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Other urls found in this thread:,_January–June_2015,_July–December_2015,_January–June_2016


will what m8?

I have been hearing so much shit from Canadians about this and I don't even have facebook
"America needs to have gun laws more like we have here in Canada"
get mad as fuck when I tell them "we don't have any niggers in Canada, if you take out the niggers the US has the same violent crime rate as anywhere in europe"


He was a security guard on a port, meaning he got a TWIC card, meaning he was background checked by the Department of Homeland security (fingerprinted and interviewed too). This is not an issue of guns, they say he had a "device" strapped to him, even without a gun he could have killed people with an explosive. Even with gun control he got the guns legally.

Thanks for fighting the good fight based animal fucker.

White person does mass shooting = all whites are responsible because their racism created this violence.

Muslim does mass shooting = he was mentally ill and it's not his fault.

Presumably the lesson of 9/11 is that we need more boxcutter control.

fuck you faggot I didn't draft our supreme court I'm just stuck in this frozen shithole because most other places are way too warm and scandies are faggots too and there's no way in hell I'm moving to that totalitarian shithole russia
might move to alaska if u guys elect trump

but mass shooters usually are not niggers

Tell that to the faggots who liked this shitty page. Is the average american thinking the same as the ones from "Occupy democrats" page? I swear I couldn't handle reading the comments. My eyes hurt

Omar Mateen was a Muslim and... a registered Democrat. Over 95% of blacks who are registered to vote are registered Democrats. Blacks are also both the largest group of people who commit crimes with guns as well as the largest group of people murdered by guns. Why are Democrats so angry, so intolerant, so full of hate, and such obvious lying hypocrites?

Gays Must Die Says Imam Speaker At Orlando Mosque.

Islam teaches death to homosexuals, non-muslims and those who blaspheme Mohammed.


>LGBT wont blame Islam
>Blames Christianity

>no questions asked.
I'm sure this part is false.

>LGBT community will not blame Islam
I wouldn't blame Islam per se either. I'd blame the prevalence of the wahhabist (and the even more extreme) movements within Islam. Plenty of non-wahhabist muslims are alright.

Sadly, a huge number of muslims do not fall into this category.

>White person does mass shooting = all whites are responsible because their racism created this violence.
when did this happen, ever?

God, this fucking muslim cuck's family would be hanged by real muslims. I sometimes feel bad for muslims, who have to bear this sissified "moderate" Islam. Just deport them to their homeland and let them see what their religion is really about.

here in virginia we're more concerned with keeping people from voting than we are with keeping them from buying assault rifles

And people wonder why I hate everyone.

I gotta stop wasting my time arguing with these fuckheads on facebook.

Are you, by any chance, a masochist?

>by real muslims
jees kraut

when mass shootings are any shooting that involves 3 people getting shot, yes they are you stupid mick

>if you blame them, they win

Just let them drown in their own ignorance my shitposting fellow. Lately I realized that there's no point trying to redpill other people.

Read the account name retard

>wont blame islam
>we arent foolish
You are. Honestly I dont care if fags want to suck muslim dick, it will end up worse for them than me. I rarey drink, dont take drugs and am not gay. I would be lower on the hitlist.

Guy with confederate flag shooting up a black church.

>abloboohoo it's guns

Well dipshits, I guess the gays they threw off rooftops were due to Islam then?

Or are we going to ban tall buildings?

It's so fucking delusional. They could be watching their friends get their heads cut off by someone screaming ALLAHU AKBAR and they'd be busy finding out a reason why white men are to blame.

He had an automatic weapon. Automatic weapons made post 1960(?) are illegal.

ISIS doesn't kill people. Guns kill people.

Every time a white person does a shooting. In fact, it happens every time a non-white does a shooting.

Remember when the chink Jew Elliot Rodgers suddenly became a white racist?
Remember when Cho was white for 12 hours after the VTech shooting?
Or maybe you remember how yesterday for 2 hours after the shooting began, the liberal media claimed it was a white man affiliated with Westboro Baptist who shouted "God hates fags!" while he fired?

Its a marxist page burger, they just re do all the memes here but with a communist edge.

>Guy with confederate flag shooting up a black church.
and I bet a white guy in Iceland felt the repercussions of that event. Hell, I doubt that a guy in Cali took any crap cause of it, whereas when a paki retard from florida kills 50 innocent people, somehow a turkish family in germany must be ashamed because of it.

