All memes aside does Sup Forums actually hate the gay community?

All memes aside does Sup Forums actually hate the gay community?

I think gay people are pretty cool; generally they are well educated, law abiding people who aren't looking for favors - just acceptance.

Militant LGBT people who storm around in stockings and suspenders wear strapons who want to bend the rules of fucking nature to fit their warped agendas can all fuck off - but the average gay guy is okay in my book.

R-Right Sup Forums?

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>All memes aside does Sup Forums actually hate the gay community?
Not only do I not hate them, I don't even think about them at all

Also, Last I heard. The liberals no longer support gay men because gay men are not 'oppressed enough'

>Bunch of filthy decadent degenerates
>Cool people
Aren't you late for your crack-meth-poz-orgy in nearest public toilet?

You need a better book.

>The liberals no longer support gay men because gay men are not 'oppressed enough'

All gays should be fucking gassed! Even based Milo. fucking faggots, going against what Allah designed!

I agree OP

3rd worlders triggered - fuck off back to your favelas you white trash

>All memes aside

I never think about them, I don't care. I only find them annoying when they parade like retards on the streets.

General rule on Sup Forums is, "Gays are fine, fags are terrible." Milo seems to be the exception since he's a huge fag and a lot of people still love him for his views and trolling abilities.

No don't hate gays
nor do I care about the lgbt community, cause most of the the loudest ones you see online aren't the norm
most people keep to themselves are aren't assholes about their sexual/gender identity

Everything else > spics > pedos > muslims > gays > niggers > trannies


Yeah fuck gay pride, they actually do more harm than good because it makes the gay community look like a tumblr meetup

try and sugarcoat it all you want faggot, but
gays are degenerate

>Militant LGBT people who storm around in stockings and suspenders wear strapons who want to bend the rules of fucking nature to fit their warped agendas can all fuck off - but the average gay guy is okay in my book.

#notallgaypeople: the post

Dude, he's murrican, don't bully the retard. Life's challenging enough for him already.

>Mayor of the capital - muslim
>Most popular name - myhhamed
>1400 raped children
>Thinks he is leaving in 1st world

Yeah, I really wish I was being sarcastic when I mentioned it but some shit you just can't make up

>tfw the lunatics have taken over the insane asylum

Belarus's Democracy Index rating was the lowest in Europe until 2014 (when it was passed by Russia), the country is labelled as "not free" by Freedom House, "repressed" in the Index of Economic Freedom, and is rated as by far the worst country for press freedom in Europe in the 2013–14 Press Freedom Index published by Reporters Without Borders, which ranks Belarus 157th out of 180 nations.

> Being beat at democracy by spearchuckers
> I'm not white trash

Cyka Bylat

But the average gay guy IS a flamboyant faggot. It's really hard for me to accept them when they prance in tights in the streets and talk like their throat has been stuck in a vagina.

They don't bother me at all.

Muslims might ban chinese cartoons and pizza with ham.

Someone think of the yurus

>But the average gay guy IS a flamboyant faggot
Confirmation bias. You don't see non flamboyant gays because we're not noticeable.

>Democratic Index
Hi Mohamed

>According to those sources, swedish press is one of the most free in the world
>Literally involved in conspiracy to hide crimes committed by immigrants

Honosexuals are both a symptom and a cause of a decaying society.

By accepting homosexuality, we accept love that is based on purely your personal preferences, and not based on your duty as a person on this Earth. And what that duty is should be obvious enough; create a family, create children, raise them decently.

Homosexual love on the other hand justifies other types of "love" that have nothing to do with that. That means polygamy, unmarried love, pedophilia, cuckolding, hypergamy, and so on.

The problem with encouraging preference-based love is that it leads to the destruction of family units. As 80% of women prefer 20% of men, and men have no reason to stay loyal to women, nobody can get in a stable long-term relationship (hence high divorce rates), everyone wants to live young until they are 40, and huge swaths of men end up without sex (sexual frustration that drives them to do crazy things) and women end up without individual attention.

That leads to an unhappy country, and the country's fertility rate plummeting until it's people are no more.

Tl;dr acceptance of homosexuality spreads a nasty message, acceptance of homosexual marriage is a nail in the coffin.

I hope between this shit and the attack by a Muslim on the gay community they all join the log cabin republicans and vote for Trump. Welcome aboard gay bros.


Im pretty right wing but I just dont understand the hate for gays. They just dont seem to cause any real harm.


Non-flamboyant gays are unfortunately just like "moderate" muslims. They're too afraid of the rest of their community to take a stand against the retards ruining it for the rest of them and end up as accomplices. Except instead of like, beheadings and shit, it's put-on lisps and attracting fat fruitflies.


This is all I have, but if someone wants to add to my collection feel free

I know there was a huge assembled comp full of this shit

That's the press freely acting on it's own, it isn't being forced to do so.

Yes. I fucking loathe them. They're all disgusting cunts.

