Drumpflets on suicide watch. Hillary's "delete your account" tweet is now the fifth most liked tweet of all time.
Drumpflets on suicide watch. Hillary's "delete your account" tweet is now the fifth most liked tweet of all time
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Literally Trumpfags creating false accounts and spamming twitter to make it look like bots.
>bots don't exist
>$1M Hillary PAC money at work
Holy fuck, if anyone ever needs to be reminded of how meaningless twitter is, just take a quick scan down that list.
>most liked
>on a platform infested with libcucks
you dont say!
Are you even trying at this point?
The money has to go somewhere, of course.
>$0.10 has been deposited to your account
Fuck this shill thread, Hillary will rot in prison
Which is rather peculiar because her regular tweets rarely ever even make it into the double digits.
Definitely something shoddy going on at Twitter headquarters.
Your bots are obvious hilldawg
oy vey
All this proves is that correct the record and the related shills are at least 500,000 strong. In a country of 300 million plus. Hardly impressive.
I don't understand why. It's not particularly funny unless it's a normie meme I'm not aware of.
I think its almost certainly been botted as well. Most of Hillary's tweets get nowhere near even 100,000.
keep those trumpfag tears coming
damn hillshilling is increasing pay each post soon they will be payed more then Mexishits
nah, she's paying for twitter followers
What difference does it make?
$0.02 has been deposited into your Correct the Record account
Wow, that's a lot of bots!
Not an argument.
What a totally plausible, logical and responsible thing to assume.
Everyone on this board should take you seriously.
You consider all responses tears.
send this to trump youu faggot
She actually tweeted that? Fucking savage.
>No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
Yes. Because they made him cry.
Hillary has less followers than Trump.
This tweet lacks substance. I mean, if it's the fifth most liked tweet ever, then everyone would be meming about it outside, but no one fucking cares. The only explanation is bots.
People will just hear about the "ebin tweet xD", come to hillary's tweeter, read the tweet, not understand what's funny about that, then read Trump statement.
It's really just giving visibility to Trump.
Twitter should add a dislike button.
The fact you guys spam that en mass in a single thread kinda confirms the point being made.
You are retarded.
Shit m8 at least Australians are entertaining
>Hillary has less followers than Trump.
Nope :^)
Most followers are bots, which is why for celebrity accounts such as Trump and Hillary, you see millions of followers but only a tiny fraction of those followers actually rt/like things.
Not me that this message is directed at other anons in the thread. The canadian is not capable of reason, and I won't direct comments to a subhuman traitor who should be shot.
591,675 wrongs don't make a right.
It was confirmed some days ago this tool is a fraud.
And it is obvious... You probably have less brain so it's hard to understand this.
>S.. Shillary has more followers than Trump, l...Look at this non reliable web.
Sevrely outdated
Read about the way they determine whether a user is real of fake, and compare with the target demographics of the candidates.
Oh forget about all this, I'll just say
>i-it's not real!
Why did you have to be
Stop trying to make us all look bad
I have a feeling you're just baiting, you autistic cuck, but I could be wrong.
No, that website isn't reliable.
The site monitors red flags associated with false accounts and based on that, tells you what percentage of your followers are fake. What's wrong with it?
Oh wait you're a butthurt trumpfag, nevermind.
Why is it always other Canadians that create these bait threads, you make the Australians look like high quality posters even India is less shit than you.
How is it bait? A bait thread would be something like "how can white bois compete"
This is a perfectly factual thread, it's not my fault you get triggered by reality.
>Sanders 89%
Just goes to show either this data is incorrect or irrelevant when the most "real" candidate lost handily to Killary Cliton.
That websites reliabilty is equivalent to a fortune cookie
You remember 15 years ago, when you were hanging out on message boards. This was fresh and funny then.
Normies are just experimenting this.
If that makes you feel better, ok.
I voted liberal, Trump bait posting is the least of my worries. Go back to Toronto and shot on reddit all you do is make us worse than Africa with your shit bait.
uh... ok
A FUCKING LEAFLET (like manlet)
so what percentage of hillarys followers are fake
The worst part of your shilling is that you probably do it for free.
I'd wager around 40%
nobody gives a frostbitten shit
all right
Trump's response is at 280.000 likes. That most likely puts it at one of the most liked response tweets of all time.
This is a good thing you retarded leaf. Her comment had no substance, meanwhile everyone else that liked that comment is exposed to donald calling her crooked hillary and comparing her to obama.
Also trumps tweet back (it think half as many likes as hillarys) accuses her of deleting her emails
You got played son
How do you get a fraction of a like?
Well done to him. Someone should give him his participation trophy.
I'm shocked, appalled, that a presidential candidate would so blatantly try to censor free speech simply because they disagree with the other person's views. Isn't the president required to uphold the constitution? Isn't freedom of speech a fundamental right? What on earth was the democratic nominee for president thinking with that tweet?
As Ann Coulter said, this is the hill on which we're willing to die. If the U.S. wants mass immigration and elects Hillary, then at least we did everything in our power to stop it. If the white race is to die, it won't be at mt hands.
But you're the one who made Hillary's meme tweet out to be some huge achievement due to the amount of likes she received.
The tweet was made by an intern and it has already been deleted because they realized it was a huge mistake after Clinton received hundreds of thousands of "... you'd know a lot about deleting digital information, amirite?" replies.
I do not want to know what happened to said intern.
>Delete your account
It's like Tumblr. Has anyone seen Tumblr? Tumblr was a bad idea. I mean, I'll tell you, I was there at the time when Tumblr was created, and I was thinking "who would make such a site?", it's just terrible. We've had 8 years of Tumblr, and nothing is being done. We used to make good sites, but we don't make them anymore We haven't made any in 8 years since Tumblr was created.
I remember we used to make a lot of good sites. But the media will never tell you about that folks, believe me, they don't, they're dishonest and terrible people. How about Sup Forums folks? What's the best site? That's right! It's Sup Forums. Sup Forums is my favourite site. People talk about Sup Forums like its a bad thing. But they won a lot. They won a lot, and we don't win anymore. We don't.
But, we are going to start winning again, believe me folks, believe me. We're going to win so much, you're going to get tired of winning.
Let's make this site great again.
>all hillary supporters are hot girls
i guess im a s-s-shill for h-h-hill guys
Drumf BTFO
Trumpkins can go fuck themselves
>all attractive young women
Oh I know this trick! I love this trick!
I liked and favored it and i despise her anyway