To those Americans who say the answer for to gun violence is to have more guns, explain this shit

To those Americans who say the answer for to gun violence is to have more guns, explain this shit.

Sup Forums = stumped

Other urls found in this thread:[email protected]/0/44e7066a7d173... crime/assault.html crime.html

I bet countries with more cars have more car related deaths as well.

I thought shitposting Strayacunts were more subtle than this.

>using gun deaths
>not using unlawful homicides

When people have a means to easily commit suicide they do so.

If 20 dead first graders didn't result in gun bans, 50 dead gays certainly won't.


Tbqh, those numbers aren't that high. Also I see they said gun "deaths" and not "homicides". The majority of gun deaths are actually suicides

>implying the first one even happened

Do you get bored by posting "pol = stumped" "pol btfo" "pol X" etc.. all day every day?

first post best post, as always.

"Gun death" statistics are deceptive bullshit anyway, and anybody who publishes them without clearly indicating that suicides are counted in them is probably a shill.

>no source
>Illinois isnt clearly shown on there
Are you even trying?

because nogunz worked so well for France.

Also the axis, aren't properly labeled either

That's exactly my point.

No gun = end to gun violence.

Show me a single recent australian mass shooting

Explain Chicago then

What the graph doesn't tell you is that more than 60% of gun deaths are suicide and that gun ownership to homicide rates have little to no correlation.

The states with more minorities (excluding Alaska) are more violent. Yep Australia, we know we have a niggger and spic problem.

Are you seriously this retarded? I bet the earth is flat too!

A fucking well educated leaf

Lindor cafe

>States with more blacks and latinos have more gun deaths

/Libtards/ = stumped

yes but the argument isnt that less guns will lead to less gun violence. This is obvious. Proponents of gun control advance the idea that less guns=less overall violence and then back their idea with shitty stats. We know less guns=less gun deaths, what people are saying is that less guns =/= less total deaths

Ban guns and ban blacks, why is this so hard?


Now imagine if every abdullah or Ahmed had a gun

Garbage graph with no axis labels, no sources, no explanation of data (suicides vs homicides) goes directly into the trash

If you keep including suicides, the numbers always get bigger.

The only people that died were the ones which were killed by the police.

A mass shooting is where more than 4 people are killed. 2 people died that day. 2...

and gun murders with total murders.

But let's talk about total murder numbers...

>They back their ideas with stats

No wonder Americans are perceived as stupid.

>Countries with more lions have more lion related deaths
>Coastal cities have more drowning deaths

etc etc what the fuck do you expect?

Nope. A mass shooting is one where four or more people are injured. A mass murder is four or more murdered.

ah yes the violent hellholes that are South Dakota, Alaska, and Montana.

>They back their ideas with stats

I know you're baiting and trolling which is why i'm sageing (it's painfully obvious, straya, you're better than this)

but what stats? you keep ignoring people pointing out there's no source or explanation of the data

Also black-on-black gun death is all part of population control

those are suicides
60% of gun deaths in usa are suicides

Cars are vital to our economy and the positives at outweigh the negatives, what do guns contribute to society?

That's a very dumb graph.

>when you have to argue pendantics just to have a point


How many of those gun deaths are homicides?

suicide is a human right

That was a Canadian, famalam. But seriously it's ok man you can calm down. The Emu's are gone, you can relax there's no reason to be so riled up.

In theory, they prevent tyranny. All of this is irrelevant because abridging the2nd will take a constitutional convention; not happening.

>guy on the terrorist watch list who was investigated by the FBI twice could legally purchase a high capacity semi-automatic rifle with no waiting period or background check


Everyone coming here to unironically try to prove this guy wrong: Ignore it, shills are in full force today.
go home, hug your gun, have a good day. I will dump some pics and leave



idk that whole graphic is stupid as shit and hopes that the viewer assumes that more deaths = higher proportionate amount of gun deaths.
maybe states with more guns have more people. more people leads to more deaths


States with more guns have more blacks. Except Alaska.

hang on I've got some pasta for you courtesy of one of your non-retarded brothers


Our ex prime minister john howard got on your tv last night to LIE to your nation that gun control worked down under.

I am here to give you the real facts and dispute every single one of his lies with cited sources. Your job is then to save all these facts and BTFO anyone who tries to lie that aussie gun control worked. You will prevent the tragedy that happened to us happening in your nation and perhaps even redpill a few of my own countrymen as to the lies we've been fed.

>John howard claimed we have not had a mass shooting since port arthur
We have had FOUR since.
The hunt family murders
The recent sydney seige

Now time for some bonus points. Last week in victoria we've had 15 shootings, source below. We also had ANOTHER seige in sydney in the last week.
This is the first lie they push about our country. That the violence stopped. It did not stop, it has been brutally supressed due to gag and control orders on our media.

I find it amusing that people who want to ban guns thinking it will reduce gun crime.
Especially when they point to Australia as being a "gun control success story".

Australia is having an increase in crime, and has had one since the gun ban in 1997. Gun crime HAS gone down, yet what anti-gunners will not tell you is that it was dropping BEFORE the ban.
Link:[email protected]/0/44e7066a7d173...

Did you know: one in ten of all guns seized by police from criminals in Australia is a DIY submachine gun?
Here are some articles showing the major failures of Australia's "tough" gun laws you won't see on TV-
I found these in less than 10 minutes:

As you can see here:

>Assault rose crime/assault.html

>Sexual assault rose for 5-6 years following, before dropping off. Kidnapping also rose. crime.html

The states with the most cars have more car wrecks. How do we solve this problem?

>To those Americans who say the answer for to gun violence is to have more guns, explain this shit.
You're right! BAN NIGGERS!


The guy who just murdered 50+ people was white you fucking moron.

>inb4 hurr hurr implying le muslims are white I'm going to shift goalposts for this one incident then go back to arguing Indians are white in another thread durr durr

the madmen gunlovers still defend their gunz lel

If you include suicide. I live in Montana, there's really no crime at all.

>omar sadiqi mateen
>was white

okay there

Blacks commit 52% of murders even though they're 13.2% of the population.

Killing thieves and rapists who try to steal your person and property.

Guns are also the final check on governmental tyranny. If the politicians get out of hand and someone will start popping them. They know this and adjust their behavior accordingly.

>suicide, the graph

P bp