Other urls found in this thread:

>we aren't animals

>AR 15s are assualt rifles

AR15 is designed to wound. It's a NATO round

The .223 is arguably the best round for home defense.

Ar15 is a hunting rifle, it functions exact same way any "normal" hunting rifle does, i wont be lectured on gun rights by people who know nothing of guns.

You can use several different ammo styles in ar15

Cool fact about nato rounds you learnedon a reddit til thread faggot

>Don't use good guns to hunt.
>Use shitty little .22s instead.
Bitch please, I'd use an RPG if I could.

>Assault Weapon

That's not the stereotypical ar15 though is it. Thanks for flexing your expertise on a non issue though

>my favorite death machine is the best for home defense

You would say that.

>not hunting the most dangerous game

I don't understand why liberals keep using this argument. No one who owns that gun has ever claimed they need it for hunting. People get them because they're fun to shoot and/or they want an effective weapon to kill intruders or tyrannical government fucking shits which is the right granted to us by our bill of rights.

Most AR-15s never kill anyone. Just because some AR-15s are used to kill people, doesn't mean that all AR-15s are like that. 99.9% of AR-15s have never been shot at anything but paper targets. That goes for pretty much any gun. #notallguns

>you will never hunt a velociraptor

But the .223/5.56 is perfect for hunting varmints such as coyotes and other threats to stable agriculture.

And the 5.56 was made to kill via wounding.

Lots of hunting rifles take .223 friend

>There will never be a perfectly good/valid reason to kill another human being

What happens in a brain that it sees a murderous rampage on TV and thinks "jesus what a maniac, I better give up the one thing I could use to protect myself in that situation!"

You're a fucking retard. And you could actually own an AR. That's sad

AR15 is the weapon of peace.

He mentioned his favorite round. And at the very least the vast array of specialist rounds in .223 offers a lot of flexibility.

Where in the 2nd amendment does it mention hunting? I've read it a million times and can't find it.... :(:(:(

>Lots of death machines take .223 friend

>5.56 for killing people
>not using 7.62 full NATO to make people literally explode

>kill them, not me waaaaa
what a whiny bitch. people who think it's ok to shoot animals should shut up when someone wants to shoot them instead

That's the point.

Why can't we have one place on Earth with guns?

The .223 is a round, not a rifle. You can fire it in a number of guns. I don't own an AR; I use a Ruger 14 mini. Matter of preference really.

I'd like to point out that the deadliest school shooting so far was done with a glock and a walther
you can kill people with a scary black gun, you can kill them with a wooden gun, they're still dead

Fucking pussy cocksucker. I took a t-Rex out with a pistol

Too heavy to carry multiple magazines.

Well using an AR-15 for hunting is a little over the top.
Probably fun as hell, as shooting anything WITH anything, but totally not needed.
Im a big fan of cross bow or bow hunting myself.

An AR-15 isn't aa great hunting weapon since it isn't powerful enough to take down most animals. You would use a higher caliber rifle for anything deer sized or larger. Though it would be a decent weapon for the farmer worried about wolves getting to livestock.

But all of these is irrelevant since the intent and purpose of the second amendment has nothing to do wwith hunting.

Nice reference rainsford

5.56 was designed so soldiers could carry more ammo because it was more important for soldiers to carry over twice the ammo with enough capability vs half the ammo with capabilities far and above what they would need 99% of the time.

AR 15 is around 60 years old and was first put into the market in 1957 if I remember correctly.
Also considering just about every single firearm action ever designed was "designed to kill people" in a military context this isn't a valid argument.

In all honesty the only type of animals that people hunt with AR's are predators. Call someone a pussy if you want. But if you fuck up whilst hunting them you can die

Some Americans use miniguns to hunt wild hogs

>he thinks people hunt with AR-15s

We need to stop pussyfooting around this and take it head on and unapologetically as Trump has shown the way.

The assault rifles are for Hillary's diversity death squads, not deer.

>sports commentary
>thinking he has a brain to think about things

>unironically calling gay people animals

jai alai?

>the 2nd amendment is for hunting

ayyyyy yeah you yanks, predators don't exist

>Well using an AR-15 for hunting is a little over the top
No it isn't
It is actually underpowered for most and when hunting wild hogs it is extremely good for the role.

Go look up hog hunting videos on Iv8888 YouTube or the Military arms channel on YouTube

Good I wasnt the only one who read that the same way.

Rotherham would disagree Britbong

>Unless you are cucking the Predator or a swede, if you claim you need a Muslim for tolerance, you are a HUGE PUSSY. See, when you make up bullshit like you need pedo worshipers to diversify a city, youre (sp) putting more importance on your dumb ass diversity over the lives of people. Make no mistake: ISLAM WAS DESIGNED FOR GOAT FUCKERS< NOT PEOPLE.

>mfw .223 is illegal for deer in Australia
>because it's too small

It's literally the most popular hunting rifle in the country you faggot

>Well using an AR-15 for hunting is a little over the top.
>jewmoney in charge of guns

I do. Not really retarded to assume an ar is 223. What do you assume a colt 1911 is? And why are you so angry

>bill of needs

0/10 apply yourself.

