>Unify the Parties
>Assassin Insurance
>Took out 3 bunkers with a handgun and got hit with a grenade for his country
Who is the second best VP choice if Jim Webb is unavailable?
>Unify the Parties
>Assassin Insurance
>Took out 3 bunkers with a handgun and got hit with a grenade for his country
Who is the second best VP choice if Jim Webb is unavailable?
Other urls found in this thread:
Phil Anselmo
>tfw you were in the first /webb general/
With great power comes great responsibility.
>Based but not VP material tier
Trump should appoint him to some nice department position
>SCOTUS Justice but too short and pussy for VP tier
Are you a total dipshit? Webb already nixed the idea. Try to keep up
Is Condi Rice the Vice Pandering pick?
Trump/Sessions 2016!
Secretary of Health
Fuck off, it'll be someone we don't expect.
The more he mentions people, the less likely they get.
>establishment puppet
How about no
Plead your case sir
Secretary of Health
Fuck no one is even speculating, we just know.
3 most important things Trump needs are
1. Assassin insurance
2. Military
3. Unify America
Jim Webb does all 3 with flying colors. They will just call a minority or a woman pick pandering anyway
Ben Carson: Secretary of Health
HillShills don't stand a chance!
Hey guys, when does the election actually happen? What date will we know the victor?
Webb as VP.
Rand/Ron as cochairmen of the federal reserve (before they shut it down)
Mad Dog Mattis as military advisor.
Putin as gym buddy.
Ready for the restauration of Western Civilization.
>not shitposting
Only thing I would change is Putin being our attack dog. Russians like war and US doesn't so we should just remove restrictions on what they are allowed to do to ISIS and watch them clean up as all sides win except goatfuckers
We all know the best choice is Vinny Mac.
He's not going to go for a democrat you fucking idiot. He's gonna name sessions as his VP, just watch
Who the fuck is this? Jess Ventura would probably be better
Explain this Jeff Sessions meme
November 8. The debates don't even start until September.
I think he should go beyond that, if they do remove restrictions on what Russia can do in war, they should help other groups to ward off Muslims, rather than try and help some "moderate Muslims", alternately, ally with "dictators" who can control their Muslim population and also get rid of political blackmailers like Erdogan. The US is the new Rome, it shouldn't be the world police, that would be counter to Trump's America First ideals, but when getting into conflicts they should do so fully rather than just back some local group or give logistical help to local government. Don't half-ass war.
>Sleepy Negro for VP
>Explain this Jeff Sessions meme
He has the most in common with trump. If trump died in office, sessions is probably the only guy that would definitely continue trumps plan. Trump has basically implied that sessions will be his VP on Twitter. He retweeted someone saying 'please make sessions your VP' and said 'he's a great guy'. Also a lot of insiders have said that its going to be sessions.
>already said NOT VP material
Thanks senpai. That's a long wait. I'll continue to pray for a Trump victory.
Sounds pretty establishment to me
Its probably Sessions, but i wouldnt mind Webb
Sessions is one of the strongest border people in the Senate
Carson may make a good Secretary of Education.
We need someone based to get rid of Common Core for our kids future.
Destroying Common Core is the most underrated part of Trump's campaign