Donald J. Trump: If more people had guns in the Orlando nightclub "you wouldn’t have had the same kind of tragedy

>Donald J. Trump: If more people had guns in the Orlando nightclub "you wouldn’t have had the same kind of tragedy.
Is this dude really this fucking stupid??

No but you sure are

Makes sense to me

>Crowded, loud, dark nightclub
Fucking kill yourselves, you single-digit IQ subhumans.

>1 person with a gun can hold 300 people hostage when they're all armed
this really made me think, did it make you think too?

>anime picture
>calling others stupid

The police waited 3 hours to breach. I'm sure one brave man with a gun could have found a way to jump the shooter in that time.

lots of Hillary workers on this morning.

Redditors sure are mad.

Real life isn't a movie, you tard.

How about everyone shooting in the general direction of the trained security guard with a big gun?

ok so 50 faggots is dead what now? wait idc.

MFW retarded americans think it would be a great idea to let drunk fags walk around with guns in every club in america just in case something like this happens

Just imagine if the owner, the barman and some staff members had a handgun/shotgun.
The guy was not a SAS.

wow, once again the first post is the best post. how does that make you feel OP?

Mass shootings have been prevented thanks to people with conceal carry. People like you never hear about it because lives saved isn't a measurable quantity and the media doesn't choose to cover such things.

>you can only be brave in movies
What a sad existence you must have then.

Nobody was stopping this once it got started, you idiots. And it's not about bravery. It's about what's physically possible in the real world without only adding to the casualty count.

If we're all drunkenly showing people indiscriminately, then terrorists will be too afraid to attack.

Checkmate, Cuck.

>Nobody was stopping this

i just want nico-chan to snuff me while she reaches orgasm

The police have no legal obligation to protect you.
It took them three hours to breach, if you think your life is worth more than that you owe it to yourself to have a gun.

At least let the bartender have a big gun so he can protect his customers or something.

Not an argument ;)

> hurr durr alcohol and guns at the same time is a good idea

Body checks on the way in and armed bouncers is a good method. The best method is banning Muslims from entering places were alcohol is sold.

same fag

reddit pls go

>shooting an attacker is physically impossible in the real world

>it's physically impossible in the real world to stop a lone gunman
The people who were armed with guns that killed him might beg to differ.

yeah, nobody was stopping it because they didn't have guns, you retard

you have to go back

This is so incredibly sad.
>what is physically possible
What? Are your arms so weak, you project that lifting a half pound gun is difficult for everybody?
It's 50 killed and 53 injured. That over 100 People. If just 1 had a gun as well, there would have been a much, MUCH higher percent chance of the killer being stopped. If you really that think that the kill count would go up, you're retarded and you should just kill yourself if you're so afraid of the real world and how dangerous it might be.

Not as stupid as adults like you who still use anime to convey your feelings online


Have you ever been to the south? All they do is drink and shoot guns

A bit loud, but it won't be 50 ppl killed.

"Let your gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks."
-Thomas Jefferson

It was fine for several centuries, what changed?

>bait thread
>smug anime girl posting

Who let you out of the trash, peasant?

The didnt even need guns OP. A fight for ones life will never be fair, get over yourself.

They could have easily outnumbered and swarmed him, many terrorist attacks were prevented when someone decided to DO SOMETHING instead of waiting for their turn to be mowed down.

You think using ugly frogs is somehow better?

Maybe you should just fuck back to the website you migrated from if you can't respect the culture of this place.

It was a gay club, none of the people in there were wearing enough clothes to conceal carry

>someone has a gun
>killer and CC guy get in fire fight because gunman is forced to focus on him
>people have a chance to flee
>less people die/injured as brave CC man fights the odds

It would be a moment like in me animes user

Even if CC man were to fail everyone else has a higher chance of escape.

Remind me again why having friendly armed citizens at the genesis of the conflict would be a bad thing?