Holy shit I don't think ANYTHING gets me more furious than LGBT people defending Islam. Like if that isn't cognitive fucking dissonance there, then nothing is.

>military-grade assault rifle
They have no idea

Yeah, I know real Islam by traveling to these place, not the trendy minority gangsta rap Islam.

You dont choose yor race, you choose your ideology, and islam is a backwards one. This is nothing more than islams true face.

you know shit you idiot. you're just filled with hate and think you have the right to decide what is REAL islam, and what isn't.

fucking seriously. whether all muslims are terrorist or not, at least they should know and acknowledge that all schools or sects of Islam strictly forbid homosexuality and it is reviled by the WHOLE of Islam. How fucking naive...

France has gun control
As you can see, it made it impossible for those terrorists to shoot up a stadium.
Great idea, guys. Trust me. It'll totally work.

islam is a religion you bastard, I don't see anyone calling any other religion a "ideology". And most of us were born in it swell as you were born into christianity. And why would we give it up cause of some monster from across the globe.

And you have the privilege to live your islam light version because there are croats and serbs who are keeping you in check.

IS that what happened at sandy hook?

>My mother's Islam motivated her to unconditionally love and support me as her gay son

>"...For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds.... And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone)"

>"Of all the creatures in the world, will ye approach males, "And leave those whom Allah has created for you to be your mates? Nay, ye are a people transgressing"

>"If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend, Leave them alone"

His mother should find a different religion. Fucking pair of idiots. They fucking pick and choose what parts to believe and then come to you to act like they're affiliated with it.

Pretty much nobody knows what happens at Sandy Hook, because the whole thing reeked of coverup, conflicting and incorrect information and they destroyed the building

>because there are croats and serbs
I see you know a lot.

Dumb Mudslime fag thinks it was Islam that made his mother accept him, when it was really just that he had a nice loving mother able to ignore the will of her death cult religion to reject him.

The religion of peace literally wants gays to die. It says as much.

I don't know if he genuinely believes that it was his mother's religion which compelled her to accept him, rather than her love as a mother, or if he's just trying to absolve Islam of any culpability for the crimes done in its name again.

But either way, all the virtue signalling cretins on the left clearly lap guff like that up, and it allows them to dodge reflecting on this issue in any real honest depth. He would probably do the world, and his community, a lot of good if he just stopped propagating the apologism and/or just killed himself.

Anyone who bats for the same team who hasn't swallowed the red pill on the religion of peace after this is beyond hope and deserves everything that inevitably comes their way.

See the same in Europe, makes me feel sorry for based fags like Milo. Let down by his own.

84 I think

Exactly my thoughts

Lads I'm reading through the comments right now, and fuck me if this isn't a You Rage You Lose.

i know that feel bro. see

Like all religious people.

You're like 50% muslim right? In the north catholic Croatia, in the east and south mostly orthodox Serbia and Monteniggers. Your Islam had to adapt and is a perversion of the true form, nothing against it, but don't pretend you have anything in common with the Saudi monopoly.

All ideology is religious, all religion is ideological

Its "SHALL" dumbass

Yeah, well Christians aren't beheading women in the street for fucking adultery are they?
All that happens is Westboro Baptist Church holds a couple of signs at you. In 10 middle eastern countries, it's legal to kill gay people.
So tell me which one is better.

I don't think you realise how deeply infested Islamists, and their ideology, actually are in Bosnia.

It's a problem borne out of jihadi Arabs traveling there to fight in a 'holy war' against the Serbs when they were trying to remove kebab in the nineties.

And their sand people legacy lives on to this day, google it.

What the hell happened to the aclu? They used to be based regarding free speech and such

its also illegal to carry firearms into a club.

pretty sure, last i checked anyway, that murder was also illegal.

I'm not saying that we have alot with the more arabic islam, but serbs and corats didn't keep us in check, not in any way. You also forget that most of the balkans were under an islamic empire for almost 500 years. And yet, none of their churches were burned, they could've practice their religion freely. Of course, there were some benefits if you were a muslim, but compared to rest of europes standards, they had it pretty good.

and I'm also not saying that islam is ideal and that it has no serious problems, but it is a religion like any other, nothing better, nothing worse. is trash.

It's like pointing to Glenn Beck to make a point about how retarded republicans are - it's a worthless statement.

The fags who deserve to live will live. What I mean is while these people spout naive bullshit, some other gay guy is lifting and /k/ as fuck, not dumb enough to keep his head in the sand.


That's not true though, they're all fucked by virtue of being gay, whatever they do.

