Is this right, Sup Forums?
Is this right, Sup Forums?
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Why is this trap so based?
Stupid comparison seeing as Islam is a religion.
Typical woman
Thanks for the laugh m8
It's a hypothetical you illiterate.
Yes, but I don't know why you would make a thread about this when the tweet is clearly not directed at us.
The middle east and India, are predominately Muslim, and not white.
Race has nothing to do with religion.
The whole comment is fail.
What kind of fallacy is this though
It's like a Möbius non-sequitur
Maybe I'm retarded but what the fuck is it trying to say?
>English speaking countries
>Failing at reading and comprehension
It's about pointing out the double standards of the left. People would be all over Islam if Muslim countries were white and that actually would be racist, since it has been race that has motivated/inhibited them from criticizing.
Is this fucking woman serious, did she even go to any Middle Eastern country at all?
The stupidity of liberals gets more and more ridiculous every fucking day
This person is against Islamification, they were going on yesterday about how they would die in Islam so why defend it?
Genetically the arabs and caucasians are the same
Also, this is for liberals who are saying "omg ur racist".
Not for the penisocracy or whatever.
She's trying to say that the dipshits that are defending ragheads have poo for brains.
Oh wait I get it now
She's calling defenders of Islam the real racists because they defend Islam for the fact that brown people tend to practice is as opposed to Christianity which is mostly practiced by whites
If it was the reverse case, leftists would defend Christianity because it would be the more exotic of the two
You guys are really bad at reading comprehension. The OP is posing a hypothetical scenario where Islam is mostly right, asking if it would then be okay to criticize it.
>Thought experiment !!!!
It's about an alternate reality and what change in variables would change peoples behaviours.
It/She/Whatever points out that the left are the ones who change their behaviour based on race.
Need some fucking remedial English courses in here.
It's a thought experiment.
>assuming Arabic countries are white
>Is criticism of these animals still valid?
If yes, not racist
else, your racist.
Loaded question, criticism of Islamic nations isn't racist to begin with. Nor is criticism of any nation, culture, or ideology. It's not bigoted either because the criticism is directed towards the actions and politics of the group, the group could be any religion on no religion and the criticism would stand.
She has a weird cock head
The answer is no, because the criticism was never based on race.
arabs are Caucasians.
whites is just a dated western term to push discrimination.
its the same argument about castes in Asian people where Japanese think they are the superior of the race when its really the Chinese.
She has a cock
Thought experiment: Muslim countries have a massive influx of white, Western immigrants. They demand blasphemy laws are repealed and pork become available in every supermarket. Is criticism still racist?
Whites (Europeans) and Arabs are both Caucasian, but Arabs are not white. Like how chimps and gorilla are both apes, but a chimp is not a gorilla.
>Chinese master race
U fokkin w0t m8
>i'm sure lgbt+ Muslims don't appreciate this.
Who gives a fuck?
This thread is proof that Sup Forums is either completely retarded or hates women even if they support its positions
If you are 20 yo women hating virgin you should end your life
Maybe before Islam
Islam had them bring in tons of African slaves and mixed them in with the local populations
>Muslim countries are preodominantly white.
That tought experiment is to much for me
Tell that to the lefties who think otherwise.
>I'm not sure LGBT+ muslims would appreciate this
Yeah, I'm sure they really give two fucks about the religion of the madmen who want to toss them off roofs being insulted. And if they do, well, are we really going to take the word of someone with THAT much selfloathing seriously?
It's not directed towards us, it's directed towards the people defending Islam and calling its critics "racist"
Honestly why is this lost on everyone? Even a dumb spudnigger like me gets the point of the question.
why are americans so stupid?
I don't understand the question/thought exercise or whatever, can someone dumb it down for me?
Supposedly Natalie was born intersex and the doctors and parents decided to go with raising them as a male, so they fixed up the dick as best they could. Natalie has a pretty decent reason for being trans, I'm sure that has to be confusing as shit.
That being said Natalie's videos are boring as hell, that bald penis-shaped guy is terrible.
Wait, what?
>Chinese are the superior Asians
>Conquered by mongols twice
>Conquered by Europe
>Conquered by Japan
>Conquered by a communist who was so dumb he probably couldn't wipe his own ass or tie his shoes
Basically the question is that would the defenders of Islam be so protective of it if the religion was predominately white and western based.
