Celebrity gun-grabbers BTFO

>Celebrity gun-grabbers BTFO

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>muskets are now electric
What did she mean by this?


Just goes to show how utterly moronic and ill-educated these people are.


Some sex toy reference..only way cunts are funny

A musket isn't an automatic weapon.

>A lesson in how to completely #rekt your career

counter punch

>bare arms


Does she think that AR-15's require batteries?

>post idiotic opinion with stupid logic
>get roasted publicly
>lel it's okay a bunch of single moms and teenagers liked my post
Social media is retarded

Brb, gotta jumpstart my gun with my car

>Be Gay
>Have Family
Choose one

>but if that shit ever goes electric
does she think guns run batteries?


She's also an unfunny cunt.

No! Goy! They have been brainwashed by toxic masculinity and the disgusting Christian right. You should not have the right to harm someone!!

shit man where can I get an electric ar-15?

It's bear arms, not bare arms. Idiotic cunt.

>tfw I used to think semi guns that were 'gas operated' used some sort of gas to power the action
>Always thought it was really inefficient because what of you ran out before you were out of bullets


>my family
What his single mum?

magazines can be fixed

>Saved for future use
Excellent contribution

I am beginning to wonder about this "Jews are the most intelligent" meme.

Sad that a tweet so utterly illiterate is able to garner so many thousands of retweets.

How is that sexist again?

you mean ugly atheist jew



It's a drop in the ocean

A few thousand retards agreeing with each other, big fucking deal

>not posting the best one

Well aware that Twitter is just a left-wing echo chamber and wholly unrepresentative of real life.
It's still sad though to see so many spastics fall for this stuff.

awesome set of digits, there

oh, George, if only you knew how bad the things are

fucking TOLD

what the fuck

>quad dubs
mamma mia


Why are liberals so stupid?

Are some people calling her out about this electric non sense?

I hate this kike whore.

Ben franklin invented an electrically fired rifle before the revolutionary war. It was a part of his "Electrical feast" So yet again leftist nutjobs know absolutely nothing about what they want to legislate.

Because they think that everybody is just as stupid as they are


Does... does she think guns have electric motors in them...?

It's just as bad as "people just thought that way at the time"
It's what they use to comfort themselves that if they ever met the greatest minds of humanity they wouldn't be absolutely BTFO by them, but instead effortlessly change their views because it's 2016.

Except unlimited free speech has no potential to harm and unlimited weapon rights has potential to harm loads of people very quickly. It's not a good argument.

>unlimited free speech has no potential to harm
Then what is hate speech?

Australia, right on cue
>btw, you spectacularly missed the point

>missing the point
>that flag

nothing unusual here

They do use gas (from the cartridge) to power the action user... What are you on about?

Hahaha, between Muzzies and SJWs, gay white men are slowly getting redpilled and are going to be on our side soon. Milo is just a front runner.

>Except unlimited free speech has no potential to harm

Dumbest post on Sup Forums ever, and that's saying something.

>there is no way they could have imagined weapons would become more advanced as time went on


Twat Piers giving his opinion. YOU'RE NOT EVEN A US CITIZEN FATSO

"Unlimited" in this context refers to method (e.g. printing press, letters, electronic).

Does the left ever consider the fact that when the 2nd Amendment was conceived ,and even after, that private citizens owned fully equipped and functional warships ? Do they ever consider that the forefathers of this nation had the intellect to foresee advancement in weaponry and worded the 2nd Amendment accordingly so the people whom it represents could stand on more or less equal terms with their government and provide protection from tyranny not to mention protection of one's home and family.

He probably thought about these CO2 canisters for airguns.


You're ascribing them an intelligence and awareness that they can never possibly achieve.

They consider it and then reject it because they reject the Constitution.

>hate speech
Harmful to those who are overly sensitive. There is a major difference between simple words and actions. It's as simple as that. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Unless you wear your heart on your shirt sleeve and are a sensitive little sissy of course

If you read the tweets devoid of any context, yes, I can see where you're coming from. But consider Silverman's underlying point: "do we need to consider the context in which the amendment was written?". Subsequent developments in firearms may warrant a revision of the 2nd amendment. Therefore, Silverman has a point that you're free to disagree with. Subsequent developments in communications raise no such issue. Therefore, dude does not have a point.

>not owning a handheld railgun

Alot of gays are blue pilled they just thank they have more of a right to own guns than every one else.

I agree with you Jeeves. It just seems to me that even the stupid should be able to grasp the obvious.
The attitude of the left concerning the US Constitution worries me to no end. And if and when they succeed in gutting it they will be the first to bitch and moan about it.

The problem with the 2nd amendment is not the weapon, it was the people. These losers that shoot up these places, aren't considered "people" by the founding fathers.

But muh racism..

Sarah "Demon-Possessed Jewess" Silverman is so disgusting.


> subsequent developments in communications raise no such issue
yes they do. The internet and especially sites like this one raise plenty of issues in that regard.

If Thomas Jefferson were still alive he'd probably tell her to stop being a fucking Jew

>give white, land-owning men the right to own guns.
>no issues for 150 years

>suddenly give everyone the right to own guns
>crime spikes


Can someone tell me where you get confused about this?

Remember that those are mostly gangs and niggers who don't even acquire them legally.

One of you yanks should open a shop called firearms for fags, looks like you would do well.

Serious question: How did Omar Mateen LEGALLY obtain a fully automatic weapon? The money and requirements seem waaay out of his league considering he was on a terror watch list.

Based Crowder

Gas powered rifle with a turbo, I could get behind that kick starter

I mean milo is pretty awful from a gay perspective but the days of lefty gays are ended, because they get raped or killed a lot.

someone else please keep him, such a twat

Not real

Anything other than a white male landowner, isn't considered part of the people, in the constitution. Blacks, women, indians, etc, are considered "persons", not people. Gun violence by which the constitution considers as people, is ridiculously low. Gun violence commented by "persons", is really high.

>YFW gun control becomes part of faggot culture and Fags help protect 2nd Amendment rights!

>YFW Sup Forums is ass blasted because Fags are based

Probably got them before he was on a watch list. If you have no record then they really can't deny you a license and the guy had a kid and everything

quad dubs

The g11?

>The money and requirements seem waaay out of his league considering he was on a terror watch list.
Private security pays well and being on a terror watch list has no impact on someone's ability to buy guns, because gun lobby.

See the two primates in pic related.

They deliberately caused this.

They can buy all the guns they want, but they won't do much good in hell


>an AR-15 is an electric musket

It is still almost impossible because of the vetting process. You have to tell them your life story, have people vouch for you and spend over $15000

And this is why you idiots handed your guns over when they asked you too. Good job being a cuck.

>condemns faggots to hell.
>watches futa porn and swears it's straight.

The denial is strong

>tfw Tesla starts producing rail guns

>watches futa porn and swears it's straight

You shouldn't talk about yourself like that

>fully automatic weapon
He did? News to me

>Fully automatic

He didn't.

>4 people 2b able 2

They had niggers and slaves in their day and didn't ban them constitutionally so I guess that means they shouldn't be banned now. There's literally no way to double-think around this.

oh dude i have always wanted a rail gun

Why does it matter to her if I shoot her with a musket or an AR? In both cases she will be dead.