How long will you allow NRA's reign of terror to continue?

How long will you allow NRA's reign of terror to continue?

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Americans need an surgery from high down to get rid of illegal weapons. Right now it's not so difficult to just shoot up bunch of people, unless you are really asking to be seen.

...are people still calling the AR 15 an assault rifle?

Why didn't someone shoot the shooter?

Are you telling me out of all those fags, none of them were packing (other than fudge)?

Fucking NRA. Thanks, a fucking lot. Fucking terrorist republicans forcing people to kill others. Goddamn NRA should have banned spooky black guns so the terrorist could have bombed it instead and get a higher K:D. Fucking republicans, jesus christ.

Wait thats the worst?

I thought killing children is the worst.

Why are arse fuckers better then children?

They didn't even know they were shot according to witness, since they were probably drugged and having loud music.

Brussels and Paris have sensible Gun laws and look what happened.

people think the AR in AR-15 stands for Assault Rifle

Having sensible gun laws and enforcing laws are two very different things. American government not only supplies weapons to whole world, they also work with mafia, so getting rid of weapons in USA is little more difficult than just not enforcing the law enough.

The club was a gun free zone under state law

I guess the thinking was booze and guns shouldn't mix.


Till we rid the world of Jews


By "enforcing gun laws" do you mean no-knock raids and razzias, just to make sure people dont have guns? Because that is what it would take to make sure places like Molenbeek and the Banlieuse are gun-free.

And once you give the government that much power, we're all going to need guns to fight our tyrannical government. So we're right back where we started.

I find it funny that you even need to mention that you have gun free clubs, since every club should be gun free.

If you think dead fags are a major concern in the minds of Straight, White, Christian's, (you pee yourself over the NRA, Lol!,) you don't know America.

Bars are mostly defenseless places, by the way. You especially don't want freak faggot bars to serve alcohol, look the other way on drug abuse and allow weapons at the same time. Tragic events happen.

You don't even want normies to get that way around weapons. Those substances twist up your mind in such a way that you are "not yourself" while you are on the alcohol and other drugs.

So bars that allow Hedonism (life for pleasure at all costs) are weapon free zones as a rule. Faggot and Normie Bars would prohibit large males except that fags and women dream of getting to sleep with a large male at some point in their life.

Just wait until all the Normies realize that giving up effective weapons means no more white children for the working class.

They will realize it with all the mass communications and mass immigration and mass promotion of race mixing these days.

Your day is coming to an end shit skin!

>Daily News
>Owner: Mort Zuckerman

Surprise, goyim!

>jihadi Islamic loony kills dozens of innocents in the name of Allah
>everyone blames white people with guns
>no one mentions the explosives he had
>muslims dindu nuffin

Guaranteed he would have blown the place up and KO'd homos with a hammer if he couldn't get a gun.
>inb4 ban assault hammers

holy shit, is this real? fucking saved

Enforcing the law could be easily start in ghetto. Simply when you see a dealers, you clean the streets, when you see gangs you break them up, but not even that American cops can do. If such a thing as dangerous streets exist you know that police didn't do their job.

Shush, its kinda funny

NRA isn't the problem. Straight white cis males are the problem.

Not sure what Florida laws are like, but would the shooter's Class G license and federal security contractor status have allowed him to legally carry in otherwise off limits zones?

because nogunz turned out so well for us in France.
mudshits still get their paws on fucking AKs no matter what.
get fukt

Makes me wonder what it must take for people to wake up

I know. Just yesterday I read how the NRA threw hundereds homosexuals of a 20 story building.

Mate... you're naive. Police and emergency services as it is already dont go into these neighbourhoods unless they come in force.
The arrests in Molenbeek were done with dozens of men from the special branch. Cops otherwise dont go in.

You think cops would even survive if they entered those areas with the explicit intent of searching everyone? As it is the French police has gotten involved in regular shootouts while trying to search suspect locations inside muslim ghettos. Same with the Belgium cops in Brussels.
You think if they go to search every house, this shit wouldnt turn into a warzone tout suite?

NRA is one of the same in the mind of leftists.

I agree that the NRA is a danger to Americans. We don't need military assault rifles in general circulation. I can't believe anyone feels more safe knowing that any nutcase can legally get hold of a gun that can easily kill fifty people. It's a retarded situation.

Damn, really makes you think.

No you wouldn't be able to carry legally. THey normally search you on the way in to those clubs anyway. It doesn't stop someone from walking up and blowing away the (unarmed) door security either.

