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False equivalency, retard. You can't compare owning an object to an ideology.
how about i smash both of them you retard
Do gun owners follow a death cult hand book?
fucking both should be banned
islam is cancer fucking worst religion on earth
get rid of all guns like Australia did, yeah its gonna suck for a while and lots of NRA faggots are gonna die defending muh guns but I'd rather deal with mass stabbings of 2 - 3 people than 50 fucking people
Can Sup Forums tell the difference?
Most of us, at least in words if not deeds prefer all white societies. If we must have a religion in said society, Christianity is the best choice due to it's popularity among whites.
The Money Printers need cheap brown labor though, so white people, Christian or otherwise, must not be allowed to have exclusive communities.
Use your free speech while you still have it.
Ban the shooter not the gun.
Yes you can
Some do. Same with muslims
Why don't you leave the USA for Australia than you fucking faggot cunt. Try Melbourne.
People owns guns because of their ideology, retard.
Guns are an essential part of maintaining our free democracy
Muslims are not
change an amendment
change laws of survelliance of muslims
"If something tries to kill me or take my shit I'll put them down" not a bad ideology unless you wanna get robbed or killed you fucking idiot
Wheres the problem?
Just ban all muslims, dont ban guns
>muslims use car bombs
time to ban assault cars everyone
and it still ends up with question into which one protects me
the gun or a muslim
Careful everyone, he might try to stab us!
But I'm not banning all Muslims. I want to tighten the filter.
> A FEW of them are terrorists
Radical Islam has seen a rapid rise in the past few years, trust me. It's not just a "Few". Europe's current state should be a testament to that.
can someone post some charts that show that Islam wants us all dead
I need it to bait people on facebook
We want to ban muslims idiot, thats totally legal. Banning muslims from owning guns isnt, however, having the FBI deny permission to muslims who admit to believing death is the punishment for apostates, which is almost all of them, is legal.
Muh muh constitution
People who say owning guns prevent government tyranny are fucking retarded
>few of them are terrorists
Do libshits actually believe this?
If all guns owners got on their knees and prayed it might be a valid comparison.
>a few
>Europe is under islamic invasion
nice meme
You should try emigrating faggot.
Lmao holy fuck the idea of a Muslim offering protection from anything except happiness, freedom and well-being is completely alien to me. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but a whole fuckload of them sure are.
Ban muslim immigration
>a Muslim with a gun killed people
>a gun without a Muslim didn't kill people
Seems like a pretty easy issue.
>"A few of them"
Of course it's Sven who can't see the threat because nigger cum is covering his eyes.
It can apply to liberals too you know, you vile little troll.
> ban all gun owners because a few of them shoot people
> you can't ban muslims just because a few of them commit mass shootings
Islam is pure fucking garbage plain and simple. Its origins, its followers, its ideology, its teachings, its censoring, its endgame (sharia law), every last thing about it is fucking terrible.
As far as I am concerned, Terrorism is just the icing on the cake
Sweden YES!
Press both simultaneously
kek good one, polfags literally on damage control
Looking for my earlier reply ...
Oh, you just restarted the same damn thread with the exact same words and the exact same picture.
Kek OP didn't think that one through
says the paki
Ban Dems ... the ones who commit the crimes.
No, you comparison is retarded.
Muslims kill gays because they are muslims and their faith tell them to kill gays.
Guns are just tools people use it to kill.
In islamic countries you can hear people saying
>We killed those gays because they are gays and its wrong to us, muslims!
And you will never hear.
>I killed those people because I own a gun and owning one means that i have to kill people!
If he couldn't get a gun legally he'd get it illegally and if he still didn't get it he would use something else.
Gun is just a tool you use, its not a ideology and "Gun owners" is not a group like "Muslims"
It's like saying that all mass shooters were having their shoes on at the time so we should ban all shoes.
Faggot. You act like you're the one that got shot. Shut the fuck up. Anyone who would trade freedom for more security deserves neither.
2 mass-shootings committed by Muslims within a 6 month time period.
San Bernardino - 14
Orlando - 50
nice reddit maymay.
you have to go back though
The ideology of wanting to own a gun?
Let's use exclusive logic.