Basically, yes. Things that need to go: "Gay pride" parades, homosexual PDA, gay marriage.
Apart from that, they can do their disgusting shit at home or in gay clubs as much as they want. As long as I don't have to see it, it's fine. They also don't reproduce and usually don't behead people, so they are a lot better than muslims.

>All memes aside does Sup Forums actually hate the gay community?

I do.

I don't hate but I don't like them either.

Gay people are okay. I hate faggots. I hate mudshits more though.


Based Omar took out the trash.

I never liked them much to begin with, but I've lost a lot more respect for them after the attack. The way they're excusing Islam and still blaming this on white men, means they're read for the oven.

As with most things, the problem is Leftists, not fags, blacks, Jews, etc in and of themselves.

That's it, I'm converting to Islam.

I'm cool with them and pretty much always have been. I don't like gays that come onto me. and more recently, I find myself disliking gays that choose to make it about themselves, their identity, and see others only by their identity, and I'm fairly certain this is a direct result of the rpide and identity game that is the gay community, and the mockery tumblr made of it.

went to a vigil last night, and was honestly, pretty taken aback and demoralized by the fact that early one, there were words of sympathy and encouragement, but it eventually reduced to people of color turning it into a "we iz black and Latina and this is as much about us as it is you, no more white speakers please, lets get some PoC in here".

eventually every speaker that came up was proclimaing their sexuality, and then following it up with some political stuff, before someone came in to remind us that "yo, people died, and you shouldn't be afraid because of it"

theyre so full of anger, and pride in their self identity, that they turned a situation that was about all of us, into a situation of "me me me me".

it was good, but man, does the community have some issues it needs to work out if it wants to become publicly accepted by all people.

I don't hate anyone. I don't think homosexuality itself is a sin, but partaking in homo sex is, and failing to repent for it damns almost all of them to hell.

Same thing with their pride parades. Pride is a sin, and they flaunt it like it's a good thing (not that they care since most probably aren't Christian anyway).

sodomites are all pigs, poz culture and cottaging wouldnt be a thing were it not for these sick fucks.

fuck you OP, take your candy ass back to plebit you cuckservative piece of SHIT.

What's to hate?

I make the same distinction between niggers and blacks as I do with gays and faggots, one is an annoying stereotype I cannot stand, the other is just a person who happens to belong to a certain group

Never hated gay men. I'm good friends with a few gay men. They're professional, fairly redpilled businessmen who just happen to enjoy the companionship of other men more than women. Looking at the direction of modern feminism, I can hardly blame them.

I hate faggots. There is a difference. Even my gay friends hate faggots, and think trannies are a mix of sexual fetishists and mentally ill.

Same with the Stormcuck meme propagated here by Jews and edgy sperglords; not all blacks are bad. Just the vast majority of them. The seven or eight respectable black characters in the country are OK. Niggers can all hang, tho.

>aren't looking for favors - just acceptance.
And the destruction of the Nuclear Family. Don't forget about their desire to destroy the Nuclear Family!

No, I don't like faggots. AIDS, degeneracy, the unspeakable with little children, massive amounts of promiscuity are the results of faggotry. I shed no tears over 50 dead faggots and one dead muzzie, it was a good day.

They do not bother me as long as their buisness is kept to themself.
I like our laws on that matter, you are free to be pidor but can't popularise it, give it acceptance or normality flavor or do it on public.
Nobody should be killed for being homo and society does not have to pretend it's accepting it.

Fuck, well that's another for my collection

Really makes you think

I would rather be surrounded by gays and just be raped rather than raped, beheaded, converted to Islam and then beheaded again

I don't care what they do but public display disgusts me.

Like I don't care if people eat worms or insects but don't do it in front of me when I'm having breakfast.

this too. that vigil could have really used a fuckign prayer. even the smallest fucking prayer to direct the event. something to move it and shape it and direct it.

one guy came up, and he did offer a prayer, btu it was passive, and I don't think he actually said anything prayer worthy, but the fact is, they neede done. without it, the entire thing lacked any sort of solidarity or direction. it was a fairly hopeless hugbox, that ended positively, but was far from achieving its goal.

Fuck off cunt, rid that degeneracy from your island

Good gosh. They're all mentally ill, and the best cure is bullets.

I don't hate gay men, aside from the flamboyant fucks who push their special snowflake agenda. Most gays I've know in real life are decent law abiding citizens.

On the flip side, I welcome dischord in the LGBT. Their Liberal protectors no longer support gay men, as evidence of the infighting among SJWs and their oppression victims

>hey! we've noticed that there have been many white speakers, so we'd like to relegate these last few speakers to only people of color!"

I wasn't offended, but I am now

>This. Just because they press pursues their own SJW narrative doesn't make it not free. It just means the government isn't coercing people (although private industries and entities certainly are).

That's terribly retarded rhetoric. Being gay isn't an ideology like islam.

Ontop of that, you're implying that moderate muslims don't agree with terrorism. They do.
"moderate" gays don't agree with flamboyant fags though

>All memes aside does Sup Forums actually hate the gay community?