So the regressive fags holding up rapefugee welcome signs and shilling for multiculturalism, for example, are actively putting the based fags at risk too.

The only solution is more red pills.

>it's the same as all other religions, nothing better or worse
>memeing this hard

It's the most violent and destructive religion on earth.,_January–June_2015,_July–December_2015,_January–June_2016

99% of the world's terrorist attacks and deaths come from Islamic groups - i.e Muslims.

>no different to any other religion

Lel. Okay senpai.

Based fags, like based people will form their own communities when everything gets bad enough. Libtards wont be welcome and hated by both sides. It will be fine.

Yeah, the Ottomans were too busy with waging wars, so their islamisation was kinda half assed.

The problem isn't so much the individual muslim but foreign, middle eastern influence on western muslims. Our Salafi Imams in Germany are financed by Saudis, bosnian and chechen Muhjahideen were foreigners, this shit is global and centralized and all the moderates seem like useful idiots, sleeper agents or silent symphatizers. That's my main message, that in the end the "extremists" wield the power and have the last word and you'll watch and submit.

okay boy
and you're the one to speak. your country did the most harm to this planet, you colonizing imperial scum.

>"The LGBT community will NOT blame Islam for the disgusting actions of a murderer."

Even though he called 911, claimed the attack in the name of ISIS and has been reported as shouting Allahu Akbar, exactly how dense are you, lets look deeper into the rest of your comment.

>"Murders will always find justification. His Islam may have motivated him to kill, but my Mother's Islam motivated her to unconditionally love and support me as her gay son, just like the rest of my Muslim family."

Ok, how about you go and spread this peace and tolerance in, lets say Iran and Sudan, go and be spread your tolerance there and see what the consequence is for you and your family shall we, or is living in backwards, regressive shitholes to hard for you and your family?

>"Gay people aren't foolish enough to fall into the same divisive mentality of fear mongering, generalizing and bigotry that kept us oppressed for decades."

Only because white males (Both straight and gay) fought for you to have these freedoms, how quickly you have forgotten the leash when you have had unfettered freedom, one would think you would be more wary but instead you bite the hand that feeds you, then again, you are muslim and we are kafir right, so lying to us is acceptable.

I seriously hope Trump gets in and deports all these Muslim fags back to Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and other Muslim nations where the penalty for homosexuality is death and those who support them can be see first hand what true oppression is. Just remember, even though your version of being a muslim is peaceful not everyones is you fucking gigantic faggot.

I hope this extremism cools down eventually. My theory is that the middle east and that region was constantly raped and pillaged by mostly outsiders interests and those people down there now know only of violence. They have been systematically ruined mostly because of oil for a good while now.
It's like the black community in the US. You can't erase centuries of slavery in a day, they act like animals cause they were treated like that for such a long time. I just hope that we all together move forward to peace and non violence if nothing else.

So Muslims murdering today are less relevant than Viking raids?
Could this sort of reasoning have anything to do with persistant Muslim backwardness?


Well done Ahmed, well played.

You belong to a death cult.

>So Muslims murdering today are less relevant than Viking raids?
when did I say that?
go hang yourself you inbred islander

>was investigated by the FBI twice for his links to terrorist suspects.
No we need a government reform.

>My theory is that the middle east and that region was constantly raped and pillaged by mostly outsiders interests and those people down there now know only of violence. They have been systematically ruined mostly because of oil for a good while now.

Yep. Fairly typical Islamist victim narrative.

Nothing is your responsibility. Your shit doesn't stink, everything you've ever done wrong or will do wrong is a result of something someone else may or may not have done.

Good job mate, well meme'd.

What about the Boston bombers?

They killed several people and injured dozens using a fucking crock pot.

What about 9/11? Should we ban airplanes?

fourth amendment

well are you anglos to be blamed for something?
when did you accept your faults in history?
and no, they're not playing the victims, they're retaliating from constantly being ones. and that's what hurts you the most.

just stop already with your one sided thinking.

Is all you have whataboutisms, seriously?

We've accepted wrongs done in our past, it's one of the reasons we have a good chunk of immigration from shitholes like Pakistan.

And how do those Muslims being granted first world opportunities repay us?

They isolate themselves into parallel shithole communities, rape our daughters, and shill for Islamist causes.

Now, if you don't mind, can you reflect on the religion you inherent at birth and why it isn't very pleasant, please? Thanks.

You inherited*

Wasn't he also a security guard? Was that gun bought for his job or personal use?

