Be honest, how many of you guys are losers, or NEETs

Be honest, how many of you guys are losers, or NEETs.

Sometimes I just come here because I honestly don't have any friends; I think I just vent out my frustration here and blame niggers and Jews for things because it's fun and makes me feel better about myself.

Most of the gamers I play with always yell nigger and Jews, and when I look at their Steam profiles they usually have 100+ weekly hours, me included.

I don't have a job, I pretty much just browse here and cycle between four different games. When I lose I always call the opposing team a nigger or a faggot or something offensive, and it got me thinking about how I always made fun of blacks for living off welfare when I live under my parents.

I've never really put thought into this, but am I the only one here like this? Is the redpill just cynicism, not any real truth?

I'm so fucking pathetic, this place is the only place that makes me feel like I have a voice in the world. I tried Reddit once but then I couldn't hold an argument and resorted to name calling, but here our Id's are reset per thread so I could just post anything without repurcussions.

I don't know, but honestly, is anyone here successful, so I know I'm not backing up an ideal consisting of a bunch of failures. Like proof that you go to a good school or a good job, it would make me feel a lot better about myself, I'm having an epiphany.

Same desu but I get NEET bux and leech off my parents, it's a good life desu. When my parents die I'm getting all the money bruh

I like to LARP as a NEET but in reality I have a job, a car, a house and a gf. I'm sorry NEET bros.

>a fucking leaf
i cant tell if this is a reddit troll trying to be a feg

Fuck off normie

i'm not neet, i have a good job and expensive toys and hobbies

i'm also not particularly politcal or racist and don't normally browe Sup Forums, only when something big happens, more of a /o/ and /out/ person, really

you and OP are going to wake up at 40, have no income or prospects in life, and wonder where all that time went.

I urge you, if you're 25 or older, to start taking life seriously. In canada, it's super easy to slip into forever-NEET status and stay there.

become something better than that. you aren't a toronto nigger or gas huffer.

>I tried Reddit once but then I couldn't hold an argument and resorted to name calling, but here our Id's are reset per thread so I could just post anything without repurcussions.
I'd try the bait again without this line

Depends on what you mean by good school or good job.

I'm personally a welder and machinist which pays well enough at $25 an hour (I started at $17, but with three years of work experience I qualified for a job with a local aerospace company that feeds mainly into GE) but I'm not what is considered a 'good job' by the university meme standards despite the vocational training being $5000 total and took only a couple months, letting me pay for it out of pocket without debt and getting into the work force at a younger age than my peers and making more money than most of them in better living conditions as they struggle to find jobs with their over-saturated pieces of paper.

Fuck off, stop posting from my WIFI.

>you have to wait longer before posting a new thread


i work 50-60 hours a week at a place that looks like a shinra reactor. im on break right now and i'd post pics but electronics are banned because any spark will make the place blow the fuck up. this place is great and i get paid a stupid amount of money to work here. your loss lol.

Nah, not everyone can lead a lifestyle of pure existance. I was NEET ish for a few months. But now I'm 21 and doing a ton, have 3 cars one of which is a classic and a project, a big lifted truck, 2 motor cycles and soon I'll be buying my first house.

>Just finish interview this morning
>Everything was going, practically hired already
>Notice her handshake was limp at the end, don't think anything of it
>20 minutes later I notice there's dried cake batter on my thumb

There's no excuse for being a neet in Canada your country has plenty of jobs and opportunities.

Oh, look at the time. It's shill o' clock!


I'm a gfless loser with a job and good prospects for the future. I wish I had some Sup Forums friends to pal around with desu

I am a wizard.
I operate on the higher echelons of neetdom. So my life is pretty much like yours minus the pathetic part.

Yes, this is me. I am a failure but I like this place because I get accepted for being white and Christian.

I wish I were a NEET but the never ending anxiety about my future and career and parents prevent me from just becoming an unemployed fucker. I have to keep working to stifle my fears and I seriously doubt I could handle being unemployed for more than a month before I would desperately try to find a new job.