Don't expect anglos to have comprehensive skills mate.
Abandon thread.
Are you mentally retarded?
Ah, that makes sense then, thank you.
I don't really think it's a matter of race, it's more a matter of Christianity being mainstream which makes it an easy target for criticism, whereas Islam isn't common in Burger Country and that makes it cool to defend.
Most Arabs and Turks are technically caucasian, thus "white"
> the eternal caucasian meme
White means europeans, you fuckwit.
No it is not right. If white countries were predominantly muslim we would be in the same backwards ideology as they are now.
If we take the experiement further then the muslim countries would be predominantly christian and it would be their left that was busy excusing us doing shitty shit.
> I don't understand the question/thought exercise or whatever, can someone dumb it down for me?
Natalie is anti-religion. All religion. When she denounces Islam she gets leftists crying about her being racist because most Muslims are brown. Leftists attack Christianity all the time and that's fine because they see it as a white religion. If most followers of Islam were white as well they'd have no problem attacking it but because most Muslims aren't white, suddenly it's racist to do so. She's pointing out that the actual racists are on the left because they'll only defend non-white murderers.
It's a stupid loaded question. Criticism != racism.
Degenerate trap thinks it's being clever but just being a fucking faggot as usual.
Why is it racist to criticize a religion?
american education everyone, right here.
Pretty sure this is a counter-argument to people saying 'Islamaphobes' are racist.
I guess I didn't understand the question.
Why so rude?
this whole shitfest is great
smegmaking even made a new account for it and was banned after a single tweet
hmmm really makes you think
You can't even say they're an oppressed minority considering the immense amount of cultural and political power they control in the rest of the world.
Arabs are europeans now? When did that happen.. someone please inform them that they are filthy kuffar.
Why can't leftists into logic.. all their arguments can be dissected as blatantly false in just a few minutes.. but they peddle them as if they've found divine truth every damn time..
She even sets up a false rethorical negative aswell.. Islam is the problem.. so skin color matters less.. Second lie, arabs are europeans.. false.
She THEN says if you critique islam (which is not a skin color) you are racist.. there's so many things blatantly incorrect about the statement as is..
Idiot leftists.. seriously getting tired of their strawman arguments and illogical conclusions that they try to force us to accept as fact.
They're like those idiots that you ignore in brainstorming sessions because they come up with bullshit after bullshit nonsensical idea. "hey wouldn't it be great if... " "please just be quiet.."..
>implying white people are superior
Nat was so much hotter when she was just riding dildos. The actual cock videos are awful and shows how little experience she actually has with dicks.
arabs had civilization and mathmatics while '''''''''europeans''''''''' were savages called the celtics.
Reading these posts really made me think about why I still come here. Where did most of you faggots learn how to read? Did your schools just stop giving English lessons after kindergarten?
Stupid cunt isn't a race.
Which is literally not an argument considering the fact that Criticism != racism.
It really makes you think.
to be honest my school played the patriot and gladiator for history class all semester.
and people complain about paying taxes for illegal immigrants.
are you really this retarded?
because arabs and blacks are more likely to join religion of insanity
thats why its racist, whites are not likely to join this cult
and ofc there is the fact no matter what, whites are racist, because real logic does not matter for idiots
so fuck em, fuck them and their beliefs of reality, we are much better than this, we can throw everything off the charts with so much logic the reich looks like walk in the park
Ah, that old meme. Arabs literally did nothing but translate greek and persian texts, burned innovations or declared them heretical, and they have exactly 4 philosophers in their entire history. The majority of actual progress came from people the muslims conquered and then forced to convert.
But obviously this doesn't fir the narrative of the primitive dark ages europe from 500 to 1500 AD, so why teach it.
FFS do you people even read the nonsense the left spews? To them, criticism of Islam IS racist. That's how they've been portraying this for years. Speak out about how terrible Islam is, "OMG you're a racist!" That's the bullshit she's arguing against.
No because a religion isn't a race.
arabs are caucasian, as well as indians. Point this out on reddit and you'll get downvoted to hell. So I'm I'm "white" for being hispanic, then fuck you indians and arabs are whitey too.
Maybe my fetal alcohol syndrome is showing, but I can't grasp any logic behind her reasoning. It's almost like there is none.
This has literally nothing to do with Islam being the problem or what the OP was about. You're just dodging the issue of the OP tweet being completely illogical and erroneous.
