ITT: Reddit raid

ITT: Reddit raid
Operation: Too soon
>Go on Reddit
>Make an account
>Go to /r/jokes
>Make the following post:
>Title says: "An Islamist walks into a bar...
>Description says: "And he yells "Shots all around!""
>Go to the new section
>Upvote and comment on all other posts like ours, and downvote all unrelated jokes to our raid
>Pic related

Bonus: Make other racist jokes.

This isn't Sup Forums

Its not /bbc/ either but you're still here


Ill do it
fuck you fag

jesus dude, that man's wife had a family

Fucking Australians man, how do they do it?

Aussie wrecked the Swedecuck

fucking aussies

Don't talk to him or his wife's son ever again.

damn, son...


Holy shit.


Sup Forums is more like Sup Forums than Sup Forums


holy mother of kek

Jesus Christ

My fucking sides.

Sweden will never be able to walk again.

On ya cunt

See this is some quality bantz right here. If all banting was of this quality Sweden would have fixed itself ages ago.

Man, Sweden never had a chance.

oooow man


Why are Slavic girls the best?

RIP Sweden

Aussies have truly earned the title of shit post king

Maximum kek



AUS coming with the absolute BANTZ. Have yourself a freedom burger m8

This pleases the Fuhrer.


all the shills here it's incredible. You sad fucks really don#t have anything better to do?

Sweden BTFO eternally! No possible scenario in which Swedecucks will ever recover from this.

Aussie with the bantz.

7 off.

God damn

Kek I only wanted to check out this thread but now I'm staying




>A pair of Muslims walk into a bar

Fuckin' savage.

No fucking survivors

P-p-p-p-put me in screencap pls

The one time Straya managed to make me laugh, holy mother of kek



bretty good m8

WeW Lad



Is everyone unironically replying to this post I can't tell anymore

Please include me in the screencap, lest it gets posted on r/Sup Forums/


Straya is on fire today



This will surely get many upvotes!

Edit: Thanks for the gold, stranger!

Fucking hell Sweden absolutely buried.


Flawless victory

Damn that's it, I am now a #AussieMissle

New game, user posts Allahu Ackbar and other anons have to post No Homo or else they get shot.

requesting the reddit mod pasta

How about no

Is this legit or is this all you

God damn

>tfw you're just glancing at the thread and you end up witnessing a goddamn murder

>A muslim walks into a bar


Never mind who cares the upvotes matter we're rising

I love you straya, never change

Come on guys let's go

When did you start browsing, 5 minutes ago?

Australia is what makes this board visiting, newfriend.



I hate this no fun mentality


I dunno you tell me.


hello brother of the mountains

it wasn't even that funny...

Greatest ally does it again