>You especially don't want freak faggot bars to serve alcohol, look the other way on drug abuse and allow weapons at the same time.

What about the barkeeper, or the shift manager or the fucking bouncer? None of them would likely be intoxicated, right? Especially the security guard, right? It shouldn't be too hard for the guard to get CCW training and get a permit from the city. At least after this attack, Orlando might look into this.

I though those were the conservative Christians that did that? Or was it the Christians that hung gay men by their necks frome cranes?

>worst mass shooting in US history

Norway, still #1 !!!

this bait

>any nutcase

Therein lies the problem.

I heard, it was right after they set fire to that rape victim and killed a Buddhist in the name of Jesus right?

No, no, it was just that one christian baker that threw gays in cages and drowned them when they asked for cake.


Fucking SJW's and leftist will start to bring lawsuits against the PDs by claiming racial profiling and accuse the cop of committing a hate crime. They should probably stick to their sting operations instead.

Until the heat death of the universe or Jesus comes back, whichever happens first.

Exactly. There are nutcases in the world who seek to do harm. Some are terrorists. Some are violent homophobes. Some are racists. Some are butthurt permavirgins. We need to stop these people from getting the kinds of guns that are so dangerous that they can kill large numbers of us. It's fucking obvious, anons. Humans are sometimes very dangerous. Let's not let just anyone get hold of anthrax, nuclear weapons, or military-style guns.

I'm against gun control, but what is the reason a normal citizen would need an assault rifle?

>protection against the government
Given military technology today, you and 1 assault rifle wouldn't do shit

>combat a bad guy with an assault rifle
Same result (probably better) with a pistol or normal rifle for accuracy unless you're up against a dozen or more guys

nigga old

I think every household should have a gun, but can't justify the need for assault rifles to be sold.


This is exactly what American cops do when they can, but many areas are such shit, the problem springs right back up in no time. They could do more, but when a firefight inevitably breaks out and they inevitably shoot another Michael Brown in an effort to hinder criminal gun violence, the leftists will jump all over it as, "12 year old black scholar gunned down by white racist cops!"

You cannot win with these people.

California had strict gun control during the Rodney King riots, and there were cases of niggers armed with unlicensed fully automatic machine pistols, which are completely illegal. If people can easily get illegal drugs, they will be able to get illegal firearms.

They aren't. Full auto assault rifles were outright banned in 1986.

I feel fine since shootings with guns like the AR are statistically irrelevant

Read a book.

Bitch, please.

Shall not be infringed. It's really that simple and is a conclusion to dialogue.

Nah fuck that, I'd rather have the right to shoot em back.

how about not letting muslim terrorist like him in ?

LMAO look at this guys :

the first line


Just long enough for me to get my cucked ass AR. Thanks MD btw

>mass shooting

>Hurr durr 1.3 million muslims and one commits an act of terror, not all muslims are terrorists

>X people buy AR-15s, one person goes on a mass shooting, so all AR-15 owners are to blame

how long will you feel comfortable being outside of your attic shlomo?




fucking retards, cant even see through all that shilling and false flags to take citizens weapons and put them in fema camps. The moment americans give up their weapons their government will introduce martial law and usa as we know it will be gone foerever,


He also did so in an outdoor environment.

What an absolute mass shooting MVP and in a country where you can't get a rifle at the local 7/11

Tell that to fifty families. Or the San Bernardino victims' families.

But if you've already been shot by a semi-automatic rifle, then you don't have a chance to shoot back. I feel much safer if no one other than military and police have guns rather than every single person having a gun. If every person had a gun, there would be utter carnage. Humans are simply not reliable or dependable enough to give them this freedom. We're too fucking stupid, too prone to hatred, and too prone to mental illness. We need to be protected from ourselves.

Is there any photo evidence or any eyewitnesses that were obviously harmed in the attack and not some payed MSM actor that's pretending to hysterical? After Sandy Hoax, I am always skeptical of a possible false flag gun grabbing hoax if I don't see dead bodies soon after.

World war


>Tell that to fifty families. Or the San Bernardino victims' families.

People have.


>all my female relatives are blaming this on the NRA and the GOP
>tell them that guns don't magically jump in people's hands and start shooting gay nightclubs
>get shouted down for being a "GOP psychopath"

I'm not even a registered republican.

because it it's your ZOG that is carrying out the false fag attacks

You mean he shot up that night club because the NRA told him too? That's funny, I thought it was because of his barbaric, stone age religion of "peace".

It fucking kills me how they blame the NRA for everything.