I don't; sorry you're upset

I don't think even John Rambo could kill 50 guys if even only a few of them were armed.

is that the entirety of your argument? it's a bit lacking.

ok dumbassess listen up

first off, the club isnt forced by the gov to be kept gun free
it is by the jurisdiction of the private owner to make it so.

plus, the security of the club HAD guns, its just in the chaos, its super hard for them to find the shooter, plus the shooter targets the security FIRST the civvies later

another fact is that the shooter was armed with ASSAULT RIFLES, the security literally had glocks so there is absolutely no way they'll be able to stand up against him, better for them to just bail and let SWAT do the dirty job

>ugly frogs


If you are competent know gun safety then yeah, OP sounds like a Noguns faggot.
If they were a regular nignog that just got a gun and thinks its like the movies then yeah shit would go outta control. but to own a gun means you need to know responsibility and common sense.

looks to me like OP lacks both.

Kek i dont know how someone this stupid can function properly in every day life.

it's really not a terrible idea to the kind of people who can make arguments without hurr durring all over the place. I can understand why you don't relate to that though, so please, don't buy a gun.

This post proves you're fucking retarded. Why would the killer focus on one guy with a gun? How would he even know he has a gun? While the killer is firing into a crowd, maybe the other guy can, oh I don't know... shoot him from some other fucking angle?
It's watch to much t.v. go outside.

Internet tough guys on Sup Forums think they would save the day, fucking kek. You retards don't have a clue. You aren't going to pull out your gun and start shooting in a crowded nightclub that is full of panicking people and a crazed gunman trying to mow everyone down. If you do, you've got better odds of killing more innocents than you do the gunman. Fucking retarded 12 year olds on this board, I swear.

>shooting fags
>suddenly im being shot at
>eh ill ignore him

You think this?

tell us about your expertise and experience, oh wise one

>go to america
>get shot
This is a retarded country no question.
It fucking blows my mind how retarded america is.
Gods bless slavic countries like Poland or Russia. We here have guns only when we go to war (well you know the story, Timmy).
Gun is not a thing anyone should see on a daily basis.

why weren't there a bunch of burly doormen checking peoples' ID's and vetting an angry looking muslim bloke with a bigass assault rifle?

why the fuck would you let a kebab into a gay club?

where were the security when this went down?

Bringing a gun to a nightclub is completely ridiculous btw, you'd have to either be a serial killer or a fedora tipping autist to think that wasn't completely inappropriate

That's why you don't go hunting for him. I cc on my campus and i wouldn't go hunting for a shooter.

You barricade yourself in a room and wait for him to come, then blast him away. You protect yourself and in the end save a bunch of lives without worrying about crossfire.

You fucking supported communism you cunt bag just genocide yourself you rodent

Q. What stopped the gunman?
A. A gun.

Q. Who didn't stop the gunman?
A. A gaybar full of unarmed faggots.

You seem to be.

ive experienced a mass shooting once, yeah its super fucking scary. I was armed at the time but im too much of a pussy to engage head on with the fag and i decided to camp at a blind spot so when the shooter came i gon shoot him

guess what, in that situation the best any armed guys can do is hide and hope someone with balls will shoot back. just pray to god the cops wont mistook you as the shooter and swarm you with fmjs

plus, mass shootings are like sneak attacks planned to cause the most deaths in the least time possible, the one i got was over in 10 minutes and killed 6 people

The difference in firepower between a glock 17 and an AR15 is not insurmountable at indoor ranges.

chinese cartoon character...

You are a faggot cuck.

You don't have to completely agree with Trump on everything he says, but at least know he is brave enough to say what is on people's minds and my guess is he makes for a better leader than the other turds going for office

>guess what, in that situation the best any armed guys can do is hide and hope someone with balls will shoot back

What did i just read

>posts anime
>calling anyone single digit IQ subhuman

FPBP again?!

Armed bouncers.

You know that guns don't just fire in random directions, right? If one of the fags had a gun to fire back with, he'd fire AT THE TERRORIST, you fucking retard.

