Prepare your anuses. UK is going to DESTROY everything.
This shit is too funny. I'm cracked up mates.
Prepare your anuses. UK is going to DESTROY everything.
This shit is too funny. I'm cracked up mates.
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Bloody Anglos.
Yeah because the EU loves western civilization and the defense of it KEK
Wow what did all the sovereign nations ever do before the EU? I just can't imagine how they will govern themselves.
enjoy, all of his works.
I really hope you guys leave the EU. If that creates an economic collapse for the EU, cucks here in the states will be shown that "EU style economic system" is a shit.
Sorry chaps, but we have to go. Sorry you spent all of your money on stupid shit instead of reinvesting it in your economies and that.
Father don't fuck this up - Murica
EU is destroying Europe.
Fucking good. Western civilisation needs to start over.
all the EU has to try and get britain to stay is fear mongering because they know any actual facts dont support the narrative that Britain benefits from being in the EU
We're on full on wreckage mode, burgermate.
Stay strong.
You tell 'em Pops.
Why can't you understand me like my guns do!
since when is the destruction of the current Eu the downfall of western civilization?
>Downfall of civlization
If Brexit occurs it will cause the Gates of Hell to open up and swallow London.
Horned demons will swarm the land from coast to coast and every last Briton will be flayed alive, their bodies hanging from the cliffs of Dover for all loyal Europeans to see.
The land will groan and cry with the calls of the damned for one thousand and one years, at which point the land and all who dwell on it will be subsumed back into the thunderous depths of Hades for an eternity of suffering and economic distress.
Vote remain, or abandon all hope.
thread theme?
I always wanted to live in an post-apocalyptic world and experience sometime type of downfall of humanity
It's a win-win for me
We will destroy it and rebuild it in our image.
Godspeed, Dad.
if the EU is so unstable that Brexit will kill it then it deserves to die.
Now THAT is projecting.
>mfw the homeland stays
Sounds like a lot of fun. Do it Britain.
Where is there left for the West to fall?
Out of control immigration policies and the unwillingness to control EU borders will result in the downfall of Western civilization. Good luck with what ever you choose Brits.
idk, we could end up being as shitty as latvia
hehehe, like that would ever happen
Oh God, they're wheeling out Gordon Brown - the man who presided over the economic collapse and threw $150trillion 50 years into the future to bail out the banks - as their keynote Remain speaker.
It's like they're all secretly on the Leave side?
I guess the reasoning is that Brown somehow managed to sober up enough to help swing the Scottish Remain vote? Like the two situations are in any way comparable, or anyone in England remembers the guy fondly at all?
Like pitching Izzard against Farage, they haven't got a clue.
>UK is going to DESTROY everything.
Total annihilation mate, suffering a death, dreadful day for all us bongs
Gordon Brown will save us
They're only after wheeling out Sturgeon m8
They have no fucking idea what they're doing
The Leaves have it
They mean to say towel heads will destroy Western Civilization if you don't allow them to transform it into Islamic Civilization without resistance.
This is their game. "Permit us dominance, or die".
World had to end sometime
>mfw for once we're not actually the ones that ruined Europe
>we're still getting the blame anyway
Wow, rude. You did this to yourselves by allowing meme countries with shitty economies and shittier people to join.
>EU lawmakers ACTUALLY BELIEVE that t*rks are European
Fookin' fear mongering.
I just replied to this idiot who said that leaving the EU """"MAY""""" cause more than half the population of Britain to STARVE.
Like, Britain would just sit there and starve rather than forge new trade deals.
Fuck the EU, Icelanders are living like kings and you're all panhandling for Germany's shekels.
it's been established that the EU are cucks and we want Daddy to leave right?
Thank you based Brew, you are my greatest ally.
So a win-win?
>says EU chief
of course
How ever did Western civilization exist prior to the EU!
Holy shit the desperation is real!
It didn't. It was war torn and perpetually on the brink of collapse.
Western civilization has turned to shit anyway. Burn it down anglos, burn it all down.
Cute! Got any nudes?
>either destroy it now and start over
>or wait as we watch it slowly decay even more, destroying any hope of ever fixing it
>Being this new
Hey don't sell the man short. Remember how he sold off all our gold reserves while gold prices were at a 25 year low.
God bless the British.
>being THIS new
>Horned demons will swarm the land from coast to coast and every last Briton will be flayed alive, their bodies hanging from the cliffs of Dover for all loyal Europeans to see
Still a better alternative to staying in the EU
>He took the bait
This won't change anything.
The EU are just crazy.
They said it was gonna be the end of the world in 2003 with the swedish problem and nothing happenned...
Just don't listen to the crazy propaganda and leave the EU.
>tfw a small island in europe has litterally lead to the destruction of the 2nd and 4th reich and indirectly the 3rd.
Feels good.
