Greater Iran When?

Greater Iran When?

When you send troops to help them take it Henrik


You missed Sweden on your map.

I wouldn't have a problem with this. It's pretty strange how Iran, despite being a theocratic shithole, can seem like such a better place to live than all countries nearby.

>greater Iran

>going into Europe

The southwestern border is shaped like an arrow please make this happen.

fuck off r*fidah shill

Not so sure whats great about it. Persians always tries to act civil. But as soon as something tiggers them , they chimp-out big time.

>greater iran
>posts greater turan map

Why would Iran want to live with Sunni mongrels?

Whenever Parthia returns to Zoroastrianism

I fixed for you sven


never confuse arabs with Iranian's

I like putting my cock in sexy Persians

When they stop being cucked by Arabs. It'll probably never happen though since Iranians are the biggest cucks in history (apart from maybe Scotland).

Sweden is full of Iranians, I think there more Iranians then Arabs there.

>No Bosnia

Most of them came before the whole coup thing and have actually intergrated nicely.

Cucked Saudi using a Canadian proxy.

How does it feel knowing your irrelevance is inevitable, and Iran will be a leader in the Middle East for the next century?

They're sooooooo hairy tho.....

I briefly attempted to get with this beautiful Persian chick in college and it was like she was wearing a hair-kini. It went from her bellybutton down to her gooch and then back up to the top of her ass crack.

Never again.