I think it's sad that we actually require the existence of a group like the NRA in order to defend a constitutional right from an overreaching government.

"These "assault rifles" are the same caliber and function as a hunting rifle, except they have a pistol grip and are black. You could do all of the same with a traditional looking rifle.

>Given military technology today, you and 1 assault rifle wouldn't do shit
Yeah, but you and a bunch of other people with "assault rifles" stand a better chance.
>but muh drones and bombs
The government leveling it's own infrastructure would be the dumbest thing they could do. Not even considering the cost and time it would take for reconstruction, it would leave the US weak to foreign occupation.

>Same result (probably better) with a pistol or normal rifle for accuracy unless you're up against a dozen or more guys

Rifles and pistols are completely different when it comes to ease of fire, range, etc. And again, the "assault rifles" and "traditional rifles" are the same thing.

Don't buy into the gun scare bullshit.


>implying the Einsatzgruppe didnt shoot jews

Sucks for those people, still not enough reason to strip the rights of millions.



No, the gun is to blame because it pulls its own trigger and is black and military soldiers use the exact same gun, with absolutely no differences at all, not even how fast it shoots. And nobody needs a 30 bullet clipazine unless they want to shoot up a nursery, so ban that as well. Ban pistol grips for military guns too. It's the guns fault that it's a tool, and it's the fucking violent scary stock and scary short barrel length that makes it easy to conceal if you're wearing a Nazi trench coat made in 1982.

>talking about people waking up

stay cucked germany
never wake up to the JQ
enjoy your freedoms, enjoy your "hate speech" laws

More people -- more innocent children as well -- are killed by Drunk Drivers than are murdered with guns. Booze never stopped a rape, or protected a family from a home invader. And guns don't cause cancer and domestic abuse.

The NRA spends about $30 million a year lobbying -- the alcohal industry spends nearly $300 million.

When will the American people stop falling for the distraction, and take action against the real killers buying off our government?


Fucking how?? I can count on one hand the amount of IED bombings that have gotten anywhere near 50 casualties, nevermind a further 50 injured. That's why he used an AR-15 INSTEAD of an IED, apart from the fact that ingredients to build home explosives are being heavily monitored by the powers that be.

fucking moron

The NRA is almost the only legitimate lobby in Washington. Foreign governments aren't supposed to lobby Congress. Banks aren't supposed to write their own legislation. Lobbies are supposed to be ways for popular sentiment to reach legislators.

holy kek

>Tell that to fifty families. Or the San Bernardino victims' families.

If my sister was murdered by a chopsticks wielding Chinaman, and people told me chopstick murders are statistically irrelevant, my sister's murder by a guy using chopsticks would still not change the fact that murder with chopsticks is statistically irrelevant.

Appeals to emotion lead to stupid shit, user. try to avoid them.


Why aren't they thanking Islam?

If someone wants to get guns they can get guns. I know few people who smuggle guns, explosives from the Balkans to EU. Few years ago you could buy an atgm in Bosnia and from Bosnia to anywhere in EU there is like one border crossing.

For as long as the NRA can get its members and people who believe in the 2nd amendment to go out and vote.

>interest group responsible for what weapon a terrorist uses

You mean blinded by a flash and then getting their flesh stripped off by the force of the shock wave? That should be a refreshing awakening.

>being scared of freedom
Sounds like America isn't your kind of country. Maybe you should leave.

fuck off kike

Faggot Canadian using Poland's banner for the expressed purpose of spreading AIDS. Don't you have firemen bulls from Africa to prep?

I'll never be cucked by your feelings, go cry somewhere else.

>I feel much safer if no one other than military and police have guns
Have you ever been in the military? I feel safer at a civilian shooting range than I do on a range with a bunch of E-3s.

THANKS A LOT NRA!! Thanks to you, this super hot Muslim stud is unloading on fags with YOOUUUR rifles!! Everyone knows guns are made for this type of thing, and you just WONT let us take them away!!!

>Daily News

Aka the rag owned by (((MORTY ZUCKERMANN)))

>a government full of professional slackers and morons is a better caretaker of myself than I
Leave this country you fucking homo

What expolosives you fucking liar? He had a bag and "told" his hostages he had explosives, but apparently rather fancied himself being shot to death in a hail of gunfire rather setting off his almighty bomb.

The cops did a controlled explosion on the bag and no evidence of an IED was found. Besides this guy was too stupid to build a bomb and what's the fucking point when you can just legally buy a gun with a high capacity mag that fires 4 rounds a second?