
..Anonymous (ID: MybfNHDi) Archived
Brit/pol/ - Lazy Cunts Edition

>Scottish Marxist to campaign for Belgian Marxists

>Massive swing to Brexit – with just 13 days to go: Leave 55% (+4), Remain 45% (-4).

>Making children attend Christian school assemblies undermines human rights, Muslim-run United Nations warns

>No single market access for UK after Brexit, German finance fuhrer Wolfgang Schauble says

>John Longworth: [Having given a Eurosceptic speech] " As I left the stage at our national conference, the next speaker was waiting in the wings and he very kindly shook my hand and said how much he agreed with me. That person was Jeremy Corbyn"

>Labour MP's John Mann and Dennis Skinner back Brexit (but MSM talks about Junior Tory plant defecting to Remain instead)

>Eddie Izzard urges euro embrace (2001); lied about it on QT

>Laura Perrins: Farage is a lone voice defending our women

>Claim: Cameron May Offer Referendum On Turkey Joining EU In Desperate Bid To Stop Brexit

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Why the fuck is Gordon Brown waving so much with 1 arm and keeping the other firmly locked in his pocket?



Except no-one can fucking see him

First for the Owen Jones jam:

>no cheeky leave voters in the back singing GORDON IS A MORON
poor show chaps

Gordon is dangerous lads

Xth for cant fleece the Rees

10th for remain

this was awful

not a single argument produced in it

>BBC cutting away because they realise Remain fucked up



he's talking shite though, not a problem
>minutes silence in memory of the orlando shooting

what the fuck? that's not our country, we're not holding moments of silence for the bomb that went off in Lebanon the same day

Don't worry yourself mate, literally nobody gives a fuck what he says

>net migration will continue at 250,000 for the next 25 years if britain remains part of the european union says new migration watch report
>the report does not take into account turkey joining


timelines are converging

reality is collapsing

post rees

whats going on what do i need to tune into?

>Minute's silence in the house of commons
I love when Britain acknowledges its relationship with the United States. Get me out of this fucking Union.


They cut away because their camera was incorrectly positioned


BBC news

i did that one time at a footie game, had one hand in my pocket went to put them both in the air but kinda fucked it up and I heard someone behind me ask the person next to them if i'd just snapped off a nazi salute.

Gordon Brown trying to save the Remain campaign but only making it worse

>buy some scones
>see they're 60g carbohydrate each
Being quintessentially British is hard

What's up with the pro-owen shills in this thread? go back to:

The LA guy who was gonna do in the parade

Was he a moselem?


>a colony posted something


based murray


Fuck off you brown cunt aussies are based

His religion has nothing to do with it user, it's all about America's widespread anti-gay sentiments and lack of proper gun control :^)

Good job

Yet I'm still more British than you ahmed.


don't worry user, I just like using 'not an argument' so I shoehorn it into conversations.

Get out cuck


go home Bruce, our pubs will manage without your part-time bar staff skills.

>it's a LGBT episode


He's been laying bait for the last couple of threads, just ignore the retard.

>Standing on the edge of the platform with those long ass shoes where you can lose your balance
What a fucking dildo

He's holding on tightly to the shekels the EU have given him.

So it can be safely assumed that cuck Owen Jones won't be allowed near tv ever again after that shit now right? I mean the cucks a liability

Whatever you say d/c shill

You know bbc fucked up cos both bbc news and bbc parliment are now showing the same feed since they had to cut away from Gordon

He actually tipped as he walked off the stage later.

I really hate the "Love Wins" sentiment. I want aggression. I'm tired of this shit. I hope Trump wins.


He has a button in his pocket that triggers the 'APPLAUSE' sign above the stage

Fair play to ol' Gordo, he clambered into the lion's den for this speech.


Looks fat

Taking longer than they expected to fix
They've sent a couple of interns over to NUS headquarters to pad out the Remain votes, just waiting for them to get back

What a defeated looking people...

I've noticed I've never seen a single cuck looking motherfucker on the leave side, the same can't be said for every single remain audience that has ever existed.

>due to unforeseen circumstances the icm poll has been delayed

he's a rotund gentleman

Let's try writing a song for Owen (not-a-songwriterfag-here):

Call it what it is:
Islamic extremism
Trump’s got the balls
The left are useless tools
Enabling barbarism
Excusing terrorism

It’s clear 50 wasn’t enough
Because you’re still making excuses
Those alike are acting abusive
The adults are drawing parallels
While you collect your shekels

At least half of the people there look like they are not well adjusted human beings.


I'll be honest mate, I'd rather look defeated than feel it. And I really am starting to feel it every time I remember Scotland exists.

His hair looks like nylon wool and and his chin has grown 3 sizes, I'm tempted to feel sorry for him

I hate Andy Burnham guys


People on twitter are suggesting that ICM are waiting for the UK stock markets to close before announcing the result. I don't know what closing time is.

What did Leave say about the shooting?

>all white


This is deliberate, they realise that people are not happy seeing minorities on ITV getting mad at are nige for daring to talk about immigration

True... this is the most anxiety inducing month


You think ICM are waiting for the Stock Market to close at 4:30 before they release the poll?

well good news for you, he's getting BTFO in the greater manchester mayor hustings.

>Theresa May calling Orlando a "homophobic terrorist attack"

They are fucking determined not to mention Islam, aren´t they.

Also, what channel is the Gordon Brown speech on.

Leave.EU which isn't the official campaign group, tweeted something about open borders for AKs might lead to an Orlando here

If that's true expect big Leave lead

He's based his entire political career on "I'm from oop north"

I do.

Let's see who's behind this post!

>Andy Burnham comparing the Orlando Massacre to The Admiral Duncan Neo-Nazi bombing
It's comparable, but they need to stop sidestepping the Islam problem. He's clearly doing this intentionally.

Oh would you look at that, as I'm typing this he straight up begins defending Muslims. Fuck you, Andy.


i got an email from TSR telling me about the referendum X)))

i checked the thread and got this amazing post

guess i am now a #remaintrain

>we are all lgbt

What reason images will you use if brexit fails?

I'm going for the classic nige crashed aeroplane.

Maybe I'll give the chans a miss for a few days. It'll be pretty embarrassing

I rang the number on the ICM website, and the guy basically told me to do one. However, there was a lot of background noise, and I'm pretty sure I heard some one say "it CANNOT be that high!".

Then I was hung up on.

>do what master says
>Europe is not going to be the homogenous societies it was in the 20th century
>we must destroy the nations of Europe and build a new world order
>otherwise Europe will not survive

>series cancelled after 4 episodes because the husband ran away with a 17 year old girl

his career should have been over after his run with the staffs hospitals, the fact that he's still in a job with the labour party suggests they don't actually give a fuck about the NHS unless they can use it to bludgeon the tories.

So you lads think yesterday's events helped helped the leave campaign?

Threadly reminder to use the extra flag plugin so we can laugh at what country you're from
Put this shit in the OP
Yes i'm fully aware of the irony of my post and the city i'm from (London)

>we should fly the rainbow flag above parliament to express solidarity
These are "conservative" MPs.


Dear Owen,
Take those dicks out of your ears
Listen to the cries of joy
From the veiled up sandy beards

Dear Owen,
They are making it obvious for you
Hate for gays is a part of their culture
Sad, but true

Face the facts, adapt your views
Protect your cock and read the news
Put it in drydock and wake your mind
And if you want to be discriminated then...
Stay blind.

>Who is Mecca? we are all Mecca