Yes just look at the shining beacon of hope and enlightenment that is modern Africa. God damn those Jewish slavers who bought slaves and shipped them to the US, dooming their ancestors to live in the greatest country on Earth that constantly coddles the melanin-enriched.

>ow, if you don't mind, can you reflect on the religion you inherent at birth and why it isn't very pleasant, please? Thanks.
It's not very pleasant cause it, in many ways, diminishes the freedom rights of women, gays and atheists. Just like the other 2 abrahamic religions do.

and if that's your statement about accepting mistakes your country has made, you're doing it wrong.

>Mom taught me about islam
>Gays r coo
>Dis the rite way
>Now im in hell burning my baklava off in heck

Can't just change the whole word of god as such pleases you

Muslims have been at war with the West and each other since their beginnings. There has never been a time of peace in the Middle East since Muhammed first started warmongering. Blame everyone else but never look in the mirror.

Saudi Arabia is filthy rich and was never oppressed and raped by the west. They're basically the Sunni Vatican and the sugar daddy for global wahhabism. You even have to mandatory visit their main attraction in Mecca to fulfill your Hajj, so it won't cool down anytime soon. It'll only get worse because our third generation muslim immigrants are already more radical than their grandfathers.

dont you guys have sharia law yet? fucking bunch of racists!!

>Jesse Jacobs
>Not a Jew

Sure thing.

Mate, literally the only reason you're Muslim is because your ancestor's land was conquered by the Turks, they occupied it, and raped your women.

You think the Turks are apologising for that? For the fucked up things they did when they had the Ottoman Empire?

Are they fuck.

It's only the West that hold their hands up and say sorry for the fucked up shit we did when we had empires, no one else. And it's why we're so pussyfied.

And people like you know this, and try and guilt trip us into silence about backwards shit other people do in the present.

Doesn't wash. Water off a duck's back.

This Anglo ain't no cuck.

Next time you meet a Turk try and get him to apologise for his ancestors conquering your land and raping your great great grandmother. See how far you get.

They very much are. What do you think a drive by is?

>dooming their ancestors to live in the greatest country on Earth
yeah, but that country was never really meant to be for them, they were brought there to be slaves, talking tools. And only cause of extreme and exhausting fighting for their rights, they have the equal rights, at least on paper. You seem to forget that not 100 years ago, those "lucky" black people had almost no rights compared to white people. You fags didn't even let them ride the bus with you, and now you're talking to me about your generosity and civility.

fuck off
there wasn't piece in europe ever since (and before) christianity came to the continent. who is to blame for that you retarded fuck?

(((Jesse Jacobs)))

so now you are lowering your standards to a fucking turk?
I understand it is childish to blame and seek some kind of forgiveness to what big empires did to their subjects. It is equally childish to blame a whole mass religion and its whole history because of crimes and evil some individuals do in it's name.

>there isn't peace in Europe right now
nigger tier logic. I hope Serbs wise up and rape your family again

>Mate, literally the only reason you're Muslim is because your ancestor's land was conquered by the Turks, they occupied it, and raped your women.

I can use this train of thought on literally any of your beliefs
>You're Christians because of culture/upbringing/history
>You're athetist because of culture/upbringing/history
You may not be a cuck, but you are stupid.

>what is Ukraine
nice one burger

>they act like animals cause they were treated like that for such a long time
The whole reason I brought up Africa is to show that niggers and nigger problems are not the result of slavery. Africa is and always has been a shithole because of the people there, i.e. niggers. They act like animals and blacks in the US, despite having a far greater quality of life and opportunities available to them, act like animals.

>so now you are lowering your standards to a fucking turk?

No, I'm saying that we've acknowledged the wrongs we've done, but we won't allow people to try and guilt trip us about them in the present. What's done is done, we've paid our dues and we've moved on, we expect others to do so as well, if they choose not to, that's their problem.

That's quite distinct from the roach approach, they're genocide denying supremacists.

Our empire actually brought positives to many people as well you know, for balance. But enough of this discussion.

>It is equally childish to blame a whole mass religion and its whole history because of crimes and evil some individuals do in it's name.


Read the arguments presented again.

People are reflecting on the culpability of Islam in the violence. It's influence on the people who adhere to its belief system - i.e Muslims.

If you really want to think about this topic, watch this:

One part of one country. Whereas the middle East has been in a state of perpetual war for centuries. When they aren't fighting other countries they are fighting other tribes and having civil wars and muslim on muslim action.