No. But absolutely deplore the SJW bullshit they shove on everyone. Especially here in Florida.


>All memes aside does Sup Forums actually hate the gay community?
If by "gay community" you mean "people that promote degeneracy in public, organize parades with men drinking each others' piss, and trying to shut down bakeries," yes, I fucking hate the gay community. If by "gay community" you mean "gay people" then no.


>All memes aside does Sup Forums actually hate the gay community?

Of course not, they make wonderful target practise

I'm gay, I dress like you would expect any student to. I don't put on that fake fag voice that grates the ears of everyone nearby. I don't attend the AIDs-fest that is Gay Pride. I'm right wing. I don't even go to night clubs.

What's Sup Forums's opinion on people like me? Or am I still a degenerate?

you're still a degenerate, but you avoid the gas chamber.

>I think gay people are pretty cool; generally they are well educated, law abiding people who aren't looking for favors - just acceptance.
You fell for the leftist Hollywood perpetuated myth of the decent law-abiding Aryan homo

By nature, homos are criminals. Buttdrilling is a crime against nature and the people who engage in it are sickly degenerate perverts who need to culled from the gene pool

I'll settle for that.

Not like you had a choice

wouldn't want to switch places because I plan to have a family one day but that doesn't mean I hate gays

It'd be cool to be straight desu. I wanna raise kids but Christ-almighty do vaginas terrify me.

I don't mind them at all truthfully, but I mind the activists who push a gay agenda. Might as well be pushing an agenda for alcoholics and other destructive life styles.

Still a degenerate but a smart one who would know how to escape a mass shooting.

Actual faggots don't tend bother me, if they are very obvious I get a chuckle out of them and move on. If they don't build their lives around sex they also tend to have more interesting hobbies than just getting shitfaced every weekend and talk about football all day.

The ones that belong to crazy organizations, form lobbies and parade on the streets half naked shoving their dicks on children's faces should be dumped in cement and buried, but those belong in the list of things I only experience online or through American media.

The "gay """community""" " will keep defending islam despite the fact that muslims have a religious duty to slaughter them.

They deserve what they get, it's justice. Good job to ISIS, i hope they win, at least they will cleanse the west of filth and will get our birthrates back on replacement levels. Islam is our only salvation right now from the marxist cancer.

I don't care about them. I hate progressives and will signal against them with homo hatred for fun, but ultimately I don't give a fuck so long as they never mention it and never make me think about it or bring it up in public. Peter Thiel is gay and went to insane lengths have it kept on the downlow, even destroying Gawker for outing him. This is the correct attitude to have.

The only time I've ever been bothered by gays is when I went out to lunch with my mother and the establishment next door were playing rave music at 2pm in the name of a gay pride day, or something.
Other than that they seem to keep their business to themselves and that's fine by me.


I have a mild aversion to gay men but otherwise don't care about them, always glad to hear about dead dykes, trannies, and libs though.

>worshipping a muslim terrorist killing 50+ americans in USA
Christian americans are the worst cancer on this board

gays undermine a nation's family structure

it would be best that they conduct themselves as if they aren't human waste in public

I don't have a problem with gays who make like vampires and stay out of the public eye.

Flamboyant faggots are as destructive to our society as Muslims or Marxists.

>has a problem with self removing trash

Fuck off cuck I'm not even Christian and I give zero fucks about the shooting. The kind who frequent orgy clubs are the worst kind of human garbage imaginable.

All fucking faggots must fucking hang.

Do you make a distinction between gays and faggots? Or do you hate every single guy that likes other guys?

AIDS makes no distinction between gays and faggots, so neither should you

AIDS also makes no distinction between gays and straights.

>people minding their own fucking business are worse than my fellow abrahamic religion believers who go around murdering people!
Stay pleb

AIDS doesn't affect straights as much as gays

[Citation needed]?

IMO only political fags should hang. Fags who don't treat their faggotness as a political ideology should not be discriminated against. Including flamboyant faggots, no matter how annoying the are.

Gays are the best thing in the world.
More gays means less competition among straight men for girls.

I don't hate gay people, but I dislike the lgbt movement. Who you sleep with at home is nobody's business, but that doesn't mean you should be entitled to parades of degeneracy and openly promote destruction of traditional family.

So following along with your logic, do you hate lesbians?

Lesbians are such a waste. They should at least be bisexual.

There's no good reason for me to hate them. So long as they're just normal people, they're fine. Gays don't do cancerous shit like Muslims.

Yes it does you dumb fuck. There are far more infected fags due to engaging in casual anal sex far more frequently, but the virus itself doesn't discriminate, which was his point.

I'm in a weird spot where I don't hate homosexuals, but do acknowledge that being accepting of their degeneracy inadvertently leads to even MORE degeneracy - I.E. trans acceptance in kindergartens n shit.

Gays are alright I suppose but faggots just ruin everything.