There are nonMuslims that have perpetrated mass shootings. There are not nongun owners that have perpetrated mass shootings.
>said from the most free nation in the free world
You trolling mate?
not all gun owners are terrorists
all terrorists are muslims
kill yourself
All Muslims follow a death cult
America isn't the most free nation on earth.
You're thinking of Estonia.
We're like top 7.
Leftists believe in surrendering and hoping for mercy if someone breaks into their home. They don't stop there either, they actively despise anyone who doesn't want to be a spineless cuck when confronted with theft and violence.
Without guns the jihadis would still be cutting the heads off gays and throwing them off buildings, or making bombs to kill them with.
It's like you think they'd just stop if they couldn't get a gun.
Even if that were true there's no fucking way for you to stop them from getting weapons. Europe can't stop them. It's not legal weapons they're getting here either, so what good would your laws do?
The US has hundreds of millions of firearms already. It's impossible to make them disappear. Even if you had a blanket ban on guns, which will never happen, the existing ones will last a couple of centuries (given that there are WWI era weapons being sold and operated today).
Eat shit.
It's not about assigning blame to group of people or not, it's about what would happen depending on what you choose.
Ban all guns and you might get more crimes. Look at happened in those liberal-run hellholes of Oakland, Chicago, Detroit, DC...
Get rid of all Muslims and you have no downsides (except for the Muslims who have to go back to their desert), crime goes down, female genital mutilation goes down, inter-community tensions go down, no more terrorist bullshit and so on.
So you can't solve the gun problem easily, but you can solve the Muslim problem easily enough if you're will to do what it takes.
Is it a hate crime if I post this image on facebook?
Not sure how the gun control debate even applies considering Omar was a licensed security guard and all. None of the proposed regs would even apply to someone like that.
>we must have religion in society
What a meme
it occurs to me to ponder over the material of which that artificial man is constructed
Lol doesn't want to ban Muslims because they might be terrorists but because terrorists are all Muslims and Islam is evil
Guns are morally neutral objects and terrorism is moral evil
>not all gun owners are terrorists
>not all muslims are terrorists
>all terrorists are gun-owning muslims
He didn't kill 49 gays because he loved guns and wanted to claim souls for NRA god.
>inter-community tensions go down
There have been 32 seasons of Survivor that all prove exile policies only increase group tensions.
>gun owners anywhere near the level of mental dysfunction as muslims
Give me one example of a crazy gun owner doing bad
Just one
The answer is to stop using Facebook.
All muslims follow a pedophile, rapist and murderer and see him as the perfect human being.
Most of guns owners don't.
>None of the proposed regs would even apply to someone like that.
Other than the one that says getting on a no fly list causes you to lose 2nd amendment rights.
Dude was interviewed by the FBI 3 times and investigated twice. Clearly the problem isn't a lack of police presence in Muslim communities.
how would sending Muslims away forever increase tensions between the remaining people? The mudshits would be out and for good. Oh sure, they might be angry, but at least they'll go blow themselves up somewhere else for a change.
Banning Muslims is much easier than banning all guns
There's about 80 times more gun owners than there are Muslims
>a gun with a non-Muslim killed people before
The issue complicates
>Anyone who would trade freedom for more security deserves neither.
>quoting a 300 year-dead slave owner on freedom
>in an argument about a world where assault rifles fire 13 rounds a second and whites are now a minority
You sure sound deep right about now, user.
who's next?
People will tell you your source is invalid without reading it.
Then they'll tell you that 1000 people is too small a sample to use to make such assumptions, even though the margins of error are even included in the image while much smaller polls are taken as faith on other issues.
>> Implying drug cartels will not smuggle guns into US because of the ban.
>>Implying you will not create a black market of guns without any kind of restriction.
>>Implying you cannot find a middle point and create more restrictions.
>>Implying that a terrorist, willing to kill himself with 49 people will be stop if US ban guns.
>>Implying Paris and Belgium attacks
>>Implying Guns and Islam are the same thing.
Spics, then later niggers and Jews.
How is the margin of error calculated?
One side is American. The other side is Islamic.