>LE EBIN FUCKING WIZARD MAYMAY :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

>LE FUCKING "I'M A WIZARD AND I HAVE POWERS" EBIN MAYMAY :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

>proof that you go to school or have a good job

confirmed for trolling for character attack ammunition. Fuck off, leaf.

I work 44 hours a week have a good career in electrical set up I'm a reservist part time only thing is I am gfless loser

This was my favourite part though

My friends aren't red pilled at all I want a Sup Forums friend

you base your opinion on what you are and believe everyone is just like so

also you are a leaf

i enjoy the occasional game but 100+ hrs a week good god man put down the poopsock, any satisfaction you are deriving from that is as hollow as it is useless

your OP would have been a bit less cringeworthy if you had noted ANY personal accomplishments other than vidya

here is a photo of my master electricians license - have a BSEE also

please stop projecting and make something out of yourself user

I tried to redpill some of my friends with meme, ended up closing facebook account :(

Stupid fucking leaf
Kill yourself

This is pasta. Kill yourself.

Im so fucking two faced, I dress nice (preppy) and Im in a decent frat, not top house sadly but we are all boys. Dont have a GF but I lost being a kissless virgin i think two months ago? When I said Im not longer a virgin to my friends they thought it meant sex but I didnt really tell them the truth. I also dont tell them anything about Sup Forums or what is on it. Im too afraid they will go on the wrong boards and think im a fucking freak.

Sup Forums militia network when?

I guess I am a loser. I only make $17.50/hr.

you know what you need bud?

shitguards, canacuck. shitguards.

You think they will think differently about Sup Forums it's pretty freaky to normies

Lol @ you losers.
Might as well just do a Cobain.

Just graduated with my masters. I'm starting my NEET tenure next monday!

>tfw grad school friend laments about his lasting 2 minutes after not having sex for 4 months
>tfw an unreliable fuckup
>tfw can't join military because 5150
>tfw social skills have atrophied into nothing
>tfw all friends moving away
>tfw peers getting married and having kids
>tfw constantly paranoid that people are talking about you behind your back
>tfw could move out of parents house but then I'd be even lonelier than I am now
>shithole hometown with no one to relate to
>my own right wing political beliefs only serve to torture me
>trying to drink less, but that only leads to more exposure to how much of a fuckup I am
ahah ahahahahaha
kill me Sup Forums


Was a NEET for a few years. Met my gf and cleaned up my act. I still like my vidya and anime. Only difference now is I have money. Dropped out of highschool and was a computer repair pleb for a while. Ended up working my way to making good money as a sysadmin. I'm also not white so I don't browse Sup Forums. I just wanted to see your guys thoughts on the fag massacre.

You saw it as well. Those smart Canadian pigfuckers.....

I've never been a full time NEET (only on vacations tbqh), though I already feel bad for the amount of free time that I already have, can't imagine how I would be with 100% useless time and no perspectives.

Im a high school teacher at a private school and you should consider suicide.

You ever fug one of your students

Stop taking life so seriously.

Just enjoy it, things does not have to make sense. The world does not make sense, if that makes any sense.

I have a stable job as awelder that fulfils me, very good income, a wife I am with all my life, apartment at the lake shore, new car and few real friends. I rage against things we discuss here because I see them as a sensless threath to things I love - I don't want to end up with 200 000 fee because I mispronounced some xwhert faggot pronoun, I don't want to endanger my family by muslims just because some hand wringing moron refuses to see what they consistently do throughout history, I don't want my paycheck cut just because some fucking Bernout want to install glorious socialist equity, I don't want to lose my freedom because of a bunch of fascist from EU etc.

I also have 4500+ hours in Monster Hunter.

What kind of redpill is that? You stop only when kikebook bans you!

I am a fucking war hero nigger.

Loser here except I have a job.

>start taking life seriously
How do you do this?

The majority of this board probably has /r9k/ open in another tab

Pathetic losers.

>Plays video games and does nothing with his life

>Preaches about saving the white race but will never get a gf

hey, i saw this yesterday