Yes I am from Reddit btw
Ask a Bernie supporter anything
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Kill yourself?
How's the 9th grade?
did you phone bank enough
>Bernie supporting plebbitor
Show cuck porn starring your significant other and the bull or I call bullshit.
Why do you support an irrelevant communist?
Does your chastity cage ever feel tight?
How do you feel about the superiority of the descendants of daco romans?
You aren't even American my friends. Now why would a non American be interested in our politics?
Go back?
Because it's shoved down our throats by our media?
How did you avoid getting shot in Orlando?
Why do you want to fill my country with sandniggers?
Is it true your mom makes the best chicken nuggets?
how do you prefer to prep the bull?
Good question. I think Trump is actually not wrong about building a wall. There are some of us who think this at Reddit but the thought police gets to us quick enough.
However its my belief for the middle class to afford education. After all an educated voter is a smarter one. This is why I support Bernie over Trump education is a bigger issue then immigrants.
Why do you support Sanders? For self interest or for the countries interest, and if you support him for the country how will he help fix/make the country better?
I thought Bernie supporters being dumb was just a meme.
it amuses me
go back ?
Is your wife's son with you this summer?
>why would Europeans have an opinion on communism
You should educate yourself
See above
Why are you here?
Really makes you think, huh.
Came here to post this. Fpbp
You have to go back
Why not go back? You like it there, you don't fit in here.
Are you a masochist? Is that why you want to be fucked and feel the burn?
Also what is your thoughts on the gay bacteria theory?
> Not realizing that American politics have an effect on the world
>Being that retard
>Support Berny
You still here Op?
He realised he's a fucking retard and that he should go back to his personal hug box where everyone agrees with him.
I am a Math grad who is an actuary. Our college system has plenty of degrees in literature, history, psychology the fine arts etc. which those courses do teach useful skills however its usually only sufficient for a teaching post. It's not economically viable to pay 15k dollars for a degree to not get a job.
My opinion differs slightly from Bernie, I think only *some* courses should be free. It gives back money to the university to compensate the faculty.
You really are a Bernie supporter
The middle class CAN afford education dumb ass, my dad was able to send me to private school. Communism isn't for the middle class it's for the lower working class plebes
Tell me why Sanders is bad without calling me names.
Because faggots like you vote for him.
Anecdotal evidence is not statistically true.
>Quality education
>Free education
Choose one, bern victim.
because we have Tsipras and that turned out great
in case you did not get the hint
>white Bernie supporter
How does it feels being a nu-male with a white micropenis?
Because he is neo liberal, who advocates for the well of the minorities rather than the majority
I don't think he will. Bernouts are notoriously bad at foreign policy and math.
$15 minimum wage
Free college
Free healthcare
Kike faggot
how many bulls have you prepped today?
when you think free education think vermont's burlington college haha
What policies did he enact that are identical to Sanders?
Now this is ad hominem
Tell me what's wrong with each and every one of those points. Except minimum wage. I don't agree with raising the minimum; it fixes nothing.
how's that self-censorship thing working out for you?
It's not going to work.
Free healthcare and free college will not work because of Obama.
If you only care about those 2 policies I recommend you choose someone else.
You did say education was a big problem. And obviously they aren't going to work.
bigger public sector and government
higher wages
double down on taxes to pay for that shit
and to understand how he fucked up
bigger public sector and government when both are nepotistic and corrupt as fuck (just as yours)
higher wages in conjunction with bigger taxes means the destruction of the middle class without even phasing the higher class
he destroyed middle class local business wages are now even lower than before taxes are getting worse (fucking milk is taxed as a luxury item) and the entire public sector is just getting bigger and fatter while we have capita controls
he is gonna fuck you up
and before you say that all this happened because we do not have a healthy economy remember
neither do you
Free college will make a bachelor's degree as worthless s a high school diploma. Everyone will go for master's degree and the cycle will continue. Free healthcare will overwhelm the system. You know how ridiculous the wait time for ER services in Quebec is?
No thanks. Bernie supporters don't know anything interesting anyway, there's nothing to ask, really. Feel free to kill yourself.
predictably, the faggot pussied out because cucks have no opinion of their own and are unable to employ reason when discussing important matters in an adult fashion
Turning shit over to the state just means the middle class pays for it and the bureaucracy will make it even less efficient. The rich will ALWAYS have the means and the motive to find or create tax loopholes.
Bump. OP come back.