What type of attack by muzzies would actually have to happen to make the left even CONSIDER that islam is bad?

What type of attack by muzzies would actually have to happen to make the left even CONSIDER that islam is bad?
Like we just had one kill 50 fags, and all they can do is blame the white Christian males.

>an army of hundreds of women fly over from durkastan which have never been to a western country before
>they start slaughtering fags with knives at a fag march while broadcasting through loudspeakers verses of the koran about how islam hates gays, and projecting surveys of what muslims actually think about gays from little projectors on their head

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The attack would only pierce the lefty's bubble of delusion if it affected them individually, and they'd be redpilled for the final few moments of their life.

This. It's basic human nature. People don't genuinely give a fuck about anything until it directly affects them.

That's really the point, nothing is. Their extreme relativism blinds them from making any judgement calls at all.

Reminder, only 6% of people actually take the mainstream media seriously. Everyone else is virtue signalling or too collectivist not to follow the status quo, with a sizable majority who just shut the fuck up. That's the real red pill, the genuine extreme left is a smaller minority than we are.

Even a wide scale invasion would see these people jumping ship to the new socially acceptable superior moral stance of Islam.

Nothing will change their minds.
Hillary will get elected, she will increase the foreign population, by doing so she will ensure her victory in the next elections.
Whites will become a minority quicker than you think.

Sadly it would take a lot more than what will happen. We hear about rapes and murders etc in europe and nobody cares. It would have to be enough attacks daily to stop people from going to work. Once the shekels stopped flowing people would start to care. That's the only time anything changes, when shekels stop flowing. Remember that.

Probably nothing, but I think a televised mass slaughter of black women would hit them pretty hard.

Like a knife attack on a BLM feminist parade in which the be-headings are on camera.

Islam isn't bad, only people are bad.

only people practice islam... thereby islam is bad.

I want shitskins to blow up Hillary and Bernie.
That will certainty get some sort of reaction out of these people.

They don't, cause they categorically believe that religion cannot be the cause cause only a crazy person rejected by society would do such a thing.

i.e. everything is caused by society and surroundings, therefore we need more socialism so that everyone is equal and these things don't happen any longer.

Only people practice Christianity so Christians are bad am I right?

Nothing because the goal of the left has always been to destroy Christianity and the traditional family at all costs. They hate Jesus Christ the lord of peace and love.

Maybe public raping while holding up quran or something

I think Trump will win, but I agree with your other two oppinions. And whites are already the tiniest minority on a global scale.

It just took a little until they are becoming the minority in their own countries as of now.

Well, since the mountain of goy corpses is the whole point, the answer is that there is no pile of bodies big enough.

Technically speaking, sure. All people are bad. If we reduced the population of this planet by 99% it would only be a good thing. So yes. Bad. All bad.

Islam has nothing against blacks

>ITT: we post what would make our delusions about Islam true.

Had some kebab and fries yesterday in honour of Omar

I like Muslims. They are beholden to this ideology from birth and show great integrity in it.

>white becoming a minority
Whites have nukes and shit, eventually leftist fags will get sick of being raped and use them.

Christians are pretty bad too desu.

Nazism isn't bad, only Hitler is bad

Totally dude

>Boston marathon
>Belgian airport

It's already true you fucking faggot.

gr8 b8 c8

Ive actually thought about this, a lot of the attacks seemed to be centered on the east coast, new york and shit like that.
I wonder how the Limousine liberals in hollywood would react if a haji just started blasting fuckers at the oscars or some award show.

I dont think that would even work, the liberal delusion is north korea tier.

I dont think even a nuke being set off in time square would wake the fuckers up

They will refuse to believe it untill they get a kick in their fat bottom. Only when the military boot crashes their balls, then they will understand but not before that.

Where have people been blaming white males? I'm not saying you're wrong. I just haven't seen it. What have they been saying?

