Imam loves Trump


Trump is basically a terrorist. He literally killed those gay people. How is he not in jail?

Liberals about to win the gold medal in Olympic Mental Gymnastics.

But are you gonna beat the Czechs?

He has completely blown the lid off the press and they will never be trusted again.

Fox news is literally the only one that is remotely sane at this point.

The Lying press is pretty much plebbit teir at this point. How will they ever recover?


Pick one.

what mental gymnastics?

And how the fuck does Nolito plays in your team?

>Fox news

Only people on FOX worth watching are Judge Jenneane and Hannity and Napalitano when he's talking about Hillary (but he's actually an open borders Catholic shit). Kelly is back to being a stooge cunt again, and the rest are still shit.

>Jesus Christ I just praised Sean "Israel Please Let Me Lick Your Asshole" Hannity

Can confirm.
>watched a little bit of CBS and CNN the other night
>"Need to ban guns. People are buying them at guns shows without background checks
>"Islam is religion of peace. Intolerant right responsible for ISIS"
How have we not thrown these people in retard facilities?

PLOT TWIST; Take all of FEMA's "Residence Centers" and fill them full of liberals.

It's a media stunt
He isn't actually pro Trump

No, you Trumpettes are a lock for that

>Shilling this hard

You get a kickback for this or do it for free?

yet you provide no argument.

>Fox News

My face when the liberals hvae been exposed and all their fear mongering about "faux news" has proven to be nothing but hot air compared to their own media bias.

He was a registered democrat....

Holy shit the fucking mental gymnastics on that article

Let the blame games begin.

Trump has repeatedly said he has tons of Democratic support

I can't believe the bigot Trump uber Nazis slaughtered 2 million gays last night. We need to ban assault clips, assault rifles, assault sights and assault bullets in order to prevent more radical Trump neo flogger fascists from massacring more gays and vulnerable minorities oppressed by cislords, we can never forget the 20 million lost here.


I don't know neapolitano, but I like hannity and jeannie

o'reilly can be ok ish

No relevance nor connection.