Can Sup Forums prove that Donald Trump isn't a racist?

Can Sup Forums prove that Donald Trump isn't a racist?

I doubt it.

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White men can't be racist because they've enriched the world with 97% of all technological advancements, and thus the world owes them.

The biggest proof is that we don't call him racist ourselves.

Because we desperately want him to be one.

Whites are a global minority and are therefore incapable of racism.


>m to be one.
Trump never mentioned race in any of his stump speeches or media appearances.


how is Trump racist?

I really really like this post.

Can you prove that Hillary isn't a reptilian?

I doubt it. I guess I've won again :^) Idiot.


This faggot actually fell for the "races are all equal just coz, no don't mention genetics, that only applies to superficial things." meme

>Can Sup Forums prove that Donald Trump isn't a racist?

Can you prove he is?

Doubt it

>the blacks are super predators
- H

Yeah, neither Mexicans and Muslims are races. Come on OP give me a harder one.

Long ago, when Gaddafi visited New York no one wanted him to stay. The poor man may have had to sleep in the streets or even worse the suburbs or a motel 8.
One man stepped forward, to offer that man a place to stay.
All of New York turned away from a Muslim in his time of need, all except our future president.

Can OP prove that Donald Trump is a racist? I doubt it

The burden of proof's on you as the accuser. Prove that he is.

Haha, that picture is so funny can I save it

1 Post by this ID
>1 Post by this ID
1 Post by this ID
>1 Post by this ID

Burden of proof

same with you Hungee

Who's he racist against?

Why does this matter? I've hadn't posted yet because no one could actually prove that he wasn't a racist.


Gays I think

The middle two aren't a race.

Anyone not wary of blacks is asking for trouble.

What kind of Indian?

I was just in class, I overheard some normie Mexican girl telling her friends about how she dumped a guy because he told her he supported Trump, lol. She said she told him that the reason he does is because he's full of hate or something. Funnily enough I also hear her talk about Tumblr a lot in her conversations, but now I honestly really want him to win just to see the look on their faces.

>If Shillary's a Racist that means Trump isn't

Wew lad you fell for the bipartisan meme

inb4 someone accuses me of liking some other candidate then pats themselves on the back

Sup Forums- Your Blog

Can OP prove racism is a bad thing?
I doubt it.

Don't care

>prove a negative
Can you prove that your mum wasn't a prostitute who has taken 80 miles of schlong up her every orifice? Of course you can't. I win!

No, we can't.
Besides that, what's wrong with being racist?

Can OP prove it is not a racist and its mother is not a walrus? I doubt it.

Illegal immigrant is not a race
Muslim is not a race

>announcing a sage
Enjoy your ban