Pick your side carefully
How about
> you should be openly suspicious to both gun owners and muslims, but don't ban any of them
Someone make an image with this
It's more tense because if somebody is eliminated then that contestant is more likely to get send home at the next meeting.
No community is going to get more tense from getting rid of a problem
This isn't a fucking game show m8
>> Implying drug cartels will not smuggle guns into US because of the ban.
They get about 90% of their guns from the USA
It'd be a trickle.
>>Implying you will not create a black market of guns without any kind of restriction.
There's already a grey market. At least you could prosecute people dealing on a black market.
Mudslimes being citizens isn't protected under the constitution.
>This isn't a fucking game show m8
Trump's the Republican nominee; bullshit it isn't.
>he doesn't know about the /k/ube
whoa whoa hol up, who told you to be reasonable, dis america!
Well you can I guess, just like how you can be retarded. The better question is will you be that retarded?
Take all your doors off your frames.
Like, you're seriously such a racist fucking nut for locking your doors. Imagine all the freezing children outside you're condemning to death by having locked doors when you sleep.
>liberals right now
>Islam is against freedom and peace
>lets bring them into a country aimed at freedom and peace (besides pic related)
Gun owners aren't obligated to read/follow book that tells them to kill others. In fact, when you're going through gun training to get a licence in country that doesn't have extreme freedoom or bans you get taught how to NOT kill innocent bystanders and yourself.
Also just look at the practice:
Everywhere where muslims go you get either beheadings, crime, rapes and other shit, or country turns into shit (where muslims are majority).
Not everywhere where you can get guns you get high gun crime, or crime in general. USA stands out because there's almost no, or complete lack of gun control which means no background check or mental condition test. Basically you should give guns to responsible, stable people, then guns are used in good cause like protecting others, controling animal population, entertainment.
Also by banning guns you fuck up only law abiding citizens. Criminals by definition don't obey law so they don't give a fuck about gun bans, they'll get guns anyway. They DO NOT buy guns in legit stores, they buy guns from black market, smuggle them from war torn countries or countries that had wars some years ago and are corrupt etc. That's because legit guns in civilized countries are registered etc so if you use legal gun, police almost instantly knows who is the shooter. If you use gun from black market, they have no clue and they have to actually find out who you are before physically finding you. And getting to know "who is this" is harder than getting to know "where is he". If you know identity, you can use wanted posters or use media and wait for calls. You can send info to every border check, airport, bank etc. You can set up roadblocks and make checks. If I wanted to commit a crime, why would I want to increase chances of me getting caught by using legal gun?
2 different things. As far as I know, guns don't go radical and commit mass murders.
Also gun is just a tool. If I won't have a gun, I can always kill with a knife or even brick. The gun isn't problem, but mentality. Gun is tool, Islam is ideology. Tool doesn't affect mentality, mentality affects tool. Ideoogy on the other hand affects mentality.
And for the last, guns can work as self defence, but more importantly they work as protection of others. That's because you can't be aware of all your surroundings 24/7. Even mini-tactical nuke in your pocket won't help you if someone suddenly smashes your head with a brick from behind your back. The difference is, if others see you in danger and they are armed, attacker doesn't stand a chance. The more guns law abiding citizens have, the bigger protection net above whole society is. Banning guns means lack of trust between you and your fellow citizens. But I'm not surprised you wouldn't trust others if every xth person you see is muslim + leftists are playing victims and having a gun means you aren't necessarily victim because you have higher chances of defending yourself.
And the most important question: if YOU got a gun, would you go on a rampage and shoot random people? No? Then why do you think your neighbour who has pretty much the same life as you would do otherwise?
Besides, if you wanted your gun ban to be effective, you'd have to close all firearms factories, destroy all the guns, both legal and illegal and prevent people from making their own guns by somehow banning materials or tools. The problem is you'd have to do it in the whole world because, for example in Paris, muslims got their weapons from abroad, former Yugoslavia or something. To achieve this you'd have to conquer all those poor muslims, asians, africans, basically colonize whole world to ensure your laws are global. Do you want to shoot all those "minorities" who don't want to give up on their guns?
>guns are banned here
>if snackbars were banned too the lindt shitshow never would have happened
ban everything fuck off we're full
Put that dick back in your mouth