Be Pakistan

>be Pakistan
>be gay
>Hear news about shootings last night
>feel shocked
>Parents hear news
>mfw they applaud the guy praise him and start talking shit about how lgbt is such a cancer
> 'A few less degenerate faggots, right user?'
>Cry myself to sleep every night

Other urls found in this thread:

move away

I bet a hot load of gravy in your belly will cheer you up m8

There is no escape from Fudge Dredd's wrath

But not anywhere near here.

go die ,you filthy gay.

lgbt is a shitshow and cancer

gays are alright, fags are called faggots for a reason


move to Europe
we need non homophobic muslims

>gay Sup Forumsnigger from Pakistan
Well it could be worse, like for example be swedish.

you're parents are astute, faggot

Islamic police coming for Op at this moment F for respect.

bad place to be gay, m8.

though you can always shag kids.

oh goodness.

i feel for you, OP, i really do. go claim asylum in germany


no we dont, the only good muslims are the ones that shoot insufferable faggots

kill yourself gayboy


Op has already been abducted.


Kill your parents and unite all the fags to start a holy war against islam.

>he doesn't the know the difference between gays and fags

Based poo

Funny that your parents complain about faggots considering that 1/4 of the boys on the street in your country gets raped regularly.

Paksitan, Afghansitan, whateverstan, its all fucked up.

I can't. I am too poor to apply for a western country. I want to escape this asylum. I can't bear this anymore. I can't hide my homosexual tendencies. My parents are zealots. They would kill me If they found out. I am going insane. Currently, I have done Bachelors in IT. Quite a few of my friends suggested me to move to Europe or Australia. But, my parents want me to be a devotee Muslim, Stay in Pakistan and marry a conservative, traditionalist girl. I guess I have no options other than to commit suicide. I never felt any love for women. I want to have a relationship with a cute guy. I want to cuddle, have sex. I lonely as fuck.

>he thinks there's a difference

did your father honorrape after that?

fags are usually twinks though

Lmao feggit


It's not gay if they are boys according to your countrymen

i'm sorry. run away if you can but don't kill yourself

Become a "refugee"

or become an hero

Shoot them.

Do something against the wave.

Other minorities are shot down in your country.

Now you paint a rainbow flag and shoot 100 of them.

Sad to hear pakibro

Gay moslem

Move to India and and become a Hindu, ya know your people's original religion before the Muslims murdered half your land and forced the rest to convert. Then seek asylum in the west. First thing you do when you get there is tell everyone Islam must be purged off the face of the Earth. When you are attacked remond people that you are a non-white, openly gay Hindu and they need to check their privilege. Lots of Hindus hayes gays so do lots of Christians, Jews, etc but they won't fucking kill you over it like Muslims do.


Allow me to condense your post:

>be Pakistan
>Cry myself to sleep every night

>muslim and a raging faggot
Just come to Sweden, they love you here.

Then you can convert to Christianity, join SD and rant about homophobia in Islam. If you are a politician they give you some security guards that can deal with the jihadists.

That would actually be pretty based, would be hilarious the see the leftist try to call you a racist.

I heard Australia has some really nice immigration laws as long as you arrive on a boat :-)

they get butthurt when somebody tells them that they were hindus earlier.

they think they are direct descendants of arabs or persians.

Source plöse

>move to europe
>be atheist
>stop talking to parents


>tfw Pakis are our Mexicans and we have actually built a wall to keep these fuckers out
feels good man

Apply for asylum somewhere. Try canada maybe.

>born in first world country
>boyfriend is bestfriend
>we've known each other since we were kids
>been together 8 years
>only 24
Feels good. Sorry you got shit, OP.

dont do it lad

Do this
as well. You could actually help reform Islam, with your unique experience.

fuck off we're full.

Live stream it. And cut the hair between your eyebrows before you do it.

enjoy your AIDS
>first world

no, please move to UK, or Sweden, I dont care

Don't do it. Keep living, seriously.

kill yourself

I'm sorry to hear that, but why are you posting this on Sup Forums and not on /lgbt/?
Sup Forums is famous to be politically incorrect not to be friendly with homosexual or muslim.
just saying

Just move to India you retard, you can walk to the border.

Don't do it! Just hang on.

He's gay and not an islamic extremist, so the leftist mass immigration bastards will just send him back.

This user

If you decide to end you own life don't do only that. Go down fighting, burn a light so bright the people who wronged you will remember. Do what good ol USA Americans would do, get a gun and start shooting motherfuckers. Shoot as many as you can, call it retalliation for Orlando. Say your people are threatened and you fight in their defense.

Go on a shooting rampage, if you have no other option then to die might as well make it a glorioius death


>hang on

If the mudslimes don't kill you, then AIDS will.

Is that you? Very handsome. Not normally into desi boys...

I don't know what to tell you. I cannot possibly imagine your situation. My parents are Christian zealous but they will never kill me.

Is it possible to find an open minded woman, especially lesbian? Each of you get your own real partner, but for society stay married.

How old are you? Can you buy a few years and play off the "women are crazy meme?"

Stay strong handsome desi boy. Some of us do think about you and others in your position. I really wish I could do more.

>in a committed relationship
>Poo Land
>shit talking other countries
Don't make me laugh, mate.

Try to claim asylum due to being a fag in a very tribal and backward country where they'll find out eventually and kill you.

>as well. You could actually help reform Islam, with your unique experience.
Fuck reforming Islam, just go the the west, convert, receive tons of death threats because you are a faggot and a convert and then sperg out about the dangers that unchecked Islamic immigration poses to women and the LGBT community.

Help us redpill the leftist and faggots and bring them into the Sup Forumsfold.

>be Pakistan
>be gay

Why can't you just move to Sweden?

pic related: OP

If he could do that, he would't be a faggot in the first place

You have the internet. Imagine how flippin' difficult being gay was before widespread anonymous conversations were possible.

OP killed himself


Oh man you are cute, unfortunately I have a muslim bottom already :3

says the fag from dingoland

when did /pol become /lgbt

Now you understand why we don't want you barbarians in our countries.



Either kill 100 of them who does not want you to be faggot.

or livestream your suicide.



don't do anything stupid.

It's so upsetting... I wish there were something I could do. No one deserves that.

you could pass for Thai if you shave the unibrow. Just come over here. Lots of gays around, they'd love you ;^)

Peace out lad.

Where the fuck have you been?

Sup Forums has been gay for years

It's mostly just germans

>implying you can't be /lgbt/ and right wing at the same time

hey you stupid fag, you could move to the us and claim you were being persecutted by islamists, then you'd show your support to trump by denouncing the horrors of islam, i'm sure he'd help you stay in the country if you renounced islam and became a propagandist against it

funny, cause many leaf faggot enablers were in full force yesterday

If you do decide to suicide, definetly kill your parents first
Two less Islamic shitheads is a good thing

How did you end up being gay with all that koran education?

>gay/fag distinction

Cute. I'd fuck you.

i don't know

You look uncannily like my cousin.

pls live

kek, good one







Given how spergy Sup Forums is with women, it shouldn't be difficult to imagine the problems involved in locating a fellow queer and convincing him to stand in a shopping bag.

>be Pakistan

You should have stopped there, the rest of the story didn't make it any sadder.

Go down with glory or migrate to europe. But don't keep on living like that.