It takes one Muslamic man to turn Sup Forums and the conservative zeitgeist into a throng of fag lovers.
The conservative Americucks are scarcely any different from their liberal brethren.
It takes one Muslamic man to turn Sup Forums and the conservative zeitgeist into a throng of fag lovers.
The conservative Americucks are scarcely any different from their liberal brethren.
True. Me and a few others have been voicing that Sup Forums was slowly being subverted for a while now.
It's too late. Only a matter of time till Sup Forums is filled with Muslisms and other minorites who "condone" such actions, but are our "allies" against a threat, that for some reason, never goes away.
we as a majority never hated gay we hated when they spread the culture around and make bull shit up
milo has not made bullshit up so he is a ok
for fuck sake turkey
nothing wrong with faggots, let them take other men instead of our sexy women.
>fuck each other in the butt
>usually at their homes
>where i dont see them
>spread aids - between other men
>want marriage - so a change of vocab and some tax rights
>religion of peace - everything will be peaceful once we are all converted to the right one of like 50+ variants
>shoot up public places with citizens in them
>demand we fix our life for them out in the streets
>build/demand mosques where houses or business could be
dunno but one of these sounds like a bigger nuisance to me as a white male.
Sup Forums doesn't love fags, Sup Forums just hates them less than muslims.
>unironically supporting death for people you don't particularly like
And don't give me that shit about fags making society collapse
We hate muzzies more than hate fags.
It's not fucking complicated. One side want's to blow you up, the other just wants to blow you.
And we have beta-male degenerates too
Gtfo. Faggotry are the one mental illness that doesnt get you sent to the asylums thanks to libtards.
Not for much longer though, everyone sexually identifying as autistic or whatever crap will be roaming the streets in three years from now if the trend isn't stopped
I don't care what people do in their bedroom, as long as they don't deal with my business (unlike Muslims) I have no problem with gay people.
And you wonder why your societal fabric, your youth at your education institutions, your daily interactions, etc. are being tainted by degeneracy.
Fags are always on Sup Forums and have sided with us multiple times. Mudsmiles are the real threat brothers.
If hating Muslims must require tolerating fags, then I will.
aww, is someone sexually confused and forced to hate on faggots to be approved by Sup Forumstards?
Fags generate no direct threat, I've never seen fags attacking people in the name of homosexuality, most of them are just functionnal normal guys loving to buttfuck each other, they don't reproduce (at least for now) and they will always be a very low part of the population.
In any case faggotry is already widely accepted in the west, it is a battle of another age.
War against Islam is the battle of our generation, all energy we have should be directed toward defeating it and purging it as much as we can, it is not only a cultural but a humankind threat, this death cult can thowback us in an obscurantist totalitarian age.
We'll see what you have to say when your emasculated son is forced into a blouse and tutu by his government school and buttfucked by transqueerliquid drag queens
Better than converting to Islam.
>a site based on emotions changes their views based on an emotional event
what else is new? The SJW do the same
this isnt a site about studing politics, its about power, and whatever you can use to gain it
The shill is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a newfag, cuck, shitposter, faggot, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a shill and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Stay mad sandgook
R.I.P. Blackfish
Such a tragedy
Islam is the ultimate degeneracy. A billion people living the will of a man dead for more than 1,400 years. Sacrificing their own sons and daughters. Sacrificing all human development.
And for what? Because pork is icky?
The single most degenerate faggot is more human that the single most altruistic Muslim.
Put that though your fucking brain. Mohammed is shit, and you burn in hell for simply imagining otherwise is possible.
Stop being so fucking stupid over it.
gays = don't like them, don't want to see their filthy degeneracy in public. easy to fix, just legislate against faggots in public like 90% of state counties already do
muslims = very much hate, disgusting culture and governmental system disguised as a religion that seeks to overthrow every system it comes in contact with, very difficult to deal with, solution is either death or removal.
It sucks that bait threads get more than one reply these days. I'm mad at Sup Forums for that. We had hundred of these yesterday
as long as they dont steal your shekels right Shai?
>steal your shekels