while tripping balls, the guitars sound amazing and Fred's vocals feel like you're listening to your best friend

yes nigga. the worms that make up each strand of your carpet will explain it all.

don't wanna be that guy, but this
(watch out at min 22 through 30 tho, shit's fucked so if you feel like slipping you might want to skip that)

definitely not real acid, buy a test kit

its not that deep

It was definitely real, no metallic taste, highly reputable vendor on DNM. Different people have different reactions, and it varies depending on your setting. For you, it might provoke deeply mystical experiences, but for a lot of people, most trips don't have that kind of meaning.


you cant claim its real if you didnt test it, buy a test kit

dissociatives are psychedelics for people with sub 100 iq

Preferably with the lights off and with headphones on

Where do you find acid?

if you want to "dude blow my mind XD" then do ket, lsd is for a specific type of person and it doesn't seem like you are it

Nigga it can be used to do the exact opposite of what you just said.

Speak for yourself loser

You make it yourself. Just mix some bleach and ammonia and then inhale the fumes.

Actually I can, the possibility of it being fake was extremely low. As I said, reputable vendor, teamtrust tabs, absolutely no metallic taste, no weird physical sensations. The common alternatives to acid almost always have those characteristics, the other possibilities are either very rare, or equally expensive as real LSD.

You're no different from some retarded kid paranoid about laced joints.



Cough medicine in its purest form

I don't understand how to get bitcoin though.

The entire Lateralus album by Tool, headphones on.

Coinbase (if you're willing to jump through a few loops) or a bitcoin ATM if you have on nearby (more convenient, also harder for cops to find you)

Reddit has pretty decent info on getting started, including how to set up TAILS, use pgp, use your bitcoin wallet etc.

Also, make sure to look up potential vendors and see if there are any reviews on reddit.

>t. Retard taking NBOMe

DNMUK is generally more useful than the darknetmarkets sub, they have decent stuff in the guide that applies even if you're not british.

Thanks. But what do you mean "jump through a few loops"? I'm not sure what you mean by bitcoin ATM but I I doubt there's any in Alabama

t. dumbass who buys acid offline and thinks the same shit quality and incompetence is present on DNM

Also, how the fuck would it be an NBOMe if my experiences all had a normal LSD trip duration,
no NBOMe bodyfeel (that shit is unmistakeable) and no metallic taste?

AFAIK coinbase requires you to use some form of legal ID, and after you have your bitcoins, you'll need to mix them to get rid of the direct link to your identity.

i dunno i think its pretty silly to think that LSD absolutely has to be life changing everytime you trip

How do I mix bitcoins? Why would I show my ID online before buying drugs? Sounds really confusing. Can I use my debit card to get bitcoin?

fucking hippies think because LSD reinforces their dumb spiritual beliefs it has to in everyone.

Dude people react different to drugs

Doesn't it sound much easier to ask your local burnout where you can cop than doing all this shit? Your social anxiety can't seriously be this overwhelming.

You would show ID to buy bitcoins from an exchange (at least you have to in my country, might be different in america). You then "mix" the bitcoins, which means they are sent to a pool, sent around through a bunch of addresses before reaching the destination (your DNM wallet which is on TAILS, if you set this up right the cops can't trace it).

This probably sounds like gibberish to you, so I recommend you just start reading up about it on your own from the basics.

> acid makes you have spiritual emotional experience
you all must actually be fucking autistic if you have to use drugs to have a good time.

DNM offers higher quality, lower prices, and, if you do it correctly, less chance of getting caught. For psychedelics you would have to be a fucking retarded to trust some highschool dropout weed dealer to handle LSD. Good quality acid is only available to people with decent scale operations.

Buying LSD from a dealer is a sure ticket to a tab with fucking nothing on it, or, at best, an NBOME


To put it bluntly: It doesn't give you profound experiences if you're stupid.

Fuck that. Last time I tried to get some molly to try for the first time(a gram) and I took all of it in one night and literally felt nothing

Procure your bitcoins as anonymously as possible. Don't access the darknet on Windows, access it on a different OS called "TAILS". You will need to boot it directly from a USB stick. Transfer the BTC to your Electrum Wallet (pre-installed wallet that comes with TAILS). Then, find a BTC tumbler and have it spit the tumbled coins to your wallet address on the darknet marketplace of your choice. Don't transfer these tumbled coins to "legit" wallets, they are now dirty. This is the simplest and most straightforward explanation for getting this shit on the darknet. Just do some research for the blanks I didn't fill.

Do mushrooms instead