>AR-15 kills people not animals
>50 animals killed on Sunday

Also, the gun laws targetting AR15s also affect regular semi automatic rifles. Obama has already prevented loads of legacy M1 Garands from South Korea, and those aren't assault rifles.

The reaction to gun control stems from the fact that once the left gets it's databases and registries, competent gun owners will still be prevented from owning weapons that should be absolutely legal for them.

But, its always take, take, take. That's why their called gun grabbers.

>you will never people on a private island with a milsurp M16A1 and a fully fun switch
Why. Live.

underrated post

Literally the only reason for registries is to make them easier to confiscate.

Based Greek article coming through

Definitely also part of the design friend, but the NATO wasn't meant to kill, it was meant to remove soldiers from the battlefield

The typical AR-15 is chambered for 5.56 and will also fire .223.

>Well using an AR-15 for hunting is a little over the top.

.300 Blackout is great for deer and a semi-auto is arguably necessary for wild hog hunting (where the goal is to kill a few before they can scatter).

Not that any "need" is relevant to my rights.

Please, just stop posting.
You're an absolute retard.

It was designed to be smaller and lighter will still retaining adequate lethality.
At no stage in the design process did they think "Man, this is great, but how can we make it less effective?"

Yup. And so long as psychos continue to run our country, I'll keep my guns on hand to shoot those people if they ever get out of line.

.223 NATO is a 5.56 NATO
.223 Rem is a 5.56 rem
I know what you're saying nomenclature wise though friend

>You can use your AR to kill a 15 kg velociraptor
>It's overkill for that 250 kilo deer though
No gun fag proving they're fucking idiot witth no real world knowledge

>call people don't agree with me pussy

>that will show them

Wounded soldiers having to be carried out is effective friend

You dont need those scary black plastic 'salt guns. Just look at my garand here, its nowhere near the kind of killing machine those ar-15's are, because its wooden instead of black.

Right? It's funny because liberals claim the govt is super corrupt and evil, that cops are racist, etc; but trust them with taking away our guns...

Liberalism is a fucking mental disorder.

I've considered the 223 to be great for small game hunting. You can even hunt deer with it. However if you're going to hunt mule deer or elk you're going to want something bigger. Anything from the .270 on up has worked for me.

But he's absolutely full of shit for thinking that the .223 can't be used for hunting.

What? You said that an AR was designed to wound, and that's retarded. The fuck are you on about?
And I'm not mad, but it's sad that someone that could actually own the damn thing still buys into the "designed to wound" meme

This is the most strawman argument liberals use and conservatives love to play into. "I-i-i go hunting all the time with my AR-15." The comeback is that the second amendment has a very specific purpose, for killing people, not animals.

Go back to sleep, Lara.

Nice gun, but I would prefer my AKM when fighting a tyrannical govt.

Nah, that's really not true.

Politicians aren't people.

>instead of using logic and reason, I'll resort to emotional buzzwords and general misinformation

Wounded soldiers are more expensive than dead ones. If much rather be shot with 556 than 762

My bad, its for killing jewish alien reptiles.

>yfw 7.62x39 has a much worse track record of actual lethality than 5.56

Post your guns faggot
With opinions like yours there's no way you're over 18

Confiscation day is going to be hilarious

I got the preppers over the ATF agents but that's just me

>rifles aren't death machines

I'd love to hunt a velociraptor or the Predator, even if it got me killed.

How old are you?

The AR15 was actually developed as a sporting rifle, to kill deer and other shit, the AR10 was the military breed.

I'm at work friend. And show me those sources on the track record? Probably biased information considering the countries using 762 are usually getting btfo so there's no real fair evidence.

Just quit the Canadian army, learned all about our NATO standards there

We use 5.56 because it wounds. Killing a soldier is only killing one soldier, if you wound him the enemy has to use up at least 4 more soldiers + resources to medically evacuate them.

A wounded soldier hurts the enemy tactically moreso than a dead soldier

Daily reminder:
It's not about hunting. Libs love the smell of scarecrow in the morning.

22 this July friend, and you

>Nice gun, but I would prefer my AKM when fighting a tyrannical govt.

Fuck "tactical" guns period. I will take a .300 Weatherby hunting rifle over any semi-auto. Beyond being significantly less likely to be killed as I can shoot them from farther away than their effective range, I can also pierce body armor, vehicle doors, and engine blocks with relative ease.

Hit and run nigga. Don't let yourself get close enough that they can quickly outgun you or surround you.

Based Canada bro bringing the facts


Nice meme

Holy fuck. Two of you?

What if the other side is Soviet Russia or Islamic extremists who don't actually care about their wounded?

No one considers it a hunting rifle outside varmints.

Since everyone's using FMJ, it basically just punches holes in people while 5.56 is better at tumbling and fragmenting.
They kind of level out when you're using more specialised ammo, though.

So why not use .22LR?

>Posting fudd lore

Sorry friend, the NATO round is logistical in design. May I see your sources now?

So much this. You kill an enemy and its just 1 out. You wound at best its 2 maybe 3 carrying his ass if they give a shit.
