>Treats women like second class citizens
>Treats gay people like non-humans
>Responsible for many violent atrocities, including terrorism
>Ruined Constantinople
What am I talking about here, Islam or Catholicism? Tough one isn't it?
>Treats women like second class citizens
>Treats gay people like non-humans
>Responsible for many violent atrocities, including terrorism
>Ruined Constantinople
What am I talking about here, Islam or Catholicism? Tough one isn't it?
Damn, I am now an #IslamMissile
Really made me think
You are talking about Islam, obviously.
nope. it's islam. you're talking mostly in present tense.
nice try, sadiq.
>Christian Terrorism
Am I? Because all those things apply to Catholicism.
>B-b-but Christians are good boys, they wouldn't hurt a fly, they dindu nuffin!
Ever heard of the Troubles?
>Because all those things apply to Catholicism.
No they don't.
I actually havent. Please enlighten me.
you mean the one led by a man in a tall hat who kisses muslim feet, welcomes gays, and has treated women as equal members of society for decades (before you give me the "no female pope" argument")?
isn't pimm's haram, mr khan? you really shouldn't be drinking this early
>Ruining Constantinople
Pretty sure the guys who ruined the city call it Istanbul now
Thanks, OP, for helping to fill my daily quota of stupid.
>Ever heard of the Troubles?
land dispute is now religious war because I say so
As a protestant, I agree.
Nuke Mekka.
Assassinate the pope.
Two steps that would make this world a better place instantly.
Sage for Paki thread, though. Take your muslim ass back to the Middle East.
>He hasn't read John Milton's Paradise Lost
Kek. Keep up your delusion. You and Muslims are literally the same. Mind you, you do both follow some shitty desert cult.
It was already ruined after Catholics destroyed it a few centuries prior. Call it "SJW Marxist revisionist propaganda" if you like, and I'll call it established fact. You Catholics rape and murder your own people.
>Catholics murdering Protestants
>Protestants murdering Catholics
Yep, I'd say that's religious war. Stop shifting the goalposts in an attempt to disprove the objective fact that Catholics are as violent as Muslims, because you can't.
Yep, I'd say that's religious
If you could actually read you'd see that this thread is also denouncing Islam. I'm just pointing out that Catholics are as bad as Muslims.
>Tough one isn't it?
not for me, I hate both equally
>Anti-pope said we should be more tolerant of gays and the church should bend with society
>a local imam expresses his hatered towards gays and motivates others to go for a highscore
Hmmm really makes you think
I'm actually Sikh, so.
Anyone who follows an Abrahamic sand cult is a human being of lesser intelligence and moral fibre, but especially Muslims and Catholics.
I should add, except Protestants, because their whole denomination is based upon distancing themselves from the Catholic church due to how fucking retarded they are. Got a lot of respect for them.
>tips fedora
Well said friend, we need more like minded non religous people on Sup Forums
>I'm actually Sikh
You're a complete retard.
>Treats gay people like non-humans
mmmmmh, what?
But it was the Protties fault tho. Your ancestors killed too many innocent Catholics. Im with the IRA
Some serious bait
>sandnigger brit
You sure showed me friend, sorry to make you feel that my intelligence is lower than you.
I always wonder how bad western Catholicism are. It seems vastly different from what I got
It takes two to tango.
>The Troubles
You mean the secular dispute over land that was occupied by British forces? Yes, I've heard of it.
>Catholics murdering Protestants
*Nationalists murdering Loyalists
>Protestants murdering Catholics
*Loyalists murdering Nationalists
Don't worry lad, I fixed your embarrassing mistake for you.
Fuck off heathen
This. Nothing but a pissing contest from all sides
It literally doesn't matter, both are groups of primitives basing their entire lives around a fucking book.
It wasn't a pissing contest though. It was a fight for a united Ireland, as well as a fight for equal rights for Catholics (Hear that OP? Protestants taking away people's rights like the "good boys" they are) in Northern Ireland.
>One harmlessly protests that all gays are going to hell
>The other goes out and kills 50 people for being gay
Islam or Catholicism? Really makes you think
The Catholics have also employed doctrine eerily reminiscent of Taqiyya. You can find some stunning examples if you read about 16th and 17th C. plots in England.