Also aside from that, most of these socalled "achievements of islam" was actually knowledge appropriated from societies they conquered..
This will also explain to you why western civilization went like roadrunner compared to them with regards to technological advancement. Here's a video related in that regard.
Infact.. without western nations trading technology for oil, they would be several hundred years in the past.. heck the westerners even had to help them get the fucking oil out of the ground so the arabs could sell it to them, even that they couldn't do themselves.
The hypothetical scenario presented in this tweet is impossible. A white person can not be a muslim (converts get honorary nigger status), so a muslim nation can never be a white nation.
Please kill yourself, you shame Denmark by your sheer stupidity.
>Maybe my fetal alcohol syndrome is showing, but I can't grasp any logic behind her reasoning.
1) This tranny fag was talking shit about Islam yesterday. "Deys tryna kill us"
2) Gets shat on by s/he/it's lefty friends for being raycis
3) Makes this post, which tries to say, in a very poorly constructed way: "if muslims were white people would you still cry about racism, if you would not, you are being racist right now".
S/he/it's point is that the lefty cunts are just crying over muh raycism because these are their pet brown people. If Islam was another white group of people the same lefties would be out in front trying to shut them down.
>to them literal non arguments are arguments
No shit. That doesn't make (((its))) argument anymore valid considering the premise is logically flawed.
Like i said, literally a non argument to "ebin counter" stupid leftists. The fact that criticism != racism (and the fact that a religious/political ideology isn't a race) to start with means that faggots argument is retarded.
You could perhaps start by pointing out what is incorrect about it.. but you don't want to do that do you.. Butthurt much achmed?
>A mentally ill faggot that shoves dildos up his ass for living
Why do we care what he thinks?
You guys don't know even the half of the shitstorm this shooting has caused in leftist communities. Some division was always there, but now the shit has really hit the fan.
There hasn't been this much open criticism towards Islam coming from the left in years. One might think that some of those people always disliked those insane islamists and were only waiting for a good opportunity to speak up. All the leftists who decided to oppose islam openly because of this shooting are, naturally, met with all radical pseudo marxist fanatics openly calling them racists and islamophobes. Here's the best part though: the people who spoke up (feminists, homosexuals, socialists and other fruitcakes) have been declared as fake-feminists, fake-homosexuals and whatnot. This shitstorm is amazing and it's starting to make more people pull a Dave Rubin on the left.
>all of these retarded people who lack basic reading comprehension
I thought you were smarter than this Sup Forums
You should really learn how to read denmark
He's saying, imagine islamic countries are white
now he's saying, "would you still consider criticism of islam racist?"
if not, then the person answering the question is full of shit.
That you don't understand a simple hypothetical question fuckface.
It's an assumption, a thought play.
IF muslims were predominantly white would the left still cry racism when you criticize Islam (an ideology) or would they be defending the victims for once.
If they wouldn't then they are racist towards white people right now for defending Islam, despite Islams clearly anti-western values.
Is that clear enough for you?
>Not sure if half of board is retarded and can't read
>Or half of board is ironic shitposting and I can't tell the difference
Hmm.. are you sure about that, let's go through it.
If muslim = white and criticismOfIslamRacist = False //if you answered no
Then You're a racist.
//Exactly the opposite, you're exactly NOT a racist if critique of islam doesn't change if the muslim goes from non white to white..
If muslim = white and criticismOfIslamRacist = True //if you answered yes
Then you're NOT a racist.
//Exactly other way around.. answering yes to it being racist to critique islam if the person is white would indicate that you are protecting your own skin color/ethnicity and that it is not critique of islam but disliking other ethnicities.
See the problem yet?
Natalie mars wants to pretend that critique of islam is racist no matter what (which it isn't), So tries therefore to construct an argument with this in mind.. but the argument has logical errors.
>being this retarded
No. it's saying that if you see no issue with criticizing them when they're white, but its oppression when they're brown, you're full of shit.
and if you read the thread he even states "i'm not going to offen an "oppressed minority" that wants to kill me"
>thought experiment
Defend an oprressed miniority, my bad
>gushes over a tranny trying to BTFO leftists but making an incorrect logical argument for it.
>telling me to kys when i point it out.
Maybe you need to rethink that.
Shitty hypothetical because criticising Islam is not racist to begin with, so it cannot "still be" racist.
Loaded question, go fuck yourself.