Serious question - i used to politically align with the left

what the hell happened

Karl Marx and his followers happened.

you grew up

you grew up

you grew up

you became an adult.

You grew up

“If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain.”
-fat crooked tooth faggot

What you call a liberal who gets mugged?


You realized where your stakes lay in society and decided how best to protect them (you grew up)

Your balls dropped

You're growing up

You were seduced by capitalise ideology.

Well then, I guess I have no heart.

Welcome to the club.

times change and parties evolve, the cycle continues, and you will evolve.

circles come round

You can be liberal when you are 12 yo, If you are still one at twenty then you are just retarded.

>tfw heartless

The left became a caricature of itself

you grew up

The left became too grotesque and self destructing. Its a pleasure to watch the happenings.

I grew up in a Hispanic shithole and I don't USA to turn into one

left became a lie.

*I don't want the USA

You spent too much time on Sup Forums.

I read a comment earlier:

"Loving your country doesn't mean hating others".

I thought about it for a second, until I remembered how savage Islam is.

It's strange how people see their political leanings shift sharply right after growing up.

We really need to raise the voting age to 21 or 25.

I used to be left.

Then I grew up.

Most of the left are young peope or peope who never became adults

I don't know about the UK, but in the US during the 90's, the religious right disgraced themselves by doing the exact same shit that the regressive left is doing today. This caused a paradigm shift in how people view conservatives, particularly among millennials, most of whom grew to reject conservative beliefs entirely.

Driven by nostalgia and idealism, the ageing hippies in the university system stoked the flames by teaching social-justice and feminist philosophy as doctrine. Without conservative voices to criticize however, the left became an echo chamber, which inevitably gave rise to extremist political positions on college campuses.

But the cancer faced a problem. The second these fucks graduated, reality would hit them like a sack of bricks, and they'd be force to dial back their positions. So infiltrated progressive movements, pushing out the original members by shaming them, then uniting the grotesque bastardizations of what remained through marxist rhetoric under a single banner against a common enemy: the white supremisist cis-gendered patriarchy.

At least, that's the way I see it.

Not sure. I always identified as a conservative and I look down on people who are former leftists, because to me it indicates you're more predisposed to accepting what's popular/accepted among particular elite circles.