Allowing jews to breed and own land/assets caused this. Literally we let in a cuckoo bird to suck our blood for nearly 3 centuries now.
Crashing this shit, leafbro. No fucking prisoners. Brexit will be glorious.
Let's dispel once and for all the fiction that Hilary Clinton pays shills. Hilary Clinton does not pay shills.
>implying you're not caught in the filaments of my finely woven meme web
Please do,
Too irrational to take seriously
I hope the Guardian tanks. Print media is on the way out and no one will subscribe to online news outlets. People will use adblock. Sites like that are running on vapour.
> cabal of cultural-ethnic-masochistic autocratic cucks mandating their fetish based policies onto you just to please their satanic pleasure for seeing your daughter/sister/girlfriend/wife raped by a million mongrels.
Still a better alternative to staying in the EU... oh wait..
Fuck off muhhamad.
Yeah cause Europe has been fighting to preserve western civilization.
>yfw remain wins and all this fanfare has been for nothing
God the bantz are gonna be fucking unbearable if that happens.
i think the speccie claimed the guardian was running at a loss.
I hope british people on the fence or recently turned towards a yes dont fall for this obvious desperate attempts
it reeks of desperation
but then again...comfies and gibs are powerful elements...
Don't let Merkel let Turkroaches in UK.
>Wow what did all the sovereign nations ever do before the EU?
They thrived for the most part.
>Citizens could afford to open small shops as they didn't have to pay an EU to get the 9,000+ writs and certificates required to "legally" operate a livelihood in their native nation.
>There were not 40 regulatory agencies dictating how spoons are manufactured, alloy mixtures allowed and what width, depths and angle from the stem is legally appropriate to be classified under EU law as "a spoon."
etc. etc. etc.
Globalist kike puppets are shitting the bed because they blew their load too quickly and the brainwashing didn't take hold as much as they'd hoped for.
THE GOYIM KNOW! ...basically.
If You blokes can secure the Leave vote... and we can get Trump in office (looking good after yesterday with the snackbar's setting of a new high-score)then the world will change for the better and their house of cards will come crashing down.
Granted, they won't let over 150 years of multi-generational planning go down the drain without a major fight, so I do believe it will get rather uncomfortable for a while, but they are a SMALL minority.
We can and will overrun them with sheer force of numbers, seize what was taken and rebuild the world.
Good times to be alive.
Going to hang the noose from the tree in the garden the night before the result so I can run out and have a swift exit if remain wins.
And the EU isn't?
>have a swift exit if remain wins.
Fucking hell that's some good black humor right there.
They've been saying that Britain will crumble/starve and the EU will be just fine, now they're saying that they too will die off?
When did the narrative change?
remember to timestamp
Running at a loss, yet still taking all the chances they can to run a fifth columnist narrative on everything that comes across their scarlet desks... the Guardian is not a business; it's a fucking pro-globalist shill rag.
News is supposed to inform us of the facts, not give an opinion.
>Gordon Brown is speaking now.
>He is not speaking from a text and it’s quite a discursive speech, with lots of anecdotes.
>He is currently talking about when Labour first tried to join the common market, and George Brown’s drunken exploits on the continent.
when they realised the leavers were winning
Did anyone notice how the Guardian managed to spell "civilization" wrong?
same tactics they used for refugees
>we need to save them
>we have a population problem
>we must attone and become diverse
It almost annihilated itself a couple of times until we stepped in to set up the EU
say what you will about it's bendy banana regulations, the fucking thing has kept them from killing each other.
2/10 made me reply
No, we just spell it right.
If you're going for the "slow-choke" rather than the neck-breaker hanging dude to height limitations on your platform...
> Have a power-wank but DO NOT give the old one-eyed weasel such a throttling that he vomits
>tie a mini Union Jack and Saint George's flag to your erect member
That way they'll have to deal with a corpse that stays hard... the flags fluttering in the breeze before they try hillariously to zip up the bag without touching your dick but realizing they must inn order to zip it up.
do it.
look at these morons and laugh people
The remaincucks are getting desperate.
They're so fucking desperate its unreal
Oh, was that the plot of Hellgate: London?
>openly collaborate with people plotting downfall of Western civilization
>import millions of non-Western people with the express purpose of destroying Western culture
>actively try to build a superstate founded on the eradication of national feelings
Are you fucking kidding me?
And frankly, if one nation leaving a shitty union leads to the downfall of said union, IT FUCKING DESERVES IT. Maybe we'll make a new union, with democracy and Western culture.
I just had a horrid realization that thats exactly how history will paint it
I will return to the motherland if it is required to save the commonwealth
>Brown says the EU has guarantee workers’ rights in the UK.
>It makes sense to have EU legislation guaranteeing minimum standards, so as to avoid a race to the bottom.
"We need the EU to protect us from ourselves"?!