>Islamic people are bad

Arabs slavers were deeply invested in Africa to harvest or buy black slaves. They had an enormous waste rate because they insisted on castrating the men, who often died.
The basis of the Bluebeard-like serial killing that forms the premise of the Alf Layla Wa Layla is the Sultan getting cuckolded by a black slave who is compared gratuitously to an ape.

>they clearly attacked the oscars because WHITE MALE CHRISTIANS didn't nominate enough muslims! sad!

Muslims are living mainly in the big cities.
one out of every eight Londoners is a Muslim.

the British government is not going to nuke London any time soon

I have seen people claim this is somehow Trump's fault.

>white people are bad

The Zanj rebellions pretty much confirm you're talking shit.

If they aren't in our countries it doesn't matter what they are.

What is their reasoning

>(((our))) values


Toxic masculinity is obviously the real culprit

>They think they can convince liberals their ideas are wrong in this day and age with actual events

Because he a rayzit oppressor!

Who benefits from this? Who would think that flooding their own nation with low-IQ barbarians would be anything but a horrible idea for everyone involved? More than that, how can someone clever enough to be secretary of state and a contender for the presidency identify MERKEL as a "role model"??

I don't understand it!

I hope the ones in the hospital now have a new view on life.
Or maybe they'll come out and forgive the muslim and nothing will have changed.

Had some kebab and fries yesterday in honour of Omar

I like Muslims. They are beholden to this ideology from birth and show great integrity in it

Here's your (you)

Try posting it a 3rd time

Liberals are treasonous jewish tools. They must die for their crimes, and for poisoning our society with jews and muslims.

it's a collective mental disorder.
Islam has no place in any modern society.

Nothing. 50 gays just got killed, 50 more wounded. Hundreds of women got sexually assaulted on NYE. Do you think there is anything that can happen that will change their minds?

I'm just saying what I feel

Fuck off Jew

There was one guy who got shot in paris and went on record with ''not all muslims religion of peace'' stuff. You see, the more of a sacrifice you make to serve political correctness, the more points you get. So vertially nothing can happen for them to wake up.

Honestly at this point, another event like 9/11 but larger.

The country was never so polarized and angry with mudslimes then right after that attack.

Don't even think planes would handle it this time. There would have to be some sort of massive bombing that took down an important site or involved plutonium.

Like half the White House going up.

And now we're all on a list.

Neither do jews. Parasite we know you're behind our suffering. We recognize you for what you are, but your tyranny makes us stronger, and if jews became smarter because of persecution in the 1700s imagine what we could do now?

The parasite will be defeated, along with the muzzie hoards.

Fuck of nigger.

Get out Ali

>Islam isn't bad, only people are bad.
>Fuck off Jew

All the inbred Semites have got to go.

lmao no not even, there was a guy who lost his wife in Paris, she was shot and died in his arms, he made a video were he said :
"No, you will not win, you will never have my hate even if you killed my wife".

I remember my girlfriend turning to me and saying "...please promise that if that happened to me, you would kill as much as sandniggers as possible to avenge me"

As a dyed in the wool white leftie (until I was around 20 years old,) there is no way to explain the brainwashing and how deep it is, unless you have lived it.

I grew up in a house of white people who never said one nice thing about whites as a group. It was always how white, Christian, males were oppressors and everyone else was their victims.

Every single time a non white did something pure evil, my family would say what goes around comes around.

They, to this day, still blame white Christian males for everyone else's violence. There is no offense too small or too large that they will not make an excuse for.

When I challenge them on why they still live in a white majority area, with white cops and white politicians, they freeze up and can answer the question. Then they get silent for a while and go right back to their leftwing brainwashing.

I and many other white kids who were born in the early 1980's were fed a steady diet of such propaganda from birth.

I am extremely bitter about it. Save your hate for the Money Printers white man! they are the power behind the power that must brainwash whites to self destruct, every chance they get.

watch as many stephen coughlin briefings on youtube as you can find and you will know why the left can never and will never acknowledge the reality of islam

>Jews breaking up groups again so they're more easily beat
I'm on to you fucks