Stop going to clubs faggot

the gunman was stopped by cops
some cops got paralyzed from engaging him
shits not easy, imagine your neighbour suddenly shoots at you while youre repairing your car and you're strapped at the time. how you're supposed to respond with 3 bullet holes in your abdomen?

sneak attacks are hard to counter, usa got a mental illness problem, its the culture or someshit

best way to prevent this from happening is improved firearms licensing

mexico even tho they got drug gang shit happening over there never experienced a mass shooting like usa go figure

>smug anime girl
>anti Sup Forums sentiment post
>trump bashing

>60+ (You)s

You're too easy, Sup Forums.

Who stopped the terrorist? People with guns. Notice I said "people with guns" and not "guns", since guns are just tools.

Bouncers of the gay club was armed
2 of them are dead
gunman had skills

I wish Sup Forums weren't such newfriends, yall postin in a troll thread.

No guns detected.

On top of that because of the anime posting I am 90% sure you have never been to a club or bar.

If you did you stumbled under the guise something Japanese related might have been there.

>first off, the club isnt forced by the gov to be kept gun free
Except that's wrong. It's illegal in damn near, if not, every state to have a firearm in a licensed liquor selling establishment.

How does it feel knowing that you're a complete disappointment to your parents and your ancestors?

You're a disgrace to our forefathers, you're not American.

You are someone who real Americans fought against. You would've been a loyalist to the British.

You are the enemy of the Constitution, of the American people, and the enemy of freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You're an enemy to all free people, an enemy to our forefathers.

Leave America and never come back, you shameful little diagrace.

No, he had surprise on his side.

no its not
florida bars are known to have armed bartenders because its in the nigger belt

Says the user using a cropped pic of a girl getting fisted with half an arm up her vagoo as a reaction image

how does it feel to be an overdramatic shitbutt condemning someone for being a disgrace as you post on fucking Sup Forums of all places. a board so foul that any normal human being would have disregarded entirely.

imagine breaking into a diner controlled by the mafia and you plan to kill everyone there
that's the difficulty level matten chose by doing a killing spree in the club

fact: the club was a hotbed for the sale of meth and coke, plenty of drug dealers there with connections to gangs. mateen had max payne tier shooting skills for fucks sake

Dumbass libs think OP is making a valid point.

yes we have, almost on a daily basis there is atleast 10-12 people getting killed only on mexico city
some of the most shity parts get a higher body count

You can have a gun if you're not drinking but lord knows the faggot bartender was taking shots of semen that night

those are drug gang related deaths
mateen is lone wolf with no formal associations with anyone
>but muh isis
he pledged allegiance to them, he never contacted the group or met an offical member in his life.


Hey, now. Sometimes we shoot guns and then drink.

a man killing 50 and injuring more 50 looks much more like a movie than a single man with a gun killing another man with guns

Why do you retards think we mean the drugged out fags?

Liberal thinking - reactionary, no critical thinking, emotional, bigoted.

statistically speaking you are more likely to be killed in gun free zones with a gun

Hurr durr there isn't just drunk people in the area retard. Try thinking before you open your mouth

Get the accordion out and go dance to polka you degenerate excuse for a pollack.

Our ancestors frown upon you.

>it's impossible to shoot a lone gunman

Yet he died finally because he was shot

Such bull shit. Honestly I can't wrap my head around why a club full of energized fit dudes couldn't fucking tackle the dude or get him in a headlock or something instead of hiding and texting and crying.

Going to need proofs of that statement.

>don't fight back
>maybe he wont shoot you

>couldn't fucking tackle the dude or get him in a headlock or something
WOW this board really is full of retarded 12 year olds.

This. A mass shooting was stopped where I live (Chicago) by an uber driver a few months back. He saw a guy pull out an ak and head into a theater and killed him with his ccw keltec. Only the bad guy died. It was in the local news for one day