Take a look at the first line :
Sup Forums BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
>The AR-15 is the military-grade rifle used to murder 20 first graders and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT; to murder 49 innocent people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, FL; and to kill countless others in the mass killings that are virtually unique to the U.S. due to the easy availability of military-grade weapons to everyone, including homicidal homophobes and terrorists.
so? most civilian rifles are/were military at some point
>mosin nagant
>svt 40
>kar 98
>m1 carbine
wikipedia is run by kikes
By looking at statistics and realizing this number is so small it's meaningless but why let numbers get involved in your feelings. Fuck our rights, repeal 2A!
>Jews knowing anything about guns
I guess that's why they were marched into Auschwitz without a fight
Huh, really makes you think...
Mother Fucker had it not been for our military strength you fucking frogs would be speaking German so fuck off with your bull shit.
Gas the kikes, racewar now
>implying banning guns would solve the issue
Couldn't organized terrorist groups just import more guns over our unprotected southern border?
What am I supposed to be looking at?
A lot of butthurt ITT, the truth hits hard I see...
see :
>inb4 Eurocuck butthurt about USA not doing shit to win the war
>Muh Soviet Union
>completely diminishing the impact Lend-Lease had on the Soviets ability to wage war on the Eastern Front
They will always be inferior and jealous that they don't have a BASED 2ND Amendment of their own.
That's not what I am seeing, the first paragraph I see is;
>The AR-15 is a military and civilian rifle that has been produced in many different versions. The term "AR-15" was chosen by Colt for the civilian models it produced after selling the rifle to the US military as the M16 rifle, and many people and references use the term "AR-15" exclusively for civilian models. This article discusses the original design for military users and its major variants, however they are labeled. AR-15 rifles are lightweight, gas-operated, magazine-fed, air-cooled, fire an intermediate cartridge, and are manufactured with extensive use of aluminum alloys and synthetic materials.
Why does the left have such a hard on for the AR-15? There are tons of semi-automatic assault rifles that you can buy other than the AR-15.
>The AR-15 is a military and civilian rifle that has been produced in many different versions. The term "AR-15" was chosen by Colt for the civilian models it produced after selling the rifle to the US military as the M16 rifle, and many people and references use the term "AR-15" exclusively for civilian models. This article discusses the original design for military users and its major variants, however they are labeled. AR-15 rifles are lightweight, gas-operated, magazine-fed, air-cooled, fire an intermediate cartridge, and are manufactured with extensive use of aluminum alloys and synthetic materials.
What are you talking about?
because thats the only image the can thinkoff when refereeing to "muh salty rifle"
Fuck it has been edited out
Move on guys, nothing to see anymore
пopaшa зa пpoкcи, yeбывaй
> france ban guns
> still get slaughtered by full auto AK
That's not wrong though. The Jews did it, sure, but labeling white pride as racist white supremacy isn't wrong because it's a subjective term which has been used as anti American propaganda.
OMG Sup Forums BTFO xD HOW WILL YOU EVER RECOVER!!!!!!1111!!!!!!
Haпишy +15 пpocтo чтoб y тeбя пpипeклo.
Your edits have already been reverted, kike.
Do any real armies or other state forces actually use the AR-15, in the form available to civilians and labelled as such, in the field? If not, how is it a "military" rifle?
First off.. wikipedia..
Secondly " The term "AR-15" was chosen by Colt for the civilian models it produced after selling the rifle to the US military as the M16 rifle, and many people and references use the term "AR-15" exclusively for civilian models."
Do you even into reading comprehension?
"military uses guns" is your mind blown about this? Guns are made for defense and attack.. ofcourse guns are used by the military..
Leftists are so weak in their logic and arguments it's like they're flinging a wet noodle around and pretend they are sucker punching people all the time..
Really, did the faggot edit the wiki page and then made a pol BTFO thread.. is there no limits to the deception and manipulation leftists will do to trick people to support them?
Perhaps you should edit the AK page and that little attack you had in Paris, huh?
Also that little